The Maintenance Man another repair 5

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“Come on fart boy,” Tantka started, “I’ve been telling you all these years that I was better, finally I
have proof. I am recording this to transmit all over the empire even if you survive you’ll never live this
Mark’s neural link was working over time transmitting all the data his comp was detecting. Knowing he had only
a few minutes to get this done, he thought the commands to his comp as soon as it started transmitting Mark
just smiled at Tantka.
“What are you smiling at fart boy?” Tantka spat out at Mark, “I have all the advantages, I think that in less
than an hour you’ll be these fine warriors meal.”
Mark could see that the Styrox were staring at him with a longing hunger in their eyes. The drool that was
leaking from their jaws was also another sign that if he didn’t escape soon he just might be their next meal.

Tantka was laughing, an irritating sound like nails on a chalk board, though in his case his voice was
a nasally whining that just grated on the nerves. Mark tried not to move or let on exactly what he was doing,
though the smile he had on his face was close to giving everything away.
“Stop that!” Tantka almost screamed outraged that Mark could smile when he was in such dire straights, “Stop it
now! Aiming the strange weapon Tantka fired, the orange beam just divided when it hit Mark’s shield hitting the
wall behind him.
“As I’ve said so many times before,” Mark said, an even bigger smile on his face, “you’ll never be nearly as
good as I am.”
This time it was Tantka’s turn to smile, “you obviously haven’t checked your readings, this weapon does more
than destroy it is also an energy sapper.” With that Tantka again started laughing.

Mark only shook his head he’d seen that when he’d first analysed the weapon. Ah! Mark could see that
the upload was complete, now to just get the hell out of here. Mark estimated that the program would be noticed
within the next 20 minutes and he most definitely didn’t want to be here when all hell broke lose.
Suddenly an idea came to Mark knowing Tantka as well as he did, a plan started quickly forming.
“You little shit head,” Mark spat at Tantka, “I was well aware of your weapons capabilities! As if I’d make a
first year’s mistake like that the way you did when I uploaded that virus on you. Actually it was hilarious
watching you run like the scared child that you are!”
Mark could see Tantka’s face going from red to blood red, good any time now Tantka would blow his top and Mark
would have him.
“You son of a bitch,” Tantka screamed, “I WILL kill you this time!” Mark thought on the neural link new
adjustment to his shield, moments later Tantka started firing non-stop.

Tantka’s anger had so blinded him that he didn’t even see the beams bouncing back at him, striking the
Styrox that were with him. It had also made him deaf to their screams and hisses as the beams sliced into them,
boiling a few in their own body fluids several sliced in half. Mark watched with satisfaction while Tantka
destroyed his own guards. Finally the last issued a high piercing sound breaking Tantka from his enraged state.
Looking around he saw that indeed all the Styrox guards were dead, turning back to Mark he was about to scream
at Mark when he saw that Mark was gone!
“Run you bastard!” Tantka was screaming at the top of his voice, “you’ll never get off this ship I’ll make damn
sure of that!”
Mark was running as fast as he could he only had a few more minutes before the program went into full effect
then nothing would be safe on this ship. Finally reaching the hanger bay Mark breathed a sigh of relief he
still had a few minutes left but he had to go now!

Remembering what Tantka had said, Mark initiated another upgrade he’d been working on. The shuttle rose
from the deck though to those there it appeared to be just another Styrox fast attack ship long and silver
stream-lined for fast entry into an atmosphere and quick retreat. Mark was praying that the energy mask he’d
activated worked as well as the tests had shown. finally exiting the bay Mark accelerated, activated his light
bending cloak and activate his com to call the Imperial space leader.
“Mark? What and where are you? I don’t have you on any scope,” the leader started.
“I’m using a light bending cloak, you said you wanted a better advantage, here it comes.” Mark replied.
“Huh,” the leader said, “just what are you talking about?”
“Just watch I think you’ll enjoy this,” Mark chuckled thinking about what was about to happen.
“Alright Mark, I trust you far more than anyone you’ve gotten me and the troops out of more than a few
scrapes,” the leader replied.

Finally far enough away from the ship Mark watched as a huge swarm of ships were destroyed by the
fleet. The Mothership released another swarm to engage the Imperial fleet, ah good thought Mark this should be
good. The swarm started to accelerate toward the fleet, then suddenly each ship began to explode till they were
all gone. Laughing Mark watched the mother ship release another swarm these were barely out of their hanger bay
when each of them started to explode. A smile growing larger on his face Mark thought the leader ought to
really like what was about to happen next. As they all watched the huge ship began to shake violently, then
it’s engines cut out, the lights went out and finally the ship started to experience small explosions all over
it. Finally after maybe twenty minutes the entire ship exploded in a brilliant explosion of different colors.
Good Mark thought that ought to even the playing field more, with half the production of their ships gone, the
empire should finally gain the upper hand.

His com beeped at him, answering it Mark saw the jubilation of the crew on the leader’s ship.
“I don’t know how you did it, and I’m not sure I want to know but I think I’ll take this advantage,” the leader
said with a widening smile on his face. “To bad you can’t do it to the rest of their fleet, but hey, I’m not
complaining, the fact that you are here means you had to actually go ON that ship doesn’t it?”
Mark nodded deep in thought he was just hoping that Tantka had still been on board when it went up, that way
there’d be an end to all this shit.
The leader noticed that Mark wasn’t as overjoyed as the rest of his crew. For a moment it worried the leader,
what had Mark gotten involved with this time. After all he’d known Mark for as number of years so he thought he
knew Mark a little better than most.
“What the hell is going on Mark? Thought you’d be happier than this about this.” The leader stated as he
watched Mark for a reaction.
“Oh, sorry, I was almost caught by Tantka, I was just hoping the explosion caught him on board. I barely made
it off in time, the way he was acting though, I’m not so sure now that Tantka is gone.” Mark haltingly replied.

The leader face showed his surprise that Mark had actually risked his life like this for him and his
men. A new found respect for Mark was growing with the leader, looking down at his readings he flipped through
them as fast as he could.
“Im not seeing any human readings among their fleet, but since that mother ship went up, our sensors are still
a little blinded,” The leader said, looking up he saw that this wasn’t making Mark feel any better.
“Yes I know,” Mark spat out, “it blinded mine as well, I’m no where near confident that I got that bastard at
all,” Mark mumbled more to his self than to the leader.
The leader nodded, he knew just what Tantka was capable of the bastard needed to be taken down.
Clicking off Mark started to adjust his sensors to bring them back up faster, for a moment while they were re-
cycling he thought he saw a faint energy trail leading away from the mothr ship explosion. Dam! It appeared to
be heading back towards King Rufus’s planet.

Mark engaged the shuttle’s engines pushing them to the edge, he had to get back as fast as he could.
Worried Mark tried to call the planet, cursing when he found that his signal was being blocked.
Pulling out a special comp Mark, activating it he tried to contact Sam, a moment later he got a partial signal.
Knowing he didn’t have much time he hurriedly spoke, “Sam, Tantka’s alive, headed your way.”
On the planet the signal was barely able to get through, All Sam got was “Sam, Tanyka’s………. way”. Sam
wasn’t exactly sure what the entire message was but the fact that her brother had sent one put her on full
alert. Immediately after his call, she checked Catrina and Arthur’s wrist comps telling them not to take them
off a bad man was heading their way and the comps would keep them safe. She was shocked when Arthur nodded then
turned to Catrina and started to explain about when he had been recently captured and was hurt by the bad man.
Catrina’s eyes got huge then she got enraged, promising she’d never take it off unless Arthur or her daddy told
her to.
Both Nissie and Sam’s mouths were hanging agape the maturity both their children had just shown surprised them.

Mark hoped that the shuttle engines held up, he’d never pushed them this hard before, it wouldn’t do to
have them burn up before he got back. From what he’d seen Tantka had an extremely fast ship the energy trail
was starting to grow stronger but he was no closer to catching Tantka. After a day and a half his engines
straining to keep up with the demand, Mark was within sight of the planet. Slowing his approach, he finally saw
Tanyka’s ship entering the atmosphere, Damn it! Firing off a missle, Mark knew it was a long shot at best but
was pleasantly surprised when it exploded only a few hundred meters from Tantka’s engines, almost immediately
the planetary defenses snapped up the shields causing Tantka to divert to a more devastated area.
His com buzzing Mark sighed, “What the hell are you doing!?” A hysterical Sam and Nissie were screaming at him,
“That was over the capital city!”
“Did you forget that I designed those systems? That was the reaction I was hoping for, to keep Tantka from
landing in the city.” Mark replied, damn he hated to get those two mad at him

“Where the hell have you been?” Nissie started, “I’ve been trying to reach you for days.”
“I figured you might be, Tantka had a signal scrambler that I didn’t have enough power to over ride, when I
left in such a hurry I left half my equipment, had I not had an amplifier on board already I’d have never
reached you Sam. “Mark replied.
“WHAT!!? That bastard is here?!” This was from King Rufus who was also worried about the missle Mark had fired
over the capital city. “Mark you’ve got to get him, make him pay for what he’s done to our beautiful planet.”
“Sam,” Mark suddenly said, “go into my pack grab that extra wrist comp.” Sam nodded a questioning look on her
face. “I want you give it to King Rufus, after you open the program, you know how. I want you to enter password
Artrina, then enter bio code KR 0001 Alpha omega prime 1.”
Sam was doing as Mark had said her face lighting up as she entered each command, once finished there was an
audible hum, then she handed it to the King.
“King Rufus, I want you to wear this at all times I am afraid that you are now a target befriending me.” Mark
sadly said.

The King only smiled bigger, “If I am a target because I am a friend to you, then it was well worth it
all those years ago getting to know you.”
Mark could only nod hoping that in the end the King didn’t start to regret his decision. Mark was about to set
down on the planet when a steady beep drew his attention, huh? Another ship?
His com crackled from the coded signal, “Sorry brother, I had a hell of a time getting around that god damned
fucking armada of insects,” Mark smile must have been infectious Assti was also smiling broadly. “Don’t worry I
won’t stop this time till he’s dead I’m tired of his shit. Oh! By the way, I brought a few new friends with me
they should be here soon.”
The puzzled look on his face made Assti laugh, “you’ll see.”
Clicking off Mark watched her ship disappear over the horizon. He’d just sat down when there were 3 more beeps
coming from his alert system, again his com went off. This time a tri split screen showed all three of the
slavers he’d spared back on the planet he, Nissie, Sam and the children had been living on.

“We have been tracking that bastard since he left the planet,” The most powerful of the three started,
“you spared our lives we owe you a great debt, by the way those tr-50’s you developed are unparalleled though
we had a hell of a time hacking them. We heard that Assti was also hunting this bastard, we were also informed
that it was HER sister that he took, she promised not to kill us if we helped her, we were going to anyway so
it wasn’t a hard decision.”
Mark only nodded trying not to laugh at what he’d heard, knowing Assti she’d have made good on her threats.
Clicking off he was met at door by Nissie, Sam and the children he almost fell from the weight of all four as
they clamored for his attention.
Looking at Nissie he spoke up, “I just had an interesting conversation.”
“Oh,” Nissie said a curious look on her face, “interesting how?”
“It seems that when you were taken before, I let your sister know I was going after you,” Nissie only nodded as
if it was what she’d have expected, “It appears she was tracking Tantka,” turning toward Sam, “Through your
Sam’s face dropped, “I thought I had designed them better.”
“Don’t worry, I was told that they had given some very good hackers a hell of a time to break into,” the look
of pride on Sam’s face produced a huge smile on his face.

“Also,” Mark started again, “to finish where I was, it appears that she is here, and she’s after Tantka
with a vengeance. Uh…,” here Mark paused looking at Nissie, “the three slavers that survived are helping her,
Assti promised not to kill them if they helped.”
Unexpectedly and surprisingly Nissie smiled, “Good then Tantka shouldn’t have a chance, bout time that little
prick got taken down.”
Mark was a little surprised though he did know that Nissie was a strong woman, hell she had to, dealing with a
man like his self. Mark swayed a little realizing that he’d hardly slept at all in the past 10 days and it was
finally starting to take it’s toll on him.. Both women helped him to bed which he tried to refuse to get into
till Sam pointed a finger at him telling him she’d get their mother on the line if he refused, when that didn’t
work she threatened to call not only his father but the head master too. Grumbling Mark climbed into bed
setting every alert he could think of before falling asleep.

Miles away Tantka was running for his life, most of his weapons forgotten on the mothership when it
had exploded. Damn that fart boy, what the fuck was that program he’d used? it reminded him some what of the
one that had been released on him. From what Tantka had seen before he’d run for his life it was far far more
complicated something that would take more than ten years of steady work to develop. Could it have been that
highly dangerous eradicator virus? Tantka had seen reports of a virus that was extremely deadly so much in fact
it had to be housed in a specially built comp. It was also rumored that it had been fart boy that had written
it, HA! his first major failure. Tantka ducked as another plasma blast flew nearby, damn it who were these
people? One of them looked like that damn assassin bitch that had been after him years ago why in the fuck
would she be after him again? Reaching into his pocket he remembered that comp he’d taken years ago from fart
boys Mother. He’d finally been able to replace the power supply in it, activating it a small powerful shield
wrapped around him hmm good. Feeling far more confident he stepped out and fired a few shots off hitting one of
the men in the leg another in the arm. An energy blast hit the shield, hesitating a moment before bouncing off,
Ah good! Looking down he saw that half the power was gone shit! Taking off Tantka ran toward the capital city
with any luck he’d be there with no further incidents.

Assti had him in her sights firing her new powerful laser cutter she wanted nothing left of him when
she killed the prick. The beam hit him or rather she thought it had then it bounced off! Son of a bitch! Where
did that little shit get a shield? In shock for a moment she watched as Tantka had ran off, she’d seen Tantka
hit 2 of the slavers she really didn’t care if they died or not. Finally waking up she took off after him but
when she turned the corner there was no sight of him, looking at her comp Mark had just upgraded 2 years ago
she only got a faint energy trail. Damn for a fat do nothing that little bastard could run.
“Mark,” Assti said when she called him, “the little shit has a shield,… Mark?” Damn it! Where the fuck was
he? “Nissie?” Assti tried another com.
Nissie cheerful face appeared on the com screen, “Sister! Mark told me you were here,” Nissie stopped when she
saw the serious look on Assti’s face. “What’s wrong?”
“I need Mark, that little bastard has a shield!” Nissie said almost frantic, now at a run trying to catch
“Send me the readings,” Sam said, surprising Assti, “I should be able to determine a way to counter it.”
“Both of you are there? I thought one of you would have stayed with the children.” Assti stuttered out.
“As if, with Arthur taken, god couldn’t have kept Nissie away and contrary to what he says he needs me,” Sam

Assti nodded, on the run, according to the readings she was getting close. She’d just sent the readings
when she felt a burning stinging through out her body, what the hell her shield? Falling she lay there a
moment, what the hell was going on? Looking at her comp she saw that she’d been hit with a type of stinger
beam, Damn it! It had to be Tantka but why the hell hadn’t the shield stopped it?
The next voice she heard chilled her to the bone, “so I finally get to meet the fucking bitch who shot me all
those years ago. How do you like the stinger pulse? I helped the Styrox develop it I figured you were using
fart boys tech, though I am surprised that it wasn’t updated to counter the stinger pulse.”
Hardly able to talk Assti slurred out, “what the fuck do you want?”
“Oh, not much, just to be respected show the universe I am far better than fart boy, oh yeah I want him dead
that’s all.”
Assti tried as hard as she could not to laugh, she knew it wouldn’t end well, but the drivel he’d just spoken
was just way too funny.

Tantka growled at Assti when she started to laugh reaching out he kicked her in the side causing her to
cough uncontrollably.
“Now bitch, I know you have ties to fart boy some how, I want you to call and tell him I am coming to kill him.
Then I’ll kill you, see no problem and I’ll even make sure it’s quick, that fair enough?” Tantka said as he
laughed in her face his rancid breath almost making her gag.
Finally able to catch her breath she looked at him and started to laugh at him again, “you’re going to have to
do a lot better than that this com is live dna coded only I can activate it, so you know what? you can fuck off
you putrid, rancid, little fuck.”
Again Tantka growled, his face blood red reaching out he slapped Assti as hard as he could rattling her teeth,
nothing that she hadn’t felt before by bigger stronger men. Seeing that she was still conscious Tantka kicked
out at her again this time catching the side of her face, as the world went black she made a mental noted to
kill this bastard as slow as she could.


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