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My family

Daniel and his family are very open and yet they never had sex but when brother started puberty…….

Old Farmer

A man is Driving on a dark rode when his car starts to smoke…
In about ten minutes his cars die and it has been raining for sometime now…
He looks around until he sees a farm house with all the lights on in it…
HE pulled his coat over his head and run for the house…
When he get there he pounds on the door but gets on answer…
He walks around the house until he see someone in a window…
He looks in and see two old people standin the missle of the room…
The old women is looking at the old man shaking her tits…
The old man is looking at her while holding an umbrela and jacking off…
The man gets worried and run to the next farm down the rode…
The farmer is sitting on the front step…
The man asks for his help and the farmer goes and gets his tools…
They walk down to his car and get it running again…
The farmer looks at the man and asks…
Why he did not get help from the people at this farm…
The man takes him to the window where he he seen the two old people…
They both look and the farms ask what the problem is..
The man say that is not right…
The farmer looks at him and says…
There is nothing wrong with them there deff and dumd…
The old women is tell him to go milk the cows and he is saying fuck you its raining…

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This storie is entirely in swedish

Låt mig berätta vad som hände en kväll när min sons vän sov över hos oss en kväll (han är 18).
han brukar sova övver hos oss nästan varje helg och när klockan är runt ett eller två när min son har somnat och han tror att jag sover brukar han smyga ner till mitt rum i bara kalsonger.
första gången han gjorde detta låtsades jag sova för att se vad han hade tänkt göra. han närmade sig långsamt och samtidigt som han gjorde detta såg jag att han masserade sin kuk som var sten hård i hans kalsonger. när han stod vid min sängkant böjde han sig fram och viskade “är du vaken” i mitt öra jag svarade inte för att jag ville se vad han ville.
jag låg på min rygg medans han gjorde allt det här, några minuter efter att han hade frågat mig om jag var vaken tog han tag i min arm och höjde den och släppte sedan ner den (för att se om jag var vaken). jag fortsatte låtsas sova, några sekunder senare känner jag hur han tar tag i min arm igen och knutter min hand runt hans sten hårda kuk (han gör detta väldigt långsamt och försiktigt dock) han runkar av sig lite med min hand ett tag, sen lutar han sig över mitt ansikte igen och kysser mig, sedan viskar han i mitt öra ” jag ska knulla skiten ur dig din smutsiga hora” sedan drar han ner sina kalsonger och trycker ner dom i munnen på mig.
han tar nu tag i täcket som täcker min kropp(jag hade på mig en bh och en stringtrosa ) han drar långsamt av täcket och jag hör honom flämta lite. han lutar sig över mig ioch tar ut sina kalsonger ur min mun. sedan för han långsamt in två av sina fingrar i min mun. för att se om jag skulle suga på dom tror jag, vilket jag gjorde. när han stoppade in sina fingrar i min mun stängde jag munnen försiktigt så han skulle tro att jag skulle suga på vad han än stoppade i min mun. då kände jag hur hans händer tog på min mage han drog handen långsamt närmare mina bröst. han tvekade lite men sen klämde han på mitt högra högra bröst ovanpå bh:n, han tog ut sin hand ur min mun och ålade sig långsamt upp på min säng och la sig brevid mig…
när han låg brevid mig kände jag hans pulserande kuk peta mig i sidan av magen. han lutade sig mot mitt öra ännu en gång och viskade “det är bara att säga till om du vill att jag ska sluta” sen tog han min arm igen och fortsatte runka av sig med min hand. efter det fick han mod nog att stoppa ner sin hand ner i mina trosor, jag kände hur hans fingrar ålade sig ner i min trosor och hur han körde in ett finger i min fitta och lät det sita kvar där samtidigt som han kollade på mig för att se om jag skulle vakkna och långsamt började han dra ut och trycka in sitt finger i min våta fitta.
sedan tog han sin hand och förde långsamt ner sina våta fingrar i min mun samtidigt som han viska i mitt öra ” gillar du hur din fitta smakar hora” sedan försökte han ta av min bh vilket tog lite tid men jag hjälpte till genom att vrida lite på mig(vilket fick honom att rycka till men han förstod snabbt att jag fortfarande sov) när han fick av mig bh:n kröp han sig närmre och jag kände hans pulserande sten hårda kuk masseras mot min rumpa medans han låg och tog på mina bröst (han hade ena armen under mig ) samtidigt som han gjorde detta viskade han i mitt öra ” du ska få en så stor kuk i dig som du aldrig har fått det förut, jag tänker knulla dig tills solen går upp din kåta lilla hora. sedan ålade han sig från mig och jag trodde han var klar men det visade sig att han bara gjorde så för att kunna vända påmig. så där låg jag på min rygg igen med vidöppen mun och tuttarna ute. jag kände hurhan satte sig på min mage väldigt försiktigt å jag inte skulle vakna och sen kände jag hns pulserande sten hårda kuk närma sig mina bröst väldigt långsamt, när han hade placerat sin kuk mellan mina bröst klämde han ihop dem och börjag röra sig fram och tilbaka väldigt långsamt. jag hörde hur han började flämta lite då och då . när han var klar med att knulla mina bröst lutade hans ig ner och körde ner sin tunga min hals och sen spottade han i min mun. när han hade gjort det viskade han i mitt öra ännu en gång
“jag gör din mun redo för min enorma kuk, hoppas du gillar att få en stor kuk ner i halsen” sedan hukade han sig över mitt ansikte och jag kände hur han tvekade för att köra ner sin kuk i min hals.
efter några minuter kände jag hans ollon masseras mot mina läppar, då öppnade jag munnen lite till och då körde han försiktigt ner sin kuk i min mun. och jag formade mina kuk sugar läppar runt hans kuk. jag kände hur han långsamt började dra utsin kuk för att sedan trycka ner den så långt han kunde ner i min hals sedan drog han ut den igen och viskade i mitt öra ” du var mig en tung sovare, det gör inget vi kommer ha roligt änå och han fortssatte, sra sin kuk ut och tryckaner den djupt ner i min hals han öka hastigheten och min jag började “gaga” och min hals började låta pågrund av hans kuk. efter han hade knullat mitt ansikte i vad som kändes som en timme drog han ut sin kuk och började masera den mot mit ansite och han började slå mina kinder med den och sedan tryckte han ner den i halsen en sista gång och gjorde nårgra snabba stöttar djupt nere i min hals. han drog ut sin kuk och lutade sig ner och kysste mig igen sedan viskade han i mitt öra ” nu ska jag knulla dig din hora och du ska gilla det. han ålade sig ner mot min fitta samtidigt som han låg med sin mage mot min. mina trosor åkte plötsligt av och jag kunde känna hans pulserande kuk närma sig min fitta.
han tryckte först in toppen och stirrade på mitt ansikte som han precis hade knullat och vätande ett tag seda tryckte han långsamt in sin kuk i min fitta och han stönade lågt för sig själv. hans feta kuk åkte in och ut ur min fitta väldigt långsamt och han viskade i mitt öra ” fan va din fitta var uttöjd måste vara för att du födde din idiot till son, jag tror jag ska knulla skiten ur ditt arsle istället”.
plötsligt låg jag på sidan igen och han låg som fast klistrad mot min rygg. jag kände hur toppen på hans kuk maserade min rumpa och tillslut mitt anus. han körde långsamt in toppen på kuken i min röv och jag var tvungen att verkligen häjda mig själv från att låta. jag kände hans varma andedräkt mot mitt öra samtidigt som han långsamt viskade ” ja du här var det tajtare” när han avvslutade meningen kände jag hur hans kuk långsamt fördes djupare in i min röv och han viskade nu med hela sin kuk inne i min röv “jag har nog allt sett dina filmer på internet trots att du må ha gått i pension och inte berättat nått för din son så har jag sett dem och jag vet att du tog kukar i röven i några av dem så du är väl van att bli behandlad som en hora eller hur din smutsiga hora.
plötsligt började han dra ut sin kuk och jag trodde han var klar men lika fort som jag kände hur hans feta kuk åkte uttryckte han våldsamt in den igen “du sover fortfarande eller hur din hora” viskade han. jag höll mig tyst “jag tänkte väl det din lilla hora” in och ut in och ut åkte hans feta kuk ur min röv och han tryckte bara in den allt snabbare och våldsammare sedan drog han ut den och jag låg åter igen på rygg.
han trodde vid det här laget att han kunde göra vad han ville med mig utan att jag skulle vakna så han tryckte sin kuk djupt in i min fitta och kan den en riktig åk tur ett tag sedan viskade han i mitt öra ” nu så ddin hora ska du få smaka ditt arsle och din fitta “.
han tryckte ner sin kuk med all sin kraft och med självförtroende i min hals och han greppa tag om mitt huvud med båda sina häänder och han tryckte mit ansikte upp mot sig själv så att hans sten hårda kuk åkte djupt ner i min hals och där höll han kvar mig ett tag sedan la han ner mitt huvud på kudden och lutade sig över mig och sa ” nu vill jag att du ska vara tyst och låta mig knulla ditt ansikte så håårt som jag vill och sen ska du låta mig knulla dig i röven så hårt som jag vill och sedan ska jag komma i din röv ok” jag var såklart tyst och han flinade lite. sedan tog han samma grepp om mitt huvud och började förra mitt huvud fram och tillbaka på hans kuk som tiden gick började han trycka årdare och snabbare. jag kände hans pulserande kuk knulla sönder min hals så hårt och plötsligt stannade han och höll sin kuk djuptnere i min hals sen släppte han och vände på mig(så jag låg på mage) ” nu ska jag knulla dig som den hora du är” viskade han samtidigt som han tvingade in sin feta pulserande ku i min röv. han började dra ut och trycka in sin kuk långsamt in och ut sen viskade han ” juste jag fick ju knulla dig hur hrt jag ville din smutsiga hora” han drog ut kuken och tryckte in dden i min röv hårt ióch sen knullade han min röv så hårt så den nästan sprak sen kände jag hur han hastigt drog ut sin kuk och vände på mig ” jag ändra mig din smutsiga slyna jag ska knulla din mun och komma djupt nere i din hals” hans kuk fördes djupt och hastigt ner i min hals och han började knulla min mun hårt men jag focuserade bara på att inte nudda kuken med mina tänder jag kände hans kuk föras in och ut ur min mun med väldig agression och plötsligt drog han ut sin kuk och jag kände hans varma tjocka sperma spruta över hela mitt ansikte. han målade hela itt ansiikte med sitt varma sperma
Han förde in sin kuk i min mun och juckade några sista gånger sen drog han ut den och viskade i mitt öra ” ja du din smutsiga hora dig ska jag knulla så här varje gång jag sover över och jag hoppas jag kan ta med några väänner nästa gång så det kanske blir lite roligare. han drog på sig sina kalsonger och stopade in mina under kläder i munnen på mig och smög upp till min sons rum igen.

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fuck buddies chapter 1

Gripped with tense excitement, she stood to answer the knocking at the door. Kiya knew who was behind the knocking, her ex-boyfriend,. She had been expecting him.
Kiya and Alex had always had a good relationship, her being 17 and him 18 ment they shared opinions on many things, and neither of them were lacking in know-how in the bedroom department. However, their relationship had grown stale, they’d lost the fun. So now he was coming to her house to return the things she had left at his during their 8 months together.
Alex didn’t plan on staying long, Kiya however, had other ideas. She had selected her clothing very carefully this morning. White linen, low wasted trousers covered her long slender legs. Hinting at the roundness of her bum cheeks and accentuating the curves of her hips, that she knew he loved so much. She had also chosen her favourite bra, one that pushed her 34 C tits together into an amazing cleavage. While a simple, blue v-neck t-shirt made the best of this effect.. Her make-up was immaculately applied, intensifying the blueness of her eyes, and her long brown hair hung loose, shimmering down her back.
As she opened the door to him she searched for his reaction, and got just what she was looking for. His dark brown eyes opened wide in surprise, and she watched him look her slowly up and down, knowing that he was remembering the times they had spent together in one another’s bedrooms.
She too took this moment to take in his appearance. He was dressed casually in low slung jeans, and a plain white t-shirt, that clung to his much worked on muscles. His blonde streaked brown hair was tousled carefully, and his simple gold jewellery complemented the look perfectly.
Kiya stepped back slightly, allowing him accesses to the hallway, and was the first to speak,
“ Hi babes, how are you?” Alex finished removing his trainers before giving his reply,
“ I’m fine cheers, you?” Kiya wanted to tell him that she was excited, her tummy twisting in knots with nervous anticipation of what she had planned for them this afternoon. Instead she played it as calm and cool as he himself was doing
“ Yer I’m good thanks, do you want a coffee?”
Kiya took the chance to disappear into the kitchen, out of his view, to do a little dance to let some of excitement out. She had been waiting for this moment for over a week, she needed to see him. He was the only one who could really satisfy her, he knew just how she liked it.
However she also had a little trick up her sleeve. When the two had been together, Kiya had expressed the interest of having another girl join them in the bedroom. She had a little fantasy of watching him do to someone else what he so expertly did to her. Alex, of course, had been very into the idea, but they had not been able to find a willing girl as yet.
In the past week Kiya had managed to get in touch with one of her old girlfriends, one she knew was bisexual. And at this very moment shelly was upstairs in her bedroom, laying on her bed dressed in white lace underwear, long blonde hair flowing around her shoulders. Just the way Kiya had left her a few moments before.
Kiya finished making the drinks and went back to the living room to rejoin Alex. In the time she had taken to make the drinks he had made himself comfortable on the sofa upon which he had sat so many times.
As his ex-girlfriend re-entered the room, he took another look at her. He watched the way her hips swayed as she walked, and her over flowing breasts jiggled just a little.
“Stop it you fool” he thought to himself. He had not come over to sleep with her, just return her stuff. No matter how much he tried to push the images of her sexy body from his mind, they kept coming back.
“You cant sleep with her,” he told himself “You’re the one that broke it off.”
Kiya sat down gently beside Alex and switched on the TV. Although she had today well planned, she still wasn’t sure if he was going to go for it, so she decided to watch his reaction as they talked.
Kiya and Alex sat and watched TV for about an hour, chatting and reminiscing about old times. Alex couldn’t control himself for much longer around her and he knew it. She kept casually stroking the tops of her breasts, and licking her lips as they talked. He was bulging against his jeans and needed to shift it, but he couldn’t do that without her realising what was going on in there, and that was the last thing he wanted. Instead he decided that he’d have to get them into a position where, if it was going to go further then it could, he couldn’t handle the suspense anymore.
Kiya had been sat, waiting for some sign that Alex was aroused for nearly an hour now. She could see that he looked a little uncomfortable, but she couldn’t tell weather it was a reaction to her licking and stroking or weather he was just plain uncomfortable. She was about to give up and jump on him, when he started tickling her.
“No stop!” she screamed.
Alex used to tickle her when they were together, and she’d always hated it, but she also knew it was his way of saying “Come on, I want to play now.”
The two ended up rolling on the floor in fits of laughter, until Alex turned to Kiya and looked her in the eyes.
“Can I ask a favour babe?” he said
“Yer sure, what is it?”
“Well I was wondering if you’d give me a massage, I’ve really overworked it at the gym this week, and you’re the only person I know that does it properly.”
Alex watched for some sign in Kiya’s face that she really did want to do this, but found none.
When Alex asked Kiya for a massage she knew she’d hit the jackpot. They had shared many a massage together, and it always led somewhere else, Alex got so turned on by them. However, she decided to play it cool, and showed no sign of the glee she was feeling.
“O.k. sure.” she told him. “I’ll go and grab some lotion.”
When Kiya reached her bedroom she found Shelly asleep on the bed
“Hey lazy bones, wake up.” She whispered to the girl, “He’s just asked for a massage, we’ll be up soon!”
Shelly moved into an upright position.
“O.k. I’ll be waiting.” she told Kiya, that sexy look in her eyes. Kiya planted a kiss on her lips before grabbing the lotion and making her way back downstairs to where Alex was waiting, laid out on his front on her living room floor. Top already off.
Kiya straddled Alex’s body, gently lowering her herself into a sitting position upon his butt cheeks. She opened the lotion and slowly let the cold liquid dribble onto his back. She could feel him tense under her, a reaction to the coldness. She softly started rubbing the lotion into his back, sensuously letting her hands glide over him. Kiya could feel him start to respond to her rubbing, could feel him moving beneath her. She massaged the tops of his shoulders slowly, moving her hands over the tops of his arms, feeling his large muscles. She moved to his lower back, running her fingers teasingly just below the line of his jeans. She kneaded the flesh on his back, feeling his muscles loosen, feeling him relax. She massaged the sensitive area of his neck, the soft skin of his sides, hitting all the places she knew he loved.
After awhile Alex asked her if she would do his front for him.
“Sure Hun,” she told him “Turn over.” Kiya got up from her sitting position, allowing Alex to roll onto his back. Alex was expecting her to sit beside him whilst massaging his chest, but to his surprise her resumed her sitting position on top of him, now pressing his already burning cock into his stomach.
Kiya once again opened the bottle of lotion and let it drip onto his chest, watching his muscles ripple in reaction. As she moved her hands slowly over his chest, teasing his nipples, he watched her the whole time, but not once did she look at him. She didn’t want him to see the lust in her eyes, didn’t want him to see how much she wanted him. Although Kiya did have sexual adventures planned for them this afternoon, she wanted it to happen because he wanted it to, not because she initiated it.
Alex was going crazy. Kiya had already worked him up by massaging his back, and was now softly rubbing his nipples, and teasing one finger just beneath his jeans, rubbing him slowly, invitingly. He didn’t know how much more he could take. Cautiously he moved his hand to her stomach, started to run his fingers over her exposed flesh. He watched carefully as she responded to this, shutting her eyes, but never stopping her teasing on him. He slowly moved his hand up to her neck, pulled her forward gently until her face was level with his, he looked into her eyes, and drew her in for a long, deep kiss. Alex tickled Kiya’s lips with his tongue, explored her mouth all over again, and she kissed him back with such a passion. It was like the first time they’d kissed.
chapter 2 if you want it, let me know

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Roommate Shift Ch1

Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Lesbian, BiSexual, Heterosexual, Fiction, BDSM, Spanking, Group Sex, Oriental Female, Exhibitionism, First, Masturbation, Sex Toys, 2nd POV

Lost in Roman times pt-1

I wake up Inn Roman times in the spartacus universe.I plan to change the fate of this world and help spartacus and his wife while bringing the house of Batiatus low.

Embracing Cold Death

As I ran up the stairs, choosing carefully my steps not to produce any sound, I could hear the metallic clashing of blades filling the air downstairs. Here, only silence. My group of the most skilled assassins was still assaulting the main corridor of the castle’s upper level, defeating the last guards that uselessly still defended the royal chamber.
Only two still to go: Theolus, the Second Son and Moraine, the Half-bred.

Nasty Club Slut Fucking in the Bathroom

So this is a true story that my girlfriend told me about a friend of her friend’s that we saw on facebook one night. This is what she told me as she stroked me off, changing some details like names and using a little creative license. This is what she told me.

Best week ever at Uncle John’s Part 1

I was very young when I began to notice urges that were not spoken of as being common amongst boys my age. I was jerking off by and sliding things in and out of my ass by the time I was a teen. The urges to slide objects in and out of my bottom escalated to include hair brushes, plastic rods, and the occasional tooth brush. But there was one thing I knew I must have inside me… I guess people could say I had daddy issues, but horny bi-sexual that was abandoned by their father probably has plenty of issues that tie into their sexuality. I wanted my uncle to own me and be my daddy.
When I would sit on Uncle John’s lap, I felt the limp unit that was much larger than mine. He let me sit in his lap all the time. Whenever I saw him in a chair I would run up and plop right into his lap, but when I became “too old” to sit in his lap it became an obsession to find a way back on his lap. As a teenager, I ached to sit in his lap to feel the soft lumps that pressed against my boxer short clad ass.
The summer of my 18th birthday I stayed with him for a couple of days, and one day I found myself staring at his lap. My mouth was watering and my ass was puckering. That’s when I knew what I needed. I wanted him inside me. I wanted to suck him and ride him like all those sluts I saw in those porn movies that he hid in his closet.
But, how?! How could I ride my uncle, who by all means of appearance was straight? When he left to go to the store across town, I decided I was going to either find blackmail material or justification for me to put my proverbial ass on the line. I began to dig through his closet and found the usual porn mags and movies. I then ran across a box that was hidden under clothes. When I opened it, I found everything I needed. He had a stash of pretty little panties and pictures of me bathing nude and pictures of his daughter naked and playing with her young tight twat. On the back of the photos of me were dates, times and tally marks then the phrase “# of times jerked off.” My plan was coming together AND I got to see my cousin naked!
When he got home, I was in my silk blue boxers and a slightly small shirt that rode up when I would bend over. The surprise I had for him was the pink thong that was in his closet was now riding up my tight little teenage ass. I waited for him to sit in his chair and then made my way past him and as I passed by I “dropped” the remote in front of him and I watched his face out of the corner of my eye as he saw the little pink thong peek out from my shorts. He smiled and acted as if he didn’t see. The smile was my queue. Without hesitation, I dropped my boxers right in front of him and he said, “You sure do look good in Anne’s panties. Come sit in Uncle John’s lap.”
I lost my shit. I was so excited. I sat slowly on to his lap. He spread his legs and I grinded my ass up and down his lap and felt the rock hard unit ready to pound my ass until I screamed. When I finally came to rest with his jogging pants bulge firmly throbbing against my ass, he said “You look wonderful in my daughter’s panties. She has danced for me while wearing those very panties. She approached me in a similarly tricky way that you did, but the difference was that I had to choose which hole to fuck. All I want on you is a little spit, and then your welcoming asshole.”
The only reply I could manage was “May I call you daddy? Just like that lucky little whore did?”
He smiled and said, “I’ll be your daddy, gurl. Now get daddy warmed up. I want to see if you’re any good at being the skanky slut you think you are.”
I dropped to my knees and slid his pants off. I began to massage his throbbing 9 inch manhood through his boxers. As I slid my hand along his clothed shaft, I slid my other hand under his boxers and began to fondle his balls. He moaned. He stood up and dropped his shorts. As his shorts fell, his thick cock slapped me on the top of the head so hard that I thought he hit me with something. I looked up and sucked his balls into my mouth. They were loose and floppy, just the way I love ‘em. I swirled my tongue around both balls, left and then right, until he grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to the bedroom.
He stood me next to the closet only wearing the pretty pink thong I stole. I asked, “What are we about to do, Daddy? Wasn’t I making you happy?”
“Very Happy, but we need a mini skirt on you,” he replied.
I stood there as he dressed me in a black mini skirt and a pink half shirt that I saw his daughter wear so many times. He grabbed me by the hair again and bent me over the bed. I heard a bottle top pop and then felt him smearing Vaseline on my asshole. Vaseline is my favorite lube. Its sticking and thick. He slid just the tip of his finger in my ass, and then pulled it out. I moaned in appreciation. Next he pressed the head of his thick member against my hole and said, “Now you’re gonna feel how a real slut feels, son.” He thrust inside of me with no warning. I am lucky that I fucked myself the night before, or I would have ripped badly. He grabbed my hips and just fucked and fucked and fucked me. Every thrust I screamed for more. I begged for him to fuck me harder and faster. He obliged. He pressed me down onto my stomach and fucked me until I nearly lost my voice screaming “DADDY, PLEASE, FUCK ME, DADDY!! FILL ME WITH YOUR HOT JIZZ DADDY!” He fucked me for a solid 10 minutes before he shot me full of his cum. I laid on my stomach smiling ear to ear.
I looked back and said, “Thank you, daddy.”
He made me suck the cum off and out of his cock. He then said, “Just stay dressed like a whore. I’m going to the store and picking you out clothes and lingerie. We have a date tonight and for the next week. Did I mention that I can go 5 times a day? You’re my bitch until you go home to my sister. Until then, then you will drain my dick every time it gets hard. My cunt wife left me, and took my fuck toy daughter with her. Honestly, you’re a better fuck anyways. If you keep up the good fucks, I may do a few things for you. Hell, I may even drain your sissy little clit.”
I stayed face down on the bed. My mind swam in ecstasy. These were going to be the best 6 days of my life.
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed. I do not write often but I will continue this story if there is good reception. Send messages and comments. Thank you, again.

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Meeting Tracy

Okay, so here’s your typical “first story” disclaimer. Yes, this is the true story of how I met a girl named Tracy. Yes, it’s been a long time, so I’ve probably played a little loose with the dialog. And while it’s not the incredible “true story” of how I was a virgin until that fateful night when 37 college girls decided to have their way with me in a seven-hour orgy and they all found out that I was a heretofore untapped sex god, yes, this is actually what happened. (and yes, there’s more to the story that might come later…)