A series of co-incidences Part 3
Welcome to Part 3 of this story. Once again, thank you for all your votes and feedback on parts 1 and 2. A special thanks to Melissa.
Welcome to Part 3 of this story. Once again, thank you for all your votes and feedback on parts 1 and 2. A special thanks to Melissa.
“Fuck you,” Levon shouted to his fat-ass sleaze of a boss, “and fuck this job. I quit!”
“Well fuck you too, punk,” his boss shouted back, “get the hell out of my office!” Gladly, Levon thought as he stormed out, fists clenched.
17 year-old Levon Cole walked to his car with a new sense of freedom. Bundled up against the bracing cold of the lonely parking lot, he retrieved a cigarette from his coat pocket and lit it anxiously. He drew in the sweet nicotine with a greedy pleasure and puffed out a smoke ring for his triumph.
“You did what?” Stacey Cole exclaimed.
“I quit, mom.” Levon replied bluntly.
“It’s a dead-end job, mom. Boss was a jerk and so was everyone else who worked there.”
“Was it… because you’re gay?”
“No! God, mom, no! I just wasn’t happy there, that’s all.”
“Well… fine. You know I just want you to be happy.”
There was a long silence in the Cole household kitchen. Levon didn’t like to consider it a household anymore… not since his dad left. It was just him and mom. And he liked it that way.
“This could be a good thing, you know…” Levon’s mom said finally. “There’s an intern position open at work…”
“Aw, mom…” Levon groaned, not bothering to hide his reluctance.
“Just wait, Levon. It’s not even in my department. It’s in Sales. You won’t even be working on the same floor of the building as me. I promise I won’t embarrass you there.”
“I’ll think about it…”
Levon hardly had time to think about it. A whole two days later and he was waiting alongside his mother in the elevator of her work. The idea of working with his mother hadn’t bothered him so much as working in a corporate situation. That field never attracted him.
He looked over to see his reflection in the metal wall of the elevator. He wore a buttoned-up white shirt and a solid black tie, but he hadn’t bothered to comb his short, shaggy brown hair.
“Sheesh, Levon… tuck in your shirt at least.” Stacey said.
“Yeah, mom.” Levon did as he was told.
“Be a little enthusiastic, please. You have no idea what I had to do to get you this job.”
“What?” Levon laughed. “Did you have to sleep with your boss or something?”
Levon’s mom didn’t answer, but as the elevator slowed and the sound dinged for their stop, he swore he could see his mother look uneasy. That look was replaced by a smile as the doors opened.
“Our stop,” she said quietly.
“Levon, this is Mr. Scott.”
Levon and his mom stood in a spacey office that belonged to Jim Scott, head of the sales department. Levon had heard his mom talk about Mr. Scott before, but who stood up from behind his desk was a total surprise to Levon. He had imagined him as this old, cranky grandpa who had bossed his mom around for years. But Mr. Scott was a total hottie.
“How’s it going there, Levon?” Mr. Scott said with an outstretched hand. “You’re mom’s told me a lot about you.”
Levon wanted to speak, but he was at a loss for words. What stood before him was a twenty-something male model with steely blue eyes and a chiseled face. He looked like the guys Levon had once masturbated to in those male suits catalogues.
“Is that right?” Levon finally spoke.
“You bet. I was honestly excited to hear you were interested in our intern programs. We could definitely use the help around here. Your mom says you’re a pretty hard worker.”
“I can be, Mr. Scott.”
“Call me Jim.”
Levon couldn’t respond after he saw Jim’s smile. It seemed to light up the entire room.
“Well I have to get back to the Accounting department,” Levon’s mom said. “Levon, if you need anything, call me, or stop on by.” She gave Jim a look-over. “You’re in good hands.”
Levon’s mom left the office and went downstairs. Jim returned his gaze from her to Levon.
“So, Levon. Let’s get you going here.”Too late, Levon thought, feeling a slight stiffness coming on in his pants.
“We’re gonna have to show you the orientation video and then we’ll get you to work.”
And with that, Levon’s boner quickly subsided.
Two hours later and Levon was busy at work. His job: sitting in a cramped cubicle stapling packets together, a huge stack of papers and plenty of extra staples at his disposal.
He passed the time by humming to himself and thinking about how sexy Jim was. Maybe on his break he’d have a quick jerk-off. That’d be kinky.
As if on cue, Jim appeared at his cubicle.
“Hey, Levon,” he said, “everything’s looking great here. You can take your break now.”
“Ok, how long is my break?”
“You know what? For such a good job you’ve done, I’ll give you twenty minutes.”Plenty of time to cum to your hot ass, Levon thought. “Thanks!”
Levon left the cubicle and went on the search for a bathroom.
He found one and went inside. Cautiously looking to see if it all the stalls were empty, he took one and quickly dropped his pants.
Scenarios quickly flooded his mind. First, he imagined Jim’s muscular naked body… picturing his lengthy cock throbbing in Levon’s hand. As Levon pumped away at his own dick, he moved from imaginary sex position to the next as he and Jim fucked in his mind. Levon went crazy on himself, stroking with a fast pace with one hand and massaging his balls with the other. He stood over the toilet, ready to shoot a hot load.
As he climaxed, he thumped the side of the stall with a hand as reaction to the pleasure. But as he did so, he did not hear the bathroom door open, someone walk in, and take the stall next to him.
Levon moaned softly in pleasure, as strings of pearly white cum shot out of him.
“Is that what I think it is?” exclaimed a delighted voice from the stall next door. “It is!”
Levon looked up to see another boy peering over the stall next to him, eyes wide and a devilish grin on his face.
Dick in his hand, cum all over the toilet in from of him, Levon Cole was caught.
“Have a good tug?” asked the attractive young boy looking over the stall next to Levon.
“Uh…” Levon stuttered.
“Sure looks like it! Look at all that cum!”
“Sheesh! Is that the only word you know? Or are you still cumming?”
Levon looked back down at his softening member. He quickly pushed it back down his boxers, tucked in his shirt, and buttoned up his pants. He wiped his seed of the toilet seat and dashed out of the stall.
The other boy beat him to the door.
“Hi there, I’m Jaime,” the boy said enthusiastically. He took the hand Levon had masturbated with and shook it. He giggled. “Ooh! Still warm! …and a little sticky…”
Levon turned around and went to the sink. As he washed his hands, Jaime stayed at the door.
“Are you the new intern?” he asked.
“Um, yes,” Levon said, flustered.
“Cool! I’m one too. Been here a whole month. The place is a drag, but hey, where isn’t?”
“Yeah… look… I’m sorry you had to see that back there.”
“Oh, no. Not a problem. What’s your name, anyway?”
“Well, Levon. You’re gonna have to do that to me sometime.”
“No, I think I’ll pass.”
“You sure? Well… then I think Mr. Scott is gonna have to hear about this.”
“No! Please!”
“I don’t know… I think jacking off in a public workplace is against the health code or sexual harassment or something.”
“What do I have to do then?”
“You gotta jack me off too.”
Levon sighed. He looked at the blackmailer in front of him… who was actually kind of cute. He had a boyish face, with short blonde hair and a slender body like Levon’s. He even dressed like him aside from a different colored tie.
“Fine,” Levon said, “right now?”
“Naw, my break’s almost over. I’m not some quick-shooter like you.” He winked, making Levon blush. “I’ll come see you later.” And with that, Jaime left the bathroom.
Levon looked at himself in the mirror and regained his composure.
As he stepped out of the bathroom, he was startled to see Jim waiting by the door.
“You took a long time in there, kid.”
“Must’ve been something I ate.”
“Yikes. Did you have something from our vending machines?”
“Yeah, that’ll do it. Alright, I’ve got a new assignment for you…”
Levon waited for his mother in the lobby. The elevator opened and she stepped out, a make-up mirror in hand. She was fixing her lipstick.
“God, mom. I’ve been waiting down here for like twenty minutes. I thought we get off at five.”
“We do,” she said, “I just had to put in a little overtime, that’s all.”
They walked out of the building and into the snowy city waiting outside.
“How was your first day?”
“Not bad. Jim says I might have a future career here.”
“Really? I was just hoping this internship would keep you busy. I never thought it would set in with you.”
Levon thought about Jaime, and then Jim. The former made him nervous to ever return to work there. The latter told him otherwise. “I don’t know, mom. We’ll see.”
The next day was quiet. Levon was both busy at work and at watching his back. He was worried that Jaime would come around sooner or later and claim his favor. Levon stayed in his cubicle for most of the day.
Five o’clock came sooner than expected. Levon packed his work together and retrieved his coat.
“Levon! Glad I caught you!”
Levon spun around, slightly startled and expecting to see an eager Jaime. It was Jim.
“Sorry, pal. Didn’t mean to startle you,” Jim said. “Listen, I need you to work a little late tonight. I have some special projects for you. I talked to your mom, and she has a business meeting with a client. She says she’ll take a taxi home and you can drive yourself home.”
“Ok… what do you need me to do?”
To his displeasure, Jim’s “special projects” for Levon were no different than any of the work he’d been doing regularly. He sat alone in his cubicle in an empty floor. Everyone had gone home for the night. Hell, it was a Friday.
Levon heard a thump come from down the hall. He looked over the edge of his cubicle to see what was up.
“Hello?” Levon called out. “Jim?” No, can’t be Jim, Levon thought, he went home.
Levon stood up and walked towards the breakroom.
Jaime sat there with a smile on his face and a can of soda in hand.
“Looking for someone?” Jaime asked.
“I heard a noise. I thought I was alone in here.”
“Yup. We are.”
Levon sighed softly. “I guess you want that handjob now, don’t you?”
“You guessed it.” Jaime placed the soda on the table in front of him and pushed the table aside. He unzipped his pants and beckoned for Levon to come closer.
Levon had no choice. He couldn’t face the embarrassment of being known as the office masturbator… he couldn’t imagine his mom’s reaction… or Jim’s. So Levon got down on his knees and helped Jaime lower his pants. Levon felt Jaime’s throbbing cock underneath his boxers, and he slowly pulled it out.
Levon was no stranger to a good handjob. He’d been with a few guys in his time, and he knew what he was doing. He went to work slowly jerking Jaime’s 10-inch dick. Jaime moaned in pleasure.
“Yeah… just like that,” he cooed.
With one hand, Levon rubbed the shaft. With the other, he fondled his balls.
“Damn… you’re good at this… now suck it.”
“What? That wasn’t a part of the deal.”
“I don’t care. Suck it.”
“I’ve got Jim’s number on speed-dial…”
Levon didn’t protest. He opened his mouth and slid Jaime’s cock into it. Jaime closed his eyes and tilted his head back. He was enjoying it, and Levon couldn’t help enjoying it as well.
Levon bobbed his head up and down as his warm mouth engulfed Jaime’s dick. He teased the shaft and tip with his tongue. Jaime took his hand and held the back of Levon’s bouncing head as he softy moaned.
“If you’re gonna cum, don’t do it in my mouth,” Levon said between blows.
“Shit, I’m far from it. I told you I wasn’t a quick-shooter.”
Levon rolled his eyes and went back to work. A few minutes later, Jaime pulled his cock out Levon’s mouth and stood up. Without a word, he fully lowered his pants and bent over the table.
“Fuck my ass, Levon.” Jaime said shyly.
Levon obliged. He pulled out his own member, a proud 8.5 incher, which was already hard. He went over to Jaime and grabbed one of his ass cheeks on impulse.
“Yeah! Just like that!” Jaime called out suddenly.
Levon had always been a top, but he had never been with a guy who liked it rough. It excited him even more and he took it as an advantage over his blackmailer. Without hesitation, he slid his cock bareback right into Jaime’s asshole. They both moaned as the thick cock slid into the tight hole.
Levon quickly acted on his primal urges and built a steady momentum of thrusting. He pounded his cock into Jaime’s ass, occasionally spanking it to his delight. Levon took hold of Jaime’s hips and thrust deep and hard.
“You like that?” Levon grunted.
“Yes!” Jaime cooed. “God, don’t stop!”
They continued on for a good minute until Levon pulled out suddenly.
“What’s wrong?” Jaime asked.
“Flip over.”
“Flip over, fucker.” Levon was enjoying taking over his extorting co-worker. He unbuttoned his shit and ripped off his tie.
Jaime did as he was told and moved so he lay on his back on the table. Levon spread Jaime’s legs and re-entered missionary-style.
As Levon continued his lustful fuck, Jaime unbuttoned his own shirt and flipped back his tie. He moved his hands down to his cock and began stroking it.
But Levon smacked his hand and took over for him. Using one hand to hold an uplifted leg over his shoulder, Levon used his other hand to jack Jaime off as he fucked him.
“No,” Levon said with an devilish grin, “I’m supposed to jack you off, remember?”
Jaime nodded and let Levon have his way. He matched Levon’s rhythm with his own hips and pounded into his hard dick.
“F…fuck… I’m gonna cum, Levon,” Jaime sighed.
Levon didn’t say a word. Instead, he stroked Jaime’s cock even harder until he got the reaction he hoped for. Hot, white jizz shout of Jaime’s cock, drenching his abs and chest. As he climaxed, Jaime’s ass tightened even more, turning Levon on so much that he felt his own dick twitch and shoot cum into Jaime’s ass.
They both moaned loudly as they came together. Levon thrust every last drop of his seed into the other boy’s ass.
Breathing heavily, the boys nearly passed out. Levon let himself fall onto Jaime’s body. They both panted against each other’s body, their chests wet with a mixture of their combined sweat and Jamie’s cum.
“Fuck…” Jaime said after a long period of silence, “you’re good.”
“I know,” Levon said with confidence. That’ll show this little punk for trying to blackmail me. “I assume you won’t be telling Jim about all of this now?”
“Sure,” Jaime sighed, “but I won’t promise you that I won’t want to do this again sometime.”
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she becomes a groupie
Two fathers take their daughters to Rio, they are soon put to the test, to resist each others daughters and their own.
A guy goes to the supermarket and notices an attractive woman waving at him. She says hello.
He’s rather taken aback because he can’t place where he knows her from. So he says, “Do you know me?” To which she replies, “I think you’re the father of one of my kids.”
Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife and says, “My God, are you the stripper from my bachelor party that I made love to on the pool table with all my buddies watching while your partner whipped my butt with wet celery?”
She looks into his eyes and says calmly, “No, I’m your son’s teacher.”
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This is a work of fiction.
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Angela said choose, It was either the Bentley or her. I chose the Bentley and her friend Kitty’s pussy
After awhile all was settled down. I had barbecued dinner, we
had finished and all was cleaned up. All three of us were sitting
outside on the patio. I had built the backyard for privacy, so the
fact that only Eve had clothing on made for a relaxed atmosphere.
Annie moved closer to me and grabbed my hand to give it a warm
squeeze. “This is so much more than just shelter for me daddy.
This is like a dream. One that I don’t ever want to end. I have
never felt so secure and loved since I left here to go to college.
You are the first man to make me feel like a woman.”
I passed that off as a slight exaggeration. But Annie quickly
noted my reaction.
“I have been told never tell all. Because it can be used against you
someday. But I need to tell you what happened in my life.”
I sat there with mixed emotions. “Let’s go into the house and let
me put Eve in her crib. She’s fallen asleep. We’ll just sit
together without lights on and just talk.”
I put Eve down in her crib and joined Annie on the couch with the
only light coming from the moon and the reflection of street lights
in the neighborhood. We sat there quietly with Annie slightly facing
me, holding both of my hands in hers.
“I was a virgin went I went to college. All through highschool
I didn’t want to get involved with sex. But about the middle
of my sophomore year at college, I met Howard. We spent some time
alone together in the chemistry lab. He was a sweet guy, a little on
the nerd side, but I didn’t mind that. We became friends because
he could trust me and felt I wouldn’t laugh at him. I started to date
Howard and soon discovered that he was the ‘American Rarity’ a
male virgin in college. This fact made me even more relaxed
around him. He was a terrible kisser, but an all around nice guy.
The first night he felt my breasts, he just left his hand there and
didn’t move it. I guess he thought that would make me excited.
The night we both lost our cherries was a circus. He had been
as nervous as you can get buying condoms. He said he felt everyone
in the drug store looking at him. He could almost hear his mother
scold him. He said he walked out of the store without looking at
anyone, and left his change on the counter. The two of us had a
terrible time putting it over his penis. When he finally got up
the nerve to try to penetrate me, we were both scared. He slowly
pushed into me and ripped my hymen with a big push that hurt
worse than I thought would be possible. I remember thinking that
if this was sex, I was in for a long life. When he was through
he was so full of guilt that he immediately got up and cleaned
himself off, leaving me just laying there.”
“Our next few times were not all that much better except that
I was feeling a little more enjoyment, but nothing very exciting.
That summer is when I talked to mother. I told her about my
experience and she talked about the two of you. It was because
of our chats that summer that I felt there was more to sex than
I had gotten from it.”
“That fall I met Chuck. He was a jock. He was experienced and
he was exciting. He knew all the right words to say. He made all
the right moves. And before I knew what was going on, I was in
bed with him. He was good. He brought me so much physical
pleasure. He was the first person to ‘eat my pussy’ and he loved
it. He introduced me to sucking his cock and the taste of cum.
He was smooth, but he couldn’t be true to one woman. He had
to be screwing several different ones. I found out about a couple of
them and felt there was no future with this and I dumped him.”
“I went through a period of celibacy until I met Eric. He was
kind. It was my senior year and he was a graduate student. We
both had a love for classical music and both sang in a community
choir near the campus. Eric and I became good friends and started
dating on a regular basis. He never pushed for sex and was
always a gentleman. When we did have sex it was very soft and
he was always concerned about me getting hurt or feeling pain.
He preferred me performing oral sex on him over intercourse. He
never performed oral sex on me. I thought this might change over
time. He got engaged and then married. His sexuality with me
never changed. He loved me playing with his anus and he even
seemed to get off more having anal intercourse with me. But
he never seemed to have his heart into touching my pussy or
even my breasts. After I got pregnant he got even further from being
intimate with me. The only orgasms I got were the ones I masturbated
myself to. I was three months pregnant when he disclosed that
he was gay. In some ways I was relieved that it wasn’t me he
was rejecting and in other ways I was furious that he married me
without telling me first. He claimed he didn’t realize it until he
had an encounter with one of the male students at the university.
He said that was his first sexual encounter ever with another man
and that was what he needed in his life. Well you know the rest.
I left him partially because there would be no hope for a normal
future and partially out of misunderstanding.”
“I tried to make a go of it alone. I had a nice job, but I didn’t
know how it would work out with Eve. That’s when I called
you for help. You never once lectured me. You took me in and
treated me like a queen immediately. I wanted to stay here because
I felt secure and loved. That day you saw me nurse Eve for the
first time. That was totally an accident. I had tried to be
discrete before than. I didn’t realize you were home. After you
saw my bare breast, I just out of impulse wanted you to try my
milk. The feel of you sucking my milk out of my breast was
so comforting to me that it was, well, downright sexy to me.
I struggled at first with how far I was willing to go with you.
But the more I thought about how lonely you were, how good
mother said you were, how desperate I was for love and comfort,
the more I was making up my mind that I didn’t want to go looking
for love anywhere else when you were what I wanted all along. I
know that this is pure and simple incest, but it is my life and I’m
responsible for my own happiness. You’re everything mother
said you were. You love me and Eve more than anything in the world.
I love you more than any man I have ever met.”
She continued. “Then when you caught me in the shower, it gave
me the boost I needed to go through with what I wanted to do.
I heard you come into the house. So I stayed in the shower a
little longer. It was all planned from that moment. I’m sorry
Daddy, I didn’t mean to trick you into it. I just needed you at
that moment. It just worked out that way.”
Annie paused from her story and brought her face next to mine.
I could feel her breath brush across my lips. “Daddy, I need you
more than I need life. I love you so very dearly and don’t want
or need anyone else in this world.” And with that she kissed me.
My heart was melted. I was totally without resistance. She
had presented a case I couldn’t refute. “Okay Annie. If that’s
what you really want. We’ll do it that way. You have to realize
that it won’t be always easy. You need a man your age. There will
always be the big age gap, not to mention our relationship. But I
promise to be the best person in your life. And I promise that the
first time you find someone else I will encourage you to take him.
I don’t know how we’ll explain things to Eve, but we have time to
figure that out.”
With those words, Annie was all over me. She jumped onto my lap
and straddled my thighs with her legs. Her kisses covered every
inch of my face. There was that wonderful feeling of “flesh to
flesh” as I felt her bare breasts press against my chest. I would
be a father, lover, husband and friend to her. I could feel her
pubic hair which was starting to get fuller now brush against
my cock. It made me really hard in no time. Annie wasted no
time at all and reached down to insert my now swollen member
into her very wet pussy. My mind was starting to buzz. Forget
about the incest stuff, how am I going to keep up with this kid.
She was either ging to kill me with a heart attack or wear my
cock to a stump. Annie did all the work. I just sat back while
her youthful pussy massaged my cock. Up and down she pumped
on it. I could hear her getting closer to an orgasm and deep
inside I could feel that familiar feeling starting in me. Soon she
was flailing out almost incoherently. And shortly I was again
shooting my cum deep inside her. She finally slowed down to some
very small quiet moves and then came to a stop with my still somewhat
cock deep inside her, the tipe of my penis kissing her cervix.
As I slipped out of her, she purred in my ear just how happy and
in love she was. Love. Poets have written about it, songs
have been sung about it, yet no one really understands it completely.
But this was love I was recieving. It was without conditions. It
was just there for me to enjoy. “Oh Annie, I will never know why
you love me. And I guess I shouldn’t worry about the ‘why’ and
just enjoy the fact.
“Why?” she asked, “why not. You make me feel so feminine.
You appreciate every part of me. You want to protect me at your
expense. Why shouldn’t I love you? I won’t find a man like you.”
I knew she was wrong, they’re out there. I also knew that premade
families intimidated some men. I would only let my Annie go to
someone who was worthy of her. She was all I had.
The rest of the evening was spent in the most intimate of situations
‘shared solitude’. We didn’t turn on the television, or radio. We
both sat on the sofa and read. Annie with her head on a pillow
on my lap. We read for an hour without a sound until Eve again
announced she was hungry.
So the three of us went upstairs to call it a night. Eve and I
got a late night snack of milk.
The next morning came all too quickly. Yet it came very nicely.
Annie and I had been sleeping together for some time now, but
last night was the first time we had had intercourse and so this
was the first ‘morning after’. It did indeed feel different than
the previous mornings. The bird’s songs seemed to be prettier
the sun seemed to shine brighter, everything seemed sweeter.
I rolled over and felt Annie’s rear end. It even felt nicer (not
that it hadn’t felt wonderful before now). My touch woke her
up. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, “I didn’t want to waken you.”
She said nothing but rolled over and hugged me. Her eyes were so
warm and beautiful to me. Annie was that kind of person who
wakes up in the morning with a sweet disposition.
“Why don’t you feed Eve when she wakes up and then I can sleep.”
I looked at my chest and then hers, “I don’t think she’ll go for it.”
Annie smiled and said, “I guess you’re right.”
“Now that you’ve had a night to sleep on it, do you have any
regrets Annie? I mean about what we’re doing?”
She rose up and wrapped herself around me, “regrets? Yes I do.
I wasted some valuable time. Last night should have happened
a few weeks earlier.”
“I’m never going to get you to admit that I’m not the best you can
do, am I?”
“Sorry, I just can’t lie. You are all I want or need.”
“So you used to finger old Eric’s butthole.”
“He loved it.”
“What about you?”
Annie smiled a sheepish little grin, “I kind of liked it too. It
was like I was doing something to him that gave him pleasure.
Inside his anus was the softest skin I have ever felt.”
“I imagine all rectums are as soft. Your mother’s was the only
one I felt and it was soft also.”
“She never played with your butthole?”
“She would have told you if she did.”
“I guess that’s true.”
“Roll over on your tummy,” with that Annie removed a tube of KY
she had in the drawer of her night stand. She applied some to
her fingers and slowly worked one of them into my hole. I had
had the doctor stick a finger up there in the past to check my
prostate, but never had I had someone put a finger up there as
a part of giving me pleasure. At first I jumped a little. Then
Annie showed she knew exactly what to do as she manipulated
her finger in and out of my ass.
“That does feel nice. You have such a gentle touch.”
“Do you want to do it to me?” and before I could answer she
manuevered herself around where she had access to my anus
and I had an unobstructed access to hers. I applied some of
the KY to my finger and gently worked it in and out of her.
We were like kids exploring each other. Her tight butthole was
so inviting. I wanted to eat it, suck it, feel it and push my cock
into it. But this was hers to orchestrate not mine. After some
time I noticed her breathing changing. I had learned now that
she was going into her preliminary steps towards a nice good
morning orgasm. I never knew a woman could orgasm with her
anus being invaded. And then I realized that Annie needed her
pussy attended to so she could finish her explosion. She dislodged
her digit from me and allowed me to slip down with my head
between her legs. With just a few trips by my tongue around
her clit she was reeling into ecstacy.
Her chest was rising and falling with waves of pleasure as I
continued to lick her. Soon she made it to the peak and spilled
over into bliss. As she slowly came down from her height, I
ceased the attention on her clit and started to suck on her pubic
“I have waited all this time to wake up like that. It was so
good. Thank you dear heart,” smiled Annie.
We probably would have gotten even more involved with each other
except for this little redhead in her crib making some beginning
noises to let us know she had waken and was hungry and wet. I got
Eve and brought her to Annie. “Feed her first and then you can
shower. I’ll shower while you’re feeding her.”
“No. Don’t shower until we can together. Besides I have enough
to feed both of you.”
I watched and chatted with Annie while Eve was busy on Annie’s
left breast. We talked about when she felt she would feel ready
to return to work. Her job was still waiting for her. She was
a research chemist and very much in demand. We decided that
there was no hurry but she should return when she felt ready. It
wasn’t a matter of finances. I had planned very well for retirement
some day and with all my investments and my current earnings
five Annies and 10 Eves could be supported. But she needed to
be around people.
We both decided that she would return when she felt like it and
not before. Eve and I came first in her life and she wanted to be
there when she was needed by either of us. With that she switched
Eve to the other breast and invited me to finish what Eve had left.
I was going to miss this someday so I wanted to take full advantage
of her milk.
With Eve back in her crib Annie and I both went into the bathroom
and I started the shower. I stood there while the water was heating
up just admiring this beautiful creature with all her youth. She
was such an image of her mother I thought to myself. She steals my
heart every time I look at her.
Annie sensed somehow what I was feeling. She looked at me and
said, “you really loved mother, didn’t you.”
I looked at her and wanted to cry. “She was everything to me.
A piece of me lies in the ground with her. You are the closest
thing on this earth to being her. But I don’t want you to think
that that infatuation is what draws me so close to you, because
while you resemble her so strongly, you have a uniqueness she
didn’t have. And she was some things you will not ever be.
Does that make sense, or am I just an old man blubbering?”
“I understand what you mean.”
WE both jumped into the shower and played like two little kids
soaping each other down and sliding our slippery bodies against
each other. Nothing sexual, just two people in love feeling the
life in each other. Yes I was falling in love with this daughter in
a new deeper sense. She was now my mate as strange as it seems.
I stopped and just admired her body. And with that she caught my
eye. There was fire in her hazel eyes. She was flushed with anger.
“Father!” she said sternly (she never addressed me as father unless
she was ready to make a statement which I had better listen to), ” I
have been really patient with you and this bullshit about the age
difference and our relationship. I am a 25 year old woman, who
has been married, who has a child. I am not a 12 year old who
is being molested by her father. I have made a concious decision
to have you as my lover. An adult, premeditated decision. I have
let you mope and stammer over my decision long enough. I do not
want to hear one more word about age, relationship, the future or
what other people will think. Quite frankly my dear, I don’t give a
damn. If I hear you ever mention any of those again. I will take
Eve and all I have here and we will move out of your life
completely. So do I have your promise to stay off of those topics?”
I find it hard to imagine any man in this world standing in the
shower with his adult daughter, both completely nude and covered
with soap having his ass chewed out by her like I got. She was
as sincere as I had ever seen her. I looked down like a little
boy who just got scolded by his mother. Then I looked up at
Annie and said, “I would rather die than to lose you and Eve.
You have made the decision, I am the one who is getting all
the benefits from it. You are gaining nothing because everything
material I have is already yours. But I do respect your maturity
and will never mention any of those subjects ever again.”
This was sealed with a hug that cracked both our backs and a kiss
that seemed to last for hours. We had made a pact and it was now
official. It would be the three of us from here on out. We would
deal with Eve’s questions as she got older. We would live our lives
one day at a time. No matter what happened to me, these two ladies
were gauranteed a secure future. I was now the wealthiest, happiest
man in the world.
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Two brothers find more than themselves when adopted by a new family.
In a different time, a boy’s world is turned upside down
Not what I expected
My name is Meghan Sanderson, I’m 19, and have been interested in girls for most of my life. When in high school I never understood the more common female reaction to the male figure which is the “I’m lost in his rippling muscles” look. Which, unfortunately, made it awkward when my friends who would either try to set me up with a boy or talk about the sex they had had the previous night. Hearing stories of big dicks and incredible stamina got old. This was a common theme right until we graduated; luckily college is another story where there were plenty of girls with the same interests as me. I had my first lesbian sex experience with a girl named Kayla. She was so gorgeous with dark green eyes, flowing brown hair and what seemed like a swimsuit models body. In comparison to me she a goddess, but I’m not saying I’m ugly. I have brown eyes, black hair and a relatively filled out body with large B cup breasts, a pinched waist and a cute little tush to go along. I definitely got noticed by the Male gender, but I didn’t reciprocate.
It was getting close to the end of my first year in college and my friends and I were going to go to a club which was well known for having a lesbian scene, I decided to take it on my self to go home with someone tonight as it had been a while. So I dressed the part and put on my favourite red, hip hugging, dress that cut only a foot and a bit after my waist. With my black heels and my hair and makeup all done I was looking perfect, and I was hoping that the girls at the club would agree.
We arrived at the club and got in free being ladies night, always a bonus, and we found a table fairly close to the bar. We were having a great time, laughing, singing along with songs, and having more then just a few drinks. I tried my best to keep it civil and didn’t want to get past tipsy. The whole night both guys and girls would come up and talk to a few of the girls in our group, unfortunately I wasn’t the target, but I was patient. It paid off. Two girls came from the bar and took a seat with us. It started out friendly with exchange of greetings and pleasantries. One of the girls took a seat beside me and I couldn’t peel my eyes off her. She was this drop dead gorgeous blonde, long flowing fair that would rest gently above her, what looked to be, large C cup breasts that barely fit in her lace trimmed green dress. Her name was Lacey, Ironic. We talked lots and about everything you could imagine, it felt like the second or third date when all the awkwardness was gone. We both caught each other checking each other out, but we didn’t mind, if anything we loved it; it only excited us more. Finally the second girl left the table with one of my friends and they headed to the other side of the club. Lacey turned to me and asked me if I wanted to get out of here with her and find some place more comfy. I didn’t wait a second to say yes.
We took a step outside and its when I noticed how much taller she was then me, by a good three – four inches at least. I was 5”8’, not tall but not short. Lacey waved a cab down and we took a seat. She told the cab driver where to go and then locked her eyes with mine. She was gently sliding her right hand up and down my leg, It was nice to feel the touch of another girl again. The whole cab ride over she had a hand on me, and I knew what was coming. The anticipation was building up and I could feel it between my legs.
We arrived and Lacey took me up to her apartment. It was so beautiful, hardwood floors, soft couches with deep seats, and a kitchen that looked like it was from a cooking channel show. She asked if I wanted a glass of wine, and by now I didn’t care so much about staying sober so I replied with a yes and she headed to the kitchen. She poured the wine, gave me a glass and placed hers on the table. She told me she had to do something real quick and excused her self. She headed to her room and I took the chance to slip my hand up my dress. I placed my index and middle finger on my panties and slowly rubbed my finger from bottom to top. I could feel how wet they were from the cab ride, I moaned quietly from the surge of ecstasy that went from the tips of my fingers through my body to the bottom of my throat. I heard footsteps and quickly removed my fingers and crossed my legs.
I turned around to look at Lacey and I could feel that horny sensation double, maybe triple when I saw her. There stood an angel, her golden hair dropping like rays of sunlight and landing at the top of her breasts which were being hugged tightly by the top of her lingerie. The lingerie was a black slip that cut a few inches from her knees but really only covered her privates leaving me with very little to imagine. She stood in the hallway as she watched me gawk for a few seconds and then made her way over to me. She took a seat and instantly placed one hand on my lap and used the other too push the hair around my face back before leaning in and kissing me. She started softly but we were both enjoying so much that we didn’t want to stop so I used a hand to pull her body closer to me and with the other I placed on the back of her neck. I could feel her soft, luscious, lips locking with mine and that ever so slight after taste of lip gloss. He hand which was hovering around my head quickly headed south and found its way to my chest where she again, softly, started caressing my breasts. She finally took her lips off mine and looked at me in the eyes and asked me if I liked what I saw. I replied I like what I taste even more. She let out a huge smile and quickly went back to kissing me. Her hand was migrating from the front of my breasts to the side, and was making its way to my shoulder strap. I decided to beat her to it and I slid both straps down and slipped the top of my dress down over my breasts. It now sat on my waist like a belt. She peeled away my lips and stared at my breasts for a few seconds before placing hands on both. She pulled me towards her as she lay down on the couch which allowed me to sit overtop of her. She held my breasts against her mouth and starting sucking on them. Her warm tongue and dripping saliva all over my fairly stiff nipples drove me insane. The sensation as she swirled her tongue around the tip then took a mouthful of the whole breast was making me moan in delight. She pulled her head back and then told me to take a seat sitting up. So I did, as I watched her go on her knees and then forcefully split my legs apart. I watched her eyes go from my wet tits to my even wetter pussy. She started rubbing vigorously, without moving the panties out of the way. She kept rubbing through them, which I found extremely hot. However, it didn’t last long as she leaned in and with a swift bite she caught a hold of the panties and then slid them to my knees where she then slid them the rest of the way with her hands. She took a second to enjoy my tight, shaved pussy in all its glory. While staring she inhaled the smell of my practically dripping panties, then forced her head into my crotch. I instantly put both my hands on the back of her head to ensure she didn’t get away. I didn’t want the feeling of her lips and tongue exploring the inside of me. I could hear the slurping and popping from her mouth but only barely through what was my now loud and consistent moaning. As her tongue started moving faster and faster I took one hand away from her head and took a hand full of my own breast and squeezed tightly. I had both my legs spread and in the air, my head back and my eyes closed. I had let ecstasy take complete control of my body, and I wouldn’t had it any other way. I could feel each surge of pleasure jolt through me every time Lacey penetrated my pussy with her tongue. I could let this go for hours. I was in heaven.
Eventually Lacey peeled away and I opened my eyes to see what she was gonna do next. She stood and turned away from me. I caught a good stare at her perfect ass. She looked back at me without turning and winked as she removed the straps of her slip. It dropped to the floor. She turned around and stood there. When she turned I was looking in her eyes. And I followed it down slowly, taking in her sheer beauty. I paused on her perfectly round breasts then followed her sculpted but sexy abs down to her glorious pussy. Or so I thought. My jaw dropped as I looked down at a large penis pointing at me. It must had been a good 6-7 inches, and completely hard. She asked me if I was mad for not telling me. I didn’t have a response, I stood up quickly and took a few steps away from her and turned my back to her. I was furious, but at the same time I didn’t feel any less attracted. I turned back to her and she was still in the same spot, I could tell she was losing her hard on, probably because she thought I was going to leave. I looked her in the eyes and I was still equally attracted to her, if not more now cause of the curiosity. The idea of that wonderful female body that I was so attracted to plus the ability to pleasure me in a way no other female could. In some ways it was perfect.
Without saying a word I made my decision. I made my way over to her as quickly as possible. Took a tight grip of what was left of her hard on and embraced her in a long kiss where he practically shoved each others tongues down each others throats. I peeled off and dropped to my knees and told her to give it to me as I opened my mouth wide. I had sucked enough dildo and strap-on to know what to do. She didn’t hesitate for a second as she rammed her now rock solid cock in my mouth. I sealed my lips around the mid point of her shaft and I started swirling my tongue around and alternating between fast and slow. She pulled out and walked over to the couch where she took a seat and I knew exactly what to do. I walked over and got my knees again and started by shoving the whole thing in my mouth. I could hear he moaning as I slid back up and slammed back down. She had one had gripping my hair and helping me bob my head as her other hand was holding the base of her throbbing shaft. She took things further into her hands has she know had a firm grip of my hair and was holding my head still as she fucked my mouth vigorously. She slowed down and removed her dick and then changed positions on the couch. With her legs in the air and her dick resting on her pelvis, she took one finger and pushed it deep into her anus. I watched in wonderment as her penis would twitch every time she thrust her hand. She looked at me and smiled, I knew what she wanted me to do as I grabbed her hand inside her anus and removed it only to replace it with my other hand. I had never done anything with another girls anus before but I wasn’t hating it. It was incredibly tight, and It would tighten each time I jerked her cock with my free hand. I could feel the warm pre-jiz running down her shaft onto my hand so I switched and used the clear liquid as a lube to let my fingers get further in. She loved it as she moaned in excitement. Though I was mostly pleasuring her at the moment, it didn’t mean I wasn’t enjoying, I felt a certain amount of control and dominance knowing her pleasure was in my hands, literally. My hands were growing tired but I knew I wanted to keep her going. So I hoped up and walked over to the other coach, she watched in confusion as I laid down and put my hands on my breasts. I told her to fuck my tits. She got a look of excitement in her eyes as she walked over and straddled me. She wasted no time in getting her cock in place as I easily fit my breasts around her dick and let her start the pace. She pumped furiously and had a look on her face that made it seem like she was going to lose control. I wasn’t wrong. As she continued to pump I watched her face but was quickly distracted by a steaming warm sensation on my chin. I tilted my head to look down between my breasts as I watched her blow her load. She was still pumping and I was still holding my breasts in place. I had never experienced an ejaculation, but the feeling of a warm liquid dripping from my chin and sliding down my chest was unexplainable. At this point it felt like my pussy was going to explode unless something, anything, was stuck in there. However it slipped my mind that I needed to get Lacey hard again for that to work. So I took it upon my self to fix the problem. After Lacey had gotten off me and was stepping back to let me up I made haste in walking over to the couch across from us. I told her to stay still and watch. She listened. I Walked over to the couch and took a doggystyle position with my ass in the air and my pussy well exposed. My back was to Lacey so all she could see was my dripping Vagina and my extremely tight ass hole. I angled my self so she could see my face as I had my head resting on the coach seat, I used my right hand to scoop up some of the jiz off my chest and I put my finger above my ass hole. I could see Lacey looking over with her cock in her hand rubbing slowly and watching in amazement. I had never received anal or even masturbated with a dildo in there, I had rubbed once or twice while rubbing one out, but that was it. I lowered my hand against my ass hole. I could barely fit my finger in but I could feel the jiz helping it get in. The pain as I got deeper got more and more intense, I could only imagine the face I was making and what it did for Lacey. I winced as I pushed deeper. I could feel the jiz running drying up on my finger and I knew I needed a lube. I pulled out and felt the relief, but at the same time I felt the lack of sensation and instantly knew I wanted it back in. I took the same hand and got to finger soaking wet by letting them slide on my pussy. I went back to inserting them but this time I included the second finger, which ultimately made me shriek a bit in pain but I continued. I heard Laceys voice from behind me, she asked if this was my first anal experience. As I tried to reply the pain made me cry out for a second and I knew that was my answer for her. I got both my fingers about half way in when I opened my eyes to see Laceys dick straight up and resting in her hand. So I pulled out and turned around. I thought it was a good time for my favourite move as I took the position that drives most of my partners crazy. It took a second but I managed to get both my feet behind my head and kept them there with my arms. I guess mom putting me in gymnastics paid off finally. Lacey didn’t need to be told what to do next as she walked over stroking her dick. It worked out well as the position I got my self in had my hips tiling upward allowing Lacey to stand straight and still slide in with ease. So she did, as she took a firm grip of the base of her dick and placed her other hand on my pelvis above my soaking pussy, She started slow when pushing in then forced the rest of her shaft in with force.
In that moment I had never felt anything so amazing. It was one thing to have a plastic or glass dildo in there, or a girl with a strap on doing the same thing, but it was a different story when I could feel every part of her beautiful dick pressing up against every wall of my vagina. The veins pressing as they pulsed, the tip rubbing my labia every time it went in and out, I couldn’t stop my self my screaming in ecstasy as the excitement of both having something in me and the excitement of knowing it a girl with a penis doing it. I became hypnotized while watching Lacey’s breasts bounce up and down every time she thrust; I became hypnotized by the sound of her pelvis making contact with my thighs as she pressed her warm flesh against me making that slapping noise I was falling in love with; I was hypnotized as I could see the base of her shaft meet my vagina then peel away only to meet it again a split second later. At this point I was moaning endlessly and shrieking in excitement each time her tight ball sack collided with my exposed ass hole. I was completely at the surrender of my body has I would twitch, shake, and screaming as the sensation of her flesh filling my insides would run through my whole body.
She was going quickly, and was not stopping, I was watching every part of her as she laid into me with everything she had. But the pace began to waiver and she pulled out and took a step back. I released my position and was sitting back against the couch when we slipped her arms under my back and placed her hands on my shoulders. With one swift movement she picked me up and placed me on the ground, with neck and head holding me up and my legs bent back towards me I was at her complete mercy. With my asshole pointing to the roof she place her legs to either side of me and helped me gain balance by pressing her inner thighs against me. He took a quick rub of my pussy to get her hand wet then spat on her fingers. She stroked her dick once then started lubing my asshole. I wasn’t expecting this, at least not so soon. However, I knew she was experienced and I let her do what she wanted, I knew I had lost control of the night every since I first took a hold of her raging hard on. She started by rubbing her tip on my anus, this excited me and my anus invited her in. already worked from before it was not as tight, none the less I was not prepared for the sensation I was about to feel.
I felt the penis push further in to the point where my fingers got to, it wasn’t so bad, but she didn’t want to stop there so she continued to push, slowly, but consistently. I could feel the pain coming back I first felt, and it was followed by an even more intense pain as it got in further. I could feel a tear rolling from my eye as I was holding in the pain. I was unable to stay that way as she finally reached a point where the pain was unbelievable. I let out a scream and I could feel more tears running down my face. Finally she managed to get my rim to the base of he dick, and I was getting used to the pain. I started to scream less on each thrust but moan even more. The sensation was unforgettable, the feeling of having that pulsating shaft press deeper and deeper into me, into a place I had never explored; and doing it with a penis I never would of expected. I finally felt the sensation I was waiting for as Lacey’s hard work pays and my legs lose strength as I feel my orgasm course through my body like a lightning bolt, and the sensation repeated four or five more times. I could feel my body getting weak from the intense climax but Lacey continued on.
After what seemed like an eternity, an eternity I would never want to end, Lacey slowed her pace and pulled out. She tells me through breaths she was going to cum. She wanted me to rub it out. I took a firm grip of her penis and starting pumping hard and fast, I could see Lacey’s eyes shutting and could feel her butt clenching, I started directly at her Penis and continued to pump my hand. Without any warning she let loose as her load took flight and landed mostly in my hair but catching me on the nose and cheek as well. I kept pumping until she pushed my hand away. She collapsed on the couch and I quickly cuddled in beside her. We looked each other in the eyes and shared a passionate kiss to finish night.
Ever since then me and Lacey have been seeing each other regularly, and we have made the events that took place that night even more regular. I’m happy to say I’m still a lesbian but I happened to find a girl with a little extra.
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Mary helps her son recover from an accident. Her care goes beyond what she could have imagined
Thursday morning Haley woke up and thought about buying a new bikini and decided to go to the mall. Haley must have spent 2 hours hitting every store that sold swimwear. Most of the more conservative stores didn’t even sell thong bikinis, and the ones that did sell them, didn’t seem to have anything she liked. Haley was just about to give up, when she saw a lingerie store that she hadn’t tried yet, so Haley went on in. It was getting late, and she was the only one in the store besides the clerk. The young lady behind the counter smiled as she walked in, and started towards them. She looked to be in her early late 20’s and was very attractive. She was a little taller than Haley, about 5’6″ and had a slightly smaller build, but still had large breast. She had a pretty face with green eyes and her face was framed by the shoulder length red, curly hair. Her name tag identified her as “Sandy”.
“Hi there, what can I help you with today?”
Marie told her what she was looking for, and they soon made their way to a far wall covered with bikinis.
Sandy walked over to the front doors of the store. .When she reached the doors, however, Sandy closed them and locked them, putting out the “Closed” sign. She turned and made her way back her with a nervous grin on her face.
“I thought you’d like a little privacy.” Sandy said.
The two of them entered the dressing room. Haley handed the red bikini to Sandy, and proceeded to strip. Soon she was standing there just wearing her g-string, her nipples hard. Sandy looked her up and down with approval, and handed Marie the thong bottom. Haley turned away from her and bent to pull on the thong. She pulled it slowly up her legs and Sandy saw the thin strip disappear between her cheeks. Sandy stepped up behind Haley and looped the bikini top over Haley’s head. She adjusted the cups of the top over her tits, and Sandy tied it off in the back.
“Now, let’s make sure it’s fitting right.” Sandy said.
Sandy stood behind Haley and reached around to her chest. Sandy slid her hands under the bikini top and held both tits in her hands as she adjusted the fit of the cups.
“That’s better.” Sandy said, “Now bend over and let’s see about this thong.”
Haley turned towards Sandy, and she saw the look of arousal on her face, and the hardness of her nipples under the top. Sandy stood behind Haley and she felt her hand drift towards her ass. Sandy’s fingers slipped under the material of the thong and slid from Haley’s ass up and down her crevice, adjusting the fit. Haley shuddered a little as Sandy’s fingers passed over her pussy. Haley straightened up and turned to face her. The look of arousal was very evident to both Sandy and Haley.
“Well, what do you think, Haley?” Sandy asked.
“I love it!” Haley replied. “I think I’ll take it then,”
“Great choice, I have one just like it in black.” Sandy replied.
Haley stripped the bikini off and handed it to Sandy. She put her skirt and top back on, Sandy watching the whole time. They made their way to the counter to make their purchase.
“Ever thought about being a model,” asked Sandy.
“No. Not really. I don’t think I’m model material,” said Haley. “Its not everyday that you would see a model with an enormous bust like mines or even am eighteen year old.”
“My husband has a magazine business which features teens such as yourself. Its a non-nude magazine that just models teenage females with unique features. You would be perfect for his upcoming magazine,” Sandy replied.
“I don’t know. I hardly know you and I don’t like taking pictures n e ways.” Haley explained.
“Look. Come over tonight to our house. We would love to show you some of his work and perhaps you’ll decide then and we could set something up for the fall.” explained Haley..
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to look at some of your husband’s work.” Haley replied.
“Good. Here is the address. Be at our house around 6.” Sandy replied with a smile.
Haley had two hours before meeting Sandy and her husband, so she decided to was her Civic. Haley changed into a pair of old gray jogging pants and wore just a white tank top with no bra. The top was very loose at the bottom so you could see the bottoms of her massive boobs near her navel..
While she was washing the car, her neighbor Dan was watching her through his living room window. His dick became instantly hard as he saw her huge tits, swaying back and forth under the tank top, which was getting all wet as well. Her enormous jell-o like tits were visible through her top. Nipples hard and all.
Dan became to jerk off at the site of her. Bending down to wash the hood of her car. He saw her big ass sticking straight up in the air. He was wishing his cock could be between her delicious ass cheeks again.
Haley was spraying the truck off and saw her neighbor in the window and waved furious at him, causing her big tits to jiggle and wobble like crazy under her wet tank top.
Dan really blow his load then on the wall in his living room.
“Oh fuck.” Said Dan, waving back and then cleaning up his cum off the wall.
Haley had finished washing her car and headed back into the house. She took a nice hot shower and did her hair, making it go straight down. Haley decided to wear her favorite outfit. A long black shirt with a short shirt over it saying the band ACDC stretched across her massive chest. Black hip hugging pants to match. Then she was off for her meeting with Sandy and her husband.
Haley arrived at 6 and knocked the door and as it open, she saw Sandy wearing a pink robe and bare footed.
“Hello Haley. Glad you could make it.” Sandy said smiling.
“Yeah.” Haley replied, feeling uncomfortable.
“Are you ok?” Sandy asked.
“Yes. I’m fine.” Replied Haley. “That robe is a little bit intimidating.”
“Oh. I’m sorry dear. I just got out of the shower.” Haley replied.
“Come on in dear. Have a seat. And I‘ll show you some of the pictures until Barry gets out of the shower.” Sandy replied.
“Thank you Sandy.” Haley smiled and walked into their house.
.“Ok. Well, you can look at the photos, while I’ll get you something to drink” Sandy said, handing Haley the photo book.” What would you like to drink?”
“Sure. I’ll have some cola if you don’t mind.” Haley replied.
While Sandy was getting Haley a cola, Haley was amazed at all the large titted teens in the photo album. Wearing tight shirts or low cut shirts, bikinis, or some times, just using their hands to cover up what they can of their huge jugs.
Sandy came back and gave Haley her glass her cola.
“I’m so excited.” Said Haley with a big smile on her gorgeous face. “So what well I be modeling in?”
“Some very sexy outfits but I was wondering if you didn’t mind that I get a few video shots really quick of you?” Sandy replied.
“Sure.” agreed Haley.
Just then Barry came out wearing a white robe and black socks.
“Haley this is my husband Barry.” Sandy said with a smile.
“Wow. He’s a pretty attractive guy. You are a lucky girl to have a guy as good looking as him” Haley replied amazed.
He stood in front of Haley and disrobed. His enormous cock nearly poked her eye out.
“Holy shit! You’re hung like a freaking horse.” Haley said in shock, unable to take her eyes away from Barry’s mammoth cock and heavy balls hanging between his legs. Standing out in front of him, his thick shaft bouncing slightly as the blood rushed through the veins of his cock. Then she looked up at him, mesmerized and amazed at the sight of his throbbing cock
Haley felt her nipples start to get hard while staring at the massive cock swing between Barry’s legs. Sandy had the cam on and zoomed in on her nipples as she could see them growing into enormous size through her shirt.
“Feel free to touch it if you want. I’m sure Barry wouldn’t mind.” Sandy said smiling while filming
Sliding forward onto the edge of the couch and reaching to grasp Barry’s cock with both hands. Her huge tits swayed with her movements. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft, and tried to make them meet together.
“ I can’t get my fingers around it. This cock is huge!” Haley replied.
Pulling slowly on his cock with both of her hands, Haley fixed her gaze on the head of Barry’s cock. Her hands gripping his shaft as tightly as she could pumped it. Haley was rewarded with a drop of precum that appeared at the tip of his cock. Without hesitation Haley began by licking the tip of his cock with the flat of her tongue, licking up his precum and swallowing it as she pumped his cock to produce more. Then she slid her hands up over the head of his cock to smooth his precum over the head and down the shaft, tugging and pulling on his thick shaft with one hand while she spread the slippery clear fluid all over the head and shaft with the other. In a matter of moments nearly his entire cock was shiny with his precum, and she was sliding her hands up and down the entire length of cock. She held his cock nearly straight up, then slipped her soft, full lips onto the tip as she pumped it. She slid her lips down and over the head of his cock. She slid her lips down further, stretching her jaw open as wide as she could, and to her surprise – and his – the head of his cock slipped into her mouth. It was a tight fit, but she did it.
She turned her attention back to his cock, swirling her tongue over and around the head as she sucked on it. She continued pumping the shaft with her hands, pulling more and more precum from his cock as she sucked on it, then began to slide her mouth down his shaft bit by bit, bobbing her head as she pushed her mouth down further and further on his cock. He watched in amazement as she slowly and doggedly slid her mouth further down his shaft, taking more and more of his thick, throbbing cock into her mouth with each dip of his head. Her jaws were stretched with and he could feel her tongue on the underside of his shaft, sliding back and forth as she slowly worked his mammoth cock into her wet mouth.
When she had about four inches of his cock in her mouth she paused, breathing hard through her nose, then slid her hands further down onto his cock to give her room to move. To his amazement he watched as she took another two inches into her mouth quickly, then he heard and felt her gag a bit as the head of his cock hit the back of her throat. He reached out and gently touched the top of her head with his hand, and she nodded around his shaft to let him know she was okay. He took his hand away as she tried to take more of his cock into her mouth, but she gagged again; that was as much as she was going to manage,
“Damn. This is getting good.” Sandy said, moving the cam to Haley’s face and watching her suck Barry’s dick.
Haley looked up at her and gave her a quick smile before lowering her mouth down onto Barry’s throbbing cock. She dove down onto Barry’s cock, holding her head down for a moment or two just to tease both Sandy and him before sliding her mouth up and off of his cock. She gasped a bit as the head slipped out of her mouth, her mouth open as she caught her breath.
“Well I may not be able to deep- throat your dick, but I sure as hell cam smoother all of it with my massive Chest.” Haley said with giving Barry and Sandy a wicked grin on her face.
“Ok. Let’s see those monsters of yours.” Barry said with excitement.
She pulled her shirt over her head, showcasing her enormous breasts literally busting out of her bra. The tops of her titties were spilling over the tight bra. Both Sandy’s and Barry’s mouth watered. Sandy got a nice close up view of Haley’s breasts trying to break out of her bra.
Haley’s bra straps were practically holding her massive breasts up like heavy boulders, waiting to roll out. Barry grabbed the bottoms of her bra cups and lifted them up over her colossal breasts. They bounced and swayed free.
“Oh my. You’re enormous.” Gasp Barry.
“They’re 44 EE’s. Do you like?” Teased Haley. She started bouncing her huge tits up and down and then wobbled them from side to side, smacking them against each other making thunderous noises. Barry couldn’t believe the sight Sandy was capturing on cam.
Haley practically hypnotized Barry as they swung back and forth into each other. Sandy definitely got a close up of Haley’s swinging titties on cam. Barry wasted no time and started squeezing and fondling every inch of her huge tits. Rolling them and pressing them against her chest. He placed his palms under her massive breasts, feeling the weight and softness of them. Then bounced them lightly in his hands. Watching them closely move up and down like playing a pin pong game. Haley leaned her head back and closed her eyes while Barry had his way with her boobs. He pulled and pinched at her thick long nipples and started jiggling her massive tit flesh. Watching them shake and ripple like waves in the ocean. All the playing made Haley wet between her legs.
“We need to change places.” Haley said smiling and stood up in front of Barry. Moving past her toward the couch. She turned as he moved, facing him as he sat down on the edge of the couch. As he leaned back his cock rested lightly against his stomach. His cock pumping and bouncing slightly with the blood coursing through it.
Without a word Haley knelt down between his legs, spreading them apart with her hands on his knees. She moved in as close as she could. Standing up on her knees so that her massive tits were positioned above his cock. She grabbed the heavy, rounded globes of her breast in both her hands. Lifting them up slightly and separating them. Then she looked down a Barry. Haley smiled at him as she lowered her tits down and pressed them together, wrapping his hard cock up in them and covering it completely.
She gave him a wicked smile as she slid her mammoth tits up and down on his cock. Pushing them together firmly to keep his cock trapped between them. Her breast were so big that his cock disappeared between them. The head of his cock popping out as she slid her big breast down onto his cock. The valley between her huge breast were quickly becoming shinny with the slippery fluid of his precum. Haley looked down and watched the head of Barry’s cock appear and disappear between her huge breast. She moved her breast up and down his hard cock in a steady rythym over and over again. She fucked him with her tits, her eyes glazed over with desire when she looked up at him as she moved.
Haley stood up, releasing Barry’s cock form between her tits. She kicked off her shoes and pulled down her hip hugger jeans. Revealing her nice pink thongs, her huge heavy breast swaying with her movements and making Barry’s cock twitch. Sandy got a close up on her thighs and ass.
“Get on the couch and face the back of it.” Barry ordered.
Haley instinctively got on her knees on the couch, grabbing the back of the couch for support as Barry pulled her to the edge of the cushions and spread her legs apart with his own. Then he reached down, grabbed the pink thong panties in his hand, and ripped them off of Haley’s hips. He tossed them onto the floor and then moved into position behind Haley. Barry grabbed the head of his cock, rubbed it up and down her slit a few times, and then placed the head against her opening. Haley leaned down to angle her hips up to let him in, gripping the back of the couch in her hands tightly for support as she pushed her hips back against the head of his cock
Barry grabbed Haley’s hips firmly in his hands, his fingers pressing into her flesh, and pulled her back against him as he thrust his cock forward. He shoved the first six inches of his cock into her with one thrust, and she threw her head back and screamed with pleasure as the thick pole shoved its way deep into her young pussy. Sam paused for a moment, drew his cock out a few inches, and then drove it into her again as he pulled her back against him once more. Lisa cried out again, gripping the back of the couch tightly in her fists, panting for breath, her hair flying and her huge breasts bouncing as her body jerked with the impact of monster cock being embedded inside her tight tunnel. Barry paused again. She looked back over her shoulder at Barry, here eyes filled with want and desire, her mouth slightly open as she gasped for breath.
“Do it, Barry!” She gasped. “Do it hard!”
And Barry did, gripping Haley’s hips hard as he yanked her back against him, driving the rest of his cock into her tight, wet pussy. Haley screamed again as the head of Barry’s cock banged against her cervix, and she moaned loudly as her pussy adjusted to the monster cock that had just impaled her.
Barry could feel Haley’s pussy fluttering around his shaft as she adjusted to him. Then he began to move, sliding his long, thick cock slowly out of Haley’s pussy until just the head was inside, and then he drove it all the way back in again, yanking her hips back against him as he thrust his cock forward.
Barry gripped Haley’s hips hard in his hands, yanking her back against him as he drove his cock in and out of her pussy in deep strokes, going as deep as he could with each thrust. He could see the sides of her big breasts as they bounced on her chest, being tossed around from the hard, deep fucking he was giving her, and he looked out of the corner of his eye and saw Sandy fingering her pussy fast and furiously, her eyes locked on his cock as it pounded in and out of Haley. She was still filming the scence as she fingered herself, as she watched Barry fuck Haley. His balls began to make a slapping sound as Haley’s juices flowed down her pussy lips and coated his balls, and that only made Barry fucked her harder. He increased the tempo of his strokes, tossing Haley around on the couch as he hammered his cock in and out of her pussy.
Barry looked down and watched Haley’s ample ass ripple with each thrust. His balls now slapping against her clit as he fucked her hard and fast. His hands gripped her hips tightly, the fingers digging into her soft skin. Barry was tanking her back against him as he thrust forward.
“OH! I’m…… gonna….cum!” She cried out with each forward thrust, and then she screamed as her orgasm hit her hard.
She shoved her hips back against Barry hard as she gritted her teeth, grinding her hips.
She was gasping for breath when her orgasm finally slowed. Barry reached around and grabbed her heaving, heavy breast in his hands. He yanked on them to pull her back against him. Haley was immediately hit with a second, stronger orgasm.
“AAAIIIEEEE!” She screamed as her second orgasm rippled through her body. Barry hung onto her huge tits. Squeezing them hard as he continued to slam his cock in and out of her. Haley was covered with a fine layer of sweat. Her pussy was literally dripping with her juices, and she was gasping for breath as she held onto the back of the couch.
Barry released her big tots from his grasp and straightened up, sliding his hard cock ouy of Haley’s pussy. He grabbed her by her hips and flipped her over. Her huge tits flopping around on her chest as she landed on her back.
“Grab your breasts…. NOW!” Shouted Sandy to Haley as she zoomed in for a close up.
.Haley squeezed her huge tits together. Barry started jerking his cock over her breasts for a few seconds before he groaned as his orgasm hit. His cock erupting and blasting long,hot thick streams of cum onto her breast. Barry came long and hard, his cock shooting stream adter stream of cum onto her. After five or six long, hard spurts
His orgasm finally started to fade.
“OOOH. That’s it. Empty yourself on my big titties.” Cried Haley, holding her breasts up so his cock could hose them down.
After Barry finish emptying his balls, he started to cockslap her massive melons. Rubbing his cock head over her cum soak breasts and nipples. Haley sat there and squeezed her cummed tits as he beat them with his cock
“Damn Barry. This shit is fucking amazing honey.” said Sandy with excitement.
Haley smiled at the cam as Sandy got a very close up shot of Haley’s cum covered tits. Dripping from top to bottom with her husband’s cum.
“And folks that concludes other edition of Busty Teen Sluts. Tune in next time for an all new busty slut. So long everybody.” Announced Sandy as she cut off the cam, ending their program.
Haley just layed back on the couch, big tits bouncing and all, with a nice grin on her face.
.More to come…………………………………..
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In times of struggle there are those of us who fold, content to accept the fate they’ve been given and wait in vain for eventuality to come. Then there are those who take control of their plight, but once they do there is no telling what path they will take.
This is only a fantasy and not real, although names have been changed. This is my first story so please don’t be to negative. constitution criticism is always welcomed
This happend when i was 13 , but i liked it. She was 18 at the time
hello everyone this is my first time so plz be kind
Mary Jane was 19 going on twenty , she was a wholesome looking young lady, with a figure some would no likely die for if I could use that term. I had first met her when she was three years old, a little curious tyke. Her family had moved in across the street from us and we had become friendly neighbours even though there was a language of origin difference. At 16 I was a young lad, willing to help any one in the neighbour hood, no matter what job they asked me to do, often I found myself across the street helping may Jane’s father with yard work. I guess Mary Jane became accustomed to my help hand, as she began to asking me to fix things for her, a tricycle tire, a wagon wheel, a broken doll’s head, all silly little things which I never minded doing for her.
There were several occasions I was asked to baby sit Mary Jane and her brother which I always handled with the utmost of professionalism, I was not into little girls, I had my hands full with the teen girls that I went out with. This relation carried on for several years, until one day her mother had a heart attack or something similar and her aunt came to live with them to help out. One day out of the blue Mary Jane came over to our house to invite me back to hers for a picnic where she officially introduced me to her Aunt as her boyfriend. Now there were many years difference in our ages, mine was much closer to her Aunt’s age than it was to Mary Jane’s , however we played along with Mary Jane’s understanding of things. I had no intention of going out with a 7 year old that was for sure, but the event itself played apart in my life in the long run.
Mary Jane’s aunt and I became romantically involved and eventually married, and that is how Mary Jane became my niece. As growing children she and her brother spent a lot of time with us, providing the necessary breaks to her mother who , while having recovered from her heart attack had remained frail and sickly for many years. My new wife and I fretted over the two, as we had not yet had any children of our own and doted more or less on Mary Jane and her brother . Of course things never remain stagnant , we eventually had a child , had moved to another city, only to find us returning to our origins
about the time Mary Jane became a young woman.
The story me being Mary Jane’s boyfriend became an antidote that was told during family reunions, when I or my wife were asked how we met. Mary Jane on the other hand had developed into this young woman that caused me at time to wonder why I had not remained her boyfriend and wishing I was much much younger to be able to fully appreciate the now much in evidence womanly qualities of this young lady.
Mary Jane , had moved on and from the information that filtered through the family line had been involved with several boys, some nice, some not so nice, and had ended up with this last one who appeared to be a large teddy bear of a thing. A bit lazy, and slow in style he appeared to be a comforting soulmate for our young niece and it looked as though this was to be the one she brought into the family on a permanent basis.
It was Saturday , not quite early morning, perhaps even a bit after twelve , that the door bell rang. Upon opening the door I was greeted with the sight of this beautiful young creature, dressed in summer clothes . I am sure I looked Mary Jane in the eyes when I said Hello, but I am also certain that my eyes took in her lovely shaped mounds as they lay spread on her chest. Mary Jane was wearing a tight tank top, thin enough that the out line of her bra was prominent, as were the little protrusions that represented her nipples.
She promptly placed two kisses on my cheeks as was her habit, one on each side of my face, a greeting that most of the females on my wife’s side of the family presented to all the males they met , this was one habit that while I had not really gotten into, I always welcomed. Mary Jane’s greeting were always most welcome. I allowed her to pass through the door stop and let my eyes follow her vibrating ass , which was covered but a very short pair of cut offs as she walked into the kitchen to greet her aunt. Sighing ever so slightly to myself , thinking of all those young lads who might have been afforded the opportunity to handle those assets ( no pun intended), I excused myself and descending into the basement to operate my model trains.
Several hours later I came up for coffee, opening the basement door to a scene that took my breath away, and almost caused me to slip on the last step. Mary Jane was lying face down on our large kitchen counter top, most of her body covered with a big fluffy towel, but it was obvious that my wife was massaging Mary Jane’s bare shoulders. Now as goody good Uncle, I could not just stand there and stare, so I went about my business of making a coffee , not making to many comments in case I let my thoughts come out in words that would not be appreciated.
I stretched the coffee making as long as I could, hoping my wife would not chide me and tell me to move along. I surveyed the room, finding the little pile of Mary Jane’s clothing neatly placed on a chair, I sought to take inventory, trying desperately to see if I could see underpants. Mary Jane’s bra was in clear evidence, so I knew she was almost bare under that towel, but I was curiously concerned trying to figure out if she was entirely naked, laid out flat on our kitchen counter top.
Before I could establish this fact, my wife suggested that I continue back down to operate my trains, leaving them to continue their work in privacy. Being the devious person that I am, when I moved back to the first landing, I did not pull the door completely closed, again hoping that my wife would not notice. Lady luck was with me that day, well for a few minutes at least as I turned back to see what I could through the crack, I was able to see right up Mary Jane’s long legs. However before I could determine just exactly what I could see, the door was clicked closed, no doubt by my wife, not however before the blood rushed to my manhood along it to spring halfway to life as my mind wandered.
Grudgingly I returned to operating my trains, my mind wandering trying to imagine just what scene was being played out up in our kitchen. How long it was I have no idea but suddenly I heard my wife calling my name, she was asking me questions but for the life of me I had no inkling of what she was saying. Finally I shook the thoughts from my head and moved part way up the basement stairs to ask just what she wanted.
My wife had been looking for my shaving supplies, and could not find them, she wanted me to come up and get them for her. Arriving back up in the kitchen I looked to see Mary Jane still covered in that fluffy towel, but now she was laying out on her back, and I still remember that at that moment I had wished for X-ray vision. My wife explained that Mary Jane was thinking of going south for a few weeks and they were going to fix her bikini line, just what I needed to know, immediately I felt my cock vibrate. I moved quickly up to the master bathroom hoping that my condition had not been noticed, and pickup the supplies my wife required.
I tried hard to keep my mind focused on trains, as I came back into the kitchen , my eyes falling directly on Mary Jane’s pile of clothing, her pretty pink panties sitting spread out right on the top of the pile causing me to choke. Honestly I was sure I heard my wife chuckle and I appeared to have been caught red handed so as to speak. My wife took her time taking the things from me, asking if the blades were new, should she heat the shaving foam, how long should she leave it sit, and if it was alright to run it on sensitive skin. I felt myself redden as she continued to tell me that she thought using her neat on Mary Jane’s private parts might be to dangerous as that product was formulated to melt the hairs from the body. Fortunately I had thought to place my hands in front of my slacks keeping my cock for springing straight up like a rigid tent pole.
This time it was I who sought to leave the girls some privacy, well better stated I wanted to take me and my hardening cock out of their sight so that I would not embarrass myself.
I slipped through the door and down on the landing forgetting to pull the door behind me in my haste . Once I was out of sight however, I had the good mind to turn back to look into the kitchen, just in time to see my wife slip the towel from Mary Jane’s body, exposing her glorious nakedness to my eyes. Suddenly the door was pushed closed, to sounds of girlish giggling, leaving just the vanished image of Mary Jane’s firm young breasts heaving as she breathed before my eyes.
Forced down into my dungeon, I stopped the trains running, and tried hard to dissimilate any sound that I could from the kitchen, imaging any and all scenarios that might be occurring , letting myself exercise that right we men have. With my bare cock in hand I stoked myself to orgasm, shooting my hot cum all over the floor, disregardful of where I was and who if anyone might be watching.
How long you ask was I playing with self satisfaction, I cannot tell you, but I did not miss the fact that the upstairs door was opened gently and that my wife called softly down to ask me to come up. I cleaned myself quickly, sipping up as I moved up into the kitchen, only to realize that Mary Jane was still laid out on the counter top, her body covered quite properly by that fluffy white towel. As I stood in the door way, my wife grabbed at me, placing me in a warm sensual hug, reaching between us to rub at my now softening cock. Surprising me with her actions, she told me that she believed that I had been teased enough that day and thought that I might like to help her out. I was certainly not thinking straight, I was unable to figure out just what she was taking about. To add further confusion to things I noticed that Mary Jane appeared to be wearing some kind of mask or blindfold over her eyes.
My wife continued to rub my man hood, causing it to respond, and her to begin making little comments regarding my reaction and perhaps my willingness to help. Wanting to know with a bit more precision what the hell she was going on about I asked straight what she was inferring, what did she want , what did she expect of me and all this is a frustrated perhaps loud voice. Quickly me wife told me to be quiet, she had just gotten Mary Jane to doze off and did not want her waking before she had completed what had been planed. In a firm voice my wife explained that Mary Jane had become very frustrated with he newest beau, while he was polite and pleasant, he was a bit of a bore in bed and she was having trouble satisfying her needs. Mary Jane had decided that she needed a holiday away from her big guy, hoping that perhaps a planned trip with a bunch of her girl friends to the south islands would help clear her mind.
My wife went on to explain that she had just expected to dye Mary Jane’s hair, and perhaps do a bit of remodelling down below so that she would look real good in some of her new bikini outfits. However when Mary Jane began talking , she spilled the whole contents of the sorrowful situation she found herself in and my wife decided to change the planned program of the day. She went on to explain to me that back when, before we met she had been involved in several events , incidents, or experiments she eventually called them, that had been girl only situations and that had provided her with some wicked satisfying moments.
She had asked Mary Jane if she would be willing to give herself into her aunt’s competent hands so that a way could be found to eliminate some of the frustrations that had been built up over the passed period of time. She had required Mary Jane to accept any and all directions that she was given. My wife explained that she had tested Mary Jane’s willingness, by having her accept to tease me, letting my wife expose bits and pieces of her naked body to my view, trying not to make it too obvious as to what they were doing. Once she had Mary Jane pumped and primed she pushed forward, requesting Mary Jane to agreed unconditionally to any act, subversive, degrading or other that my wife requested she do. My wife continued telling me that this had taken a bit of time, had involved a through message, from top to bottom, with special attention paid to particular girly parts. Finally, the act of clearing up the area for Mary Jane’s
newest bikini, provided the opportunity for my wife to receive complete and utter submission from her young niece.
The time had come to create a situation that hopefully might change the relationship with our young niece to the satisfaction of all, a new more open feeling between us that could be natured for all it was worth and for as long as possible, without anyone getting hurt , that is why my wife had called my up from my place of solitude her ultimate plans included me.
I was told to stand, to be quiet, to enjoy watching that was going to happen, and to be ready to get involved at my wife’s signal. During all this conversation, my wife had been very busy, once she had rubbed my cock to a good size, she managed to unzip me and fish my pulsating member from inside my shorts. I was ready to go, ready to do her bidding, no matter what was required of me and I am certain that she knew this.
My wife moved back over to Mary Jane , began rubbing her shoulders and at the same time placing gently little kisses all over her face. Once Mary Jane started to emit soft murmurs , my wife proceeded to fold the top edge of the towel down over her body. When my wife had uncovered a large portion of Mary Jane’s chest, allowing me to view the exquisite bare skin of the tops of her breasts, she changed positions , moved her mouth down over this expanse and continued with her kissing of Mary Jane’s young body.
Mary Jane was now not only murmuring, but was moving about on the counter top, not quite enough to cause the towel to slip from her body, but enough to indicate to both my wife and I that she was definitely enjoying the attention she was receiving. I watched this scene unfold as my wife grabbed hold of Mary Jane’s arms, forced them above her head and at the same time moved the towel down off her lovely firm tits, down her stomach leaving it bunched up just over her sex. I heard myself sucking in my breath as I was afforded this wonder sight, a sight I had only dreamed of, never never thinking I would have a chance to see these two fabulous mounds of firm young flesh . I mean it was not as though I had never tried to get a good sneak peek at them. Ever opportunity that had presented itself over the years had seen me trying to take a look down Mary Jane’s top, but even given all the little bits I had seen, never had I been provided such a wonderful opportunity to just stand there and look as they were exposed in all their natural beauty before my sorry eyes.
My wife must have heard my gasping, as she turned to look at me and give me one of little wicked smiles, the she attached her mouth to one now very perked out nipple. Not only Mary Jane groaned as the contact was made, I felt my own slip from my mouth as I watched my wife at play. While she licked and sucked on that first nipple, she reached over, and from where I was standing, I could see her pick the other little nipple between her thumb and index finger and rub at it, until it swelled from her manipulation. Mary Jane’s chest was now heaving as she grasped for air in reaction to my wife’s teasing.
Suddenly my wife signalled to me, not saying a word, but indicating with her hand that she wanted me to grab hold of Mary Jane’s arms and hold them in place. At first I did not move, my mind was playing tricks on me, flooding my brain circuits with the information that I was going to be allowed to hold on to this lovely young body of human sexuality , stopping me from assimilating the gestures of my wife, my thoughts were getting ahead of my actions. Hearing my name being called out, brought me back to reality, shaking me head, I then moved to place my hands on the smooth, soft, warm upper part of the inside of my niece’s arms and hold them firmly, fixed as my wife had placed them over Mary Jane’s head. I was now in a position to view this young body from the other end of things, looking down over her blindfolded eyes, past over her ruby red lips, the dimpled round chin, up over her heaving chest, and down on to her cute little belly button I treated myself to a vision of loveliness.
My wife having transferred to task of holding our young niece fixed firmly on the counter top, severed her mouth from that one tit she had been suckling on extracting a loud No from the mouth of our wiggling captive. With her one free hand, she pulled the last remaining cover from Mary Jane’s body, exposing a clean shaved raised mound . At long last I was looking at pure heaven , pure pussy, even if it was from the head of her body . My cock responded immediately, increasing both in length and in girth as it jerked in the opening of my slacks. I salivated to the point that I almost allowed it to dribble from my mouth, and drip down on to Mary Jane’s head of auburn hair. I could feel my heart pounding, as thought it was going to burst through my chest, as I watched my wife reposition herself between Mary Jane’s slim muscular legs and hover her mouth directly over the center of Mary Jane’s universe.
Looking directly up at me , my wife smiled, this time she flashed me a huge grin, baring her teeth, she then pushed her sensuous pink tongue out of her mouth as far as she could moving it up and down flat at first , then funnelled it as she pulled it back into her mouth.
My wife continued to tease me , to provoke me until I unconsciously allowed a deep groan slip from my lips certainly advertising to Mary Jane that a male was holding her firmly by her out stretched arms. Whether or not Mary Jane was a willing partner allowing her uncle to participate in this particular undertaking I did not know. She was wearing that blind fold for a reason, either she was uncertain she wanted to see me , or have me able to look into her eyes, or if she wanted to pretend that perhaps I was someone else I did not know, but I was not going to spoil things by suggesting that the mask be removed.
Once however my wife felt that Mary Jane was well aware of my presence, she reached out and raised her thighs on to her shoulders , lowering her mouth on to the one part of Mary Jane’s body that was going to produce an extreme reaction, so I prepared myself to handle what every movement that I thought Mary Jane would provide. Fortunately for me, it was not her upper body that the moved, she did however buck her lower body sharply, forcing her ass off the count top, her cunt pressing upwards into my wife’s wicked mouth. Mary Jane, squealed, almost like a young piglet, so sharp and loud I had thought my ear drum was going to burst.
Wasting no time , my wife moved one hand under Mary Jane’s bottom, extracting further screams from Mary Jane, as she brought her bottom back down hard on to the counter. Her screaming left little for me to imagine, I was sure my wife had pressed a finger on to her back hole, or maybe even right up her back chute. Between screams Mary Jane was sucking air, gasping for breath as she gyrated her body, reacting to what ever my wife was doing. After some time, I am uncertain as to how long, Mary Jane appeared to go rigid, her body lifted off the counter top, you could see the mussels in her thighs pressed vice like on either side of my wife head, her legs stretched straight out behind my wife’s back. Then Mary Jane’s body shivered, vibrated, and rocked as she shuddered, she was calling out with cries of “Oh Gawd! , Oh Gawd ! “
Two, maybe three, perhaps five minutes passed, before Mary Jane’s body relaxed and flopped back down onto the counter, her thighs released my wife head, her legs folded down on to my wife’s back. She appeared to be spent , her body showed signs however that she was still experiencing sensations as you definitely see it making spasmodic motions as she lay in a state of limpness on the counter top. My wife eased herself from between Mary Jane’s legs, and to my astonishment motioned for me to take her place. The sour sweet odour that waffled up to my nostrils as I manoeuvred myself in between these lovely smooth young legs is some thing I have never forgotten. Instinctively I placed my hands under her little rump, pried open her body joint ,bent my nose towards the origin of the odour and breathed in as hard as I could.
I heard my wife snickering , then telling me it tasted much better than it smelt. I wasted no time plunging my warped tongue down into the little crevice that was staring me in the face, seeking what ever I could lick at leeching myself onto Mary Jane’s smooth cunt like a depraved person. I did not even notice that my wife had moved behind me, until I felt a cool breeze flow over my lower body. My wife had managed to undo my pants and drop them along with my under-shorts down to my ankles. Before I could protest I felt her hands slip under my T shirt and push it up toward my head. I broke off contact with Mary Jane’s cunt when she asked me to straighten up and allow her to remove the shirt completely. That accomplished, she fiddled around with my feet, removing the last of my clothing from my body, I was now as naked and exposed as Mary Jane, my wife knew it, I knew it and my cock certainly knew it as it stuck out proudly from between my legs, bumping up against the side of the kitchen counter.
Suddenly I felt my wife press up against my back, I felt bare skin on bare skin, so naturally I turned to look, only to see that my was as naked as well. The three of us were standing, well Mary Jane was not quite, but any way the three of us were there that Saturday afternoon standing bare ass naked, exposed in the middle of our kitchen.
Once divested of my covering, I realized that my wife was trying to make me stand upon the little step up affair that we used in the kitchen to reach the higher shelves, so I made it easier for her to lift each of my feet and place them on the top level. The result of this activity brought my lower body high enough that my rigid cock slipped right into the crevice of Mary Jane’s cunt allowing the head to make contact with her soft wet lips.
My wife repositioned herself behind me , reached around me , took hold of Mary Jane’s long slender legs and lifted them to my shoulders as she pushed me towards the end of the counter. With out any effort on my part , the head of my cock slipped past the entrance of Mary Jane’s cunt and settled , engulfed by a warm wet surrounding of tight young flesh. Before I was able to react and start pumping the rest of my hard cock all the way if, my wife grabbed onto Mary Jane’s hips and pulled her on to me, effectively pushing my cock all the way in. I saw Mary Jane grimace as my cock reached the end, coming up hard against her cervix. I remember thinking that even if I had been given the opportunity to do this myself, I would most likely have been more gentle, but as it
was my wife to appeared to be controlling things I just let it ride and enjoyed the feelings.
My wife pressed her body into mine, forcing me flush up against Mary Jane’s cunt, then she pushed Mary Jane forward, letting my cock trail out of this lovely encasement. Again and again my wife repeated these movements of hers, it was like she was the one who was doing the fucking, I was just the phallus, to be used for her pleasure. I began to wonder if she would agree to letting me buy her a strap on cock so she could get rid of the middle man. As my wife continued to manipulate the scene , I felt Mary Jane’s body beginning to react, she was now helping my wife move her body back and for on my cock. Mary Jane was rotating her body as best she could, pressing the backs of her legs forcefully into my back, she was indeed seeking to bring herself off. I knew I was not going to be able to hold on much longer, I had become verbalized, and quite loud.
My wife increased the rhythm of her rocking, she increased the pressure she had on my back, pushing hard into me as she pulled Mary Jane’s cunt onto my cock, there were no more slow long strokes, I was being worked like a piston , running at full steam. Mary Jane was making loud noises, grunting sounds at first then the sounds rose in crescendo, indicating to me that she was getting herself along just fine, rising no doubt to her peak, ready to orgasm. I was trying hard to hold myself back to hold off until I felt Mary Jane ready , but my wife had other ideas. On one vigorous forward movement my wife somehow managed to get her finger in place and shoved it right up my rectum, the palm of her hand coming to rest between my cheeks. Well let me tell you that set me off, there was no way in hell that I would have been able to hold back. My cock surged, swelled to a size I had not before experienced and sent my hot jism deep into Mary Jane’s tight young cunt.
Not a minute too soon, as I felt Mary Jane seize my rod with her interior muscles and squeeze , crying out in a loud voice letting us know that she cumming. How long we remained fixed like this I do not remember, but it was my wife who first disengaged herself , wiggling her finger in my ass, as she slowly pulled it free. She rose on her tippy toes placed a kiss on my cheek and told me to remain coupled to Mary Jane as long as possible, that she would be right back. By the time she got back with a warm wet cloth, my now limp member had slipped from that precious little hole , bringing with it a mixture of both our love juices. My wife got me down off the little step stool, and gently inserted the wet cloth into Mary Jane’s leaking cunt, blocking further loss of seed.
Turning her attention to me she knelt , took my limp cock in her mouth and sucked me clean of all remnants of the event. She was unable to bring me back to my manly form however . I was definitely spent from the afternoon’s activities, it would take a while before I would be able to get it back up for sure. I was told to dress and move off back downstairs to play with my trains and recuperate, incase there would be further need of me. I took my time covering my body, hoping to observe more of this naked Mary Jane, laid out no, now sprawled out limp on the kitchen counter, her little body showing signs of reacting to further sexual tremors .
By the time I tying my shoes, my wife had taken the wet cloth from Mary Jane’s cunt and was busy licking up the residue that remained. It had been a long time since I had participated in such an event, a long time since I had seen my wife so sexually involved, so intense in her actions. Finally, allowing a loud sigh escape from deep inside my body, I made my way down to the basement, my mind certainly not focused on running my trains at all.
It was much later, that I heard chairs being moved around in the kitchen, and sounds like normal speaking voices in conversation. Then my wife came down the steps wanting to speak with me again. She told me that Mary Jane had decided to stay the night, that supper had been prepared, but first and foremost she wanted my complete and utter co- operation. My wife went on to explain , that the idea behind what had happened was to allow Mary Jane to enjoy the fantasy of letting go, having no regrets and participating in some different experiences. She had been blindfolded so that it would not be too embarrassing for her to know that she was being fucked by her uncle, it had been planned so she could be visualizing any the male of her choice taking her, bringing her the pleasure she needed, and that was how my wife wanted it to remain.
She went on to tell me that under no circumstances was I to mention, or make reference to anything that had happened that afternoon. I was to concentrate on being Mary Jane’s favourite uncle nothing more nothing less, I had to control my emotions, and show no more than my usual loving kindness towards Mary Jane, after all she was still my niece , the same little girl that I knew so many years ago. There was to be a catch however, that would definitely cause me some problems, but that I might find pleasing to the mind.
As I had been told earlier, Mary Jane had agreed to place herself in my wife’s control, or possession, perhaps dominate desire, if you could say that and her resolve was going to be tested as long as she chose to remain with us that weekend. Once I told my wife would do my best and be on my best behaviour I was told to go wash up and come for supper.
Imagine my surprise when I arrived back in the kitchen to find Mary Jane all fresh and spiffy, dressed in her tank top and a short wrap around skirt that my wife had worn so many years ago. It was sort of impossible not to stare , no matter how hard I tried, no matter how hard I wanted to be the proper gentleman and uncle. Mary Jane was not wearing a brassiere under the top, her areola were clearly outlined beneath the material, her nipples which appeared to be rock hard pushing at the material very prominently . I tried as I could to keep my eyes on or about her face level, but it was almost a loosing battle, it was like her chest was calling , telling me to look at her almost bare tits. I swallowed hard and turned my attention to the dining room table taking the seat at the end of the long table.
My eyes wandered however, fixing themselves on the swaying of the pleats of the short wrap around Mary Jane was wearing. While my eyes followed the movement or sway of the material, my mind wandered back in time to the fist time my wife had worn that short skirt. It was a fairly warm summer day, and we had decided to go a movie theater as we figured they would at least have the air conditioning working. While I was picking up some popcorn, my wife had taken the opportunity to attend the ladies washroom. We were cuddling like two teenagers as we enjoyed what ever was on the screen, when my wife took my hand and slipped it in under the material of her blouse. Immediately I made contact with a bare breast, she had gotten rid of her bra; needless to say, my attention was taken from the movie that was playing on the screen. To make a long entertaining evening short, once I had gotten her blouse completely open, her two tits exposed in the semi darkness of the theater, I created a sexual atmosphere that caused my wife to direct my playing to her nether regions, under that short wrap around skirt there was no barrier preventing me from sinking my fingers in to her hot and extremely wet cunt. My wife had taken off all her undergarments that evening, and by the time the movie had ended she was hitting her third of fourth orgasm sitting almost completely naked, her blouse hanging around her arms, her skirt bunched at the sides of the chair.
My memories were rudely broken as I was brought back to reality; my wife was asking if I was more or less of something or other on my plate. My response resulted in Mary Jane returning to the dining room carrying a plate of food in her two hands. She way was holding the plate about the middle of her body, her free swing tits in plain evidence, hidden only slightly by the material of her tight tank top. What however caught my attention was the amount of flesh that was showing below the level of the plate. As Mary Jane walked from the kitchen, I noticed that her strides appeared to a bit slow, deliberate and exaggerated. When she moved her right leg forward it bared a lot of skin, it slipped almost completely from the split of the skirt she was wearing, I was treated with the sight of her upper thigh, almost to the crevice of her legs. It appeared that the wrap around skirt had been altered some what to allow for more exposure.
My eyes remained glued to the movement of Mary Jane’s legs, until she was standing beside me and it became impossible to see anything further. I turned my head upwards to thank her for bringing my plate, letting my eyes scan her body as they rose to meet her own. It was obvious that my wife had been working her magic, for as my eyes passed up the profile of Mary Jane’s I noticed her nipples pushing out in to the material of her tank top as thought they were going to poke right out. Once my eyes came into contact with her face it was easy to tell that she was a bit embarrassed as her face was almost bright red in color. I held back all comments other than expressing the appreciation of having her bring my plate, and swallowed hard.
Mary Jane’s exit from the room did nothing to calm my emotions, I watched as she swayed her hips, and adjusted my growing manhood to a more comfortable position.
Both girls came back in with their own plates, embarking in a general pitter-patter of animated small talk. I mean animated as both the girls were of French background they had a habit, well it was more a custom of the French to talk with their hands. I participated in the conversation with my more demure English way, keeping one hand occupied with my fork and the other in my lap occupied with my cock. It appeared that my wife was doing things on purpose, because she had Mary Jane going, she was responding moving not just her hands, but her arms, in fact her whole upper body was involved in the conversation. I was treated , thanks to my wife , with the pleasant scene of seeing Mary Jane’s firm tits, with their little rigid nipples bobbing up and down , swinging left to right as she replied to my wife’s statements.
Suddenly the conversation was interrupted when my wife ‘ accidentally’ or so it seemed let her hand come into contact with the outer side of her wine glass, knocking it in Mary Jane’s direction spilling the liquid contents all over the front of Mary Jane’s tank top.
Once the wet liquid had made contact with the material Mary Jane’s top took on a transparent look, it was almost as though she was bare breasted , it was a good thing I had my hand in my lap, for at this sight my cock surged in size. Mary Jane quickly jumped up from her seat and headed for the kitchen with my wife close behind, however not before she shot me one of those wicked little smiles she used to give me when she got into a real playful mood.
While the girls were off fixing Mary Jane’s clothing problem, I once again found my mind wondering back to that summer evening we had gone to the movies. No sooner had we gotten back to the car then my wife suggested that she was hungry, wanting to stop for a quick bite before we headed home. As I got into the driver’s seat, I saw that my wife had once again undone her little wrap around skirt, exposing her lovely sex to my viewing. Telling me to concentrate on driving us to the restaurant safely she busied herself on her own, playing havoc with her cunt. By the time we had arrived and I had placed the car in park, I found my wife releasing a second orgasm, her blouse undone, her legs spread wide, her hands working both ends of her own spectrum, so I just sat and observed the wonder scene that was transpiring before my eyes.
Once she had ridden things to their end, she relaxed, her body rippling with small tremors, while she sat there limp and so lovely exposed. The restaurant was a cross between as fast food place, and a more general family restaurant, there was a section for those who wanted to be more immanent, quieter, those who had brought children, and those who were in a rush to eat and get on their way. My wife directed me to a place far back out of the limelight of things, more secluded perhaps than in the other parts of the room. Once settled, my wife excused herself to head off to the ladies room, so I waited patiently thinking that she was going to put her undergarments back on and be a bit more respectable for the rest of the evening.
Was I surprised, perhaps more taken back than anything else, when my wife came back from the restrooms area. I sat there certainly with my mouth wide open, staring at my beautiful wife strolling towards me. Her blouse was held closed by a knot tied just under her breasts, she had not rebuttoned her blouse, but had either rolled it or tucked the edges under each side, allowing it to open wide enough to see a good portion of her tits. The skirt had been rearranged so that the slit was now located in the front, right between her legs, so that as she took those long strides towards our table I was provided with an even more pleasant view of her long naked legs as they advanced through the opening of the skirt. Staring, taking in all that was being shown, I concluded that I was able to see much more skin than usual, and then realized that my wife’s skirt was riding much higher on her legs. While the skirt normally came to rest about half way between her hips and her knees it was riding so high on her legs that the hem was just barely covering the bottom of her sex. That was the very first time my wife decided to tease me mercifully, there in public, in a family restaurant, with others sitting not that far away, even if they were not able to see very much.
My day dreaming was interrupted by the sounds of my wife asking if I wanted tea or coffee with my dessert , bringing me back to the reality at hand , ten years later. Having settled on a choice, the noise of the dishes being manipulated prevented me from turning back to my dream and the resulting even more pleasant happenings of that particular evening. I was a bit disappointed when it was my wife who brought the dessert, placing my plate and commenting that I should be careful not to choke on my food. She then set both her plate and Mary Jane’s in place before she settled down and applied herself to her dessert, yet watching me, which I found to be funny. After a few minutes had passed, my wife called to Mary Jane, telling her it was time. This was a statement that made no sense to me, time for what I was thinking, and then Mary Jane timidly came into view at the threshold of the door. My eyes I am certain bulged in their sockets, Mary Jane was covered now in a very very sheer blouse, see through it was. Tied in a similar fashion to that one my wife had worn so long ago, while it was not buttoned, it was not spread open as far as my wife’s had been, but this was even better because the material was so sheer that it was like having Mary Jane exposing her tits out in the open.
To further accent her display, even though Mary Jane was wearing the same wrap around skirt she had on before, it had been arraigned exactly as it had been when my wife had worn it. The skirt had been raised to almost the bottom of Mary Jane’s little pussy; the slit however appeared too had been arranged with a much wider spacing, almost to the point that it remained open as she took her steps towards her chair, providing me with several glimpses of her bare cunt and its puffy pinkish lips. Mary Jane walked around to the side of the chair closest to me, placed herself sideways, facing me on the seat, then spreading one leg at a time seated herself at the table, her legs disappearing from my view. I then understood why my wife had warned me not to choke on my food. Although I had not made any remarks, complimentary or otherwise, Mary Jane was beet red in color, from either embarrassment, humiliation or just plain lust I did not know and was certainly not going to ask. I was not going to spoil any game plan that my wife had set up, if she was still testing Mary Jane’s resolve, I was going to go along with it as I was reaping most of the benefits.
With dessert finished, leaving everyone with their tea, Mary Jane was directed to remove the excess dishes from the table. In doing so she must have been instructed before hand how to complete this required task, as she reached first for my wife’s cleaned plate and brought it back to place on hers. Then she reached for the utensils, one at a time taking them and placing them in front of her. Each time she reached over to me wife side of the table, I was provided the profile view of her tits as they hung forward when she extended her upper body. Much to my delight, when she began to reach for my dirty dishes, she turned her body towards me and allowed me a direct view into the blouse, allowing me the delightful view of her two bare breasts. Once she had assembled the dirty dishes, in reverse motion she moved herself off her chair, one leg spread wide open, facing towards me, at a time. Again I was treated to the nicest of views right up to her little puffy pussy lips.
Mary Jane came back with the teapot, offering to refill my cup, passing to the right side of my chair; she placed her left hand on my shoulder, and lent forward to pour with her right. In the peripheral vision of my right eye I could tell that her left nipple was popped at least a quarter of an inch straight out from her boobie. Trying hard to continue being the kind gentlemanly uncle I turned my head in her direction to thank her for providing the refill. As I turned and before I could bring my eyes up the level of her I was afforded the more than pleasant view of her bare right tit and its accompanying deep rose colored nipple, Mary Jane had managed to lean in such a manner that her sheer blouse was gaping wide open. She allowed me time enough to have a good long look at her precious assets, before she straighten up, forcing me to shift my eye sight to her still flushed face , clearly all this exposure was causing her some embarrassment.
Mary Jane then went over to her aunt and assumed a similar position, refilling her tea cup also. I noticed however that as soon as Mary Jane placed herself beside her, my wife removed her right hand from the table. I was certain that I distinctly heard a sharp gasp. This drew my attention to Mary Jane’s face where I saw or at least it looked like she was biting her bottom lip, her face was contorted that was sure, however she continued to refill my wife’s cup with the same decorum that she had mine. It took but a few minutes, to complete her task, but in those few minutes, my wife surprised me even more when she turned her head towards Mary Jane leant in close and flicked at the tip of Mary Jane’s left tit with her tongue. Mary Jane straightened herself, removing her tit from my wife reach and stood for a moment with her eyes closed. I could swear that I saw her body shudder, but since I was at the other end of the dinning room table I can not state this as fact.
As Mary Jane returned to the kitchen, I watched in awe as my wife brought her hand back up from under the table, she brought her fingers to her mouth and licked them in the most sensuous of ways, before she reached out to take and other sip of tea. Smiling her wicked grin, my wife commented that she had really enjoyed the dessert; however it was time for me to return to my trains and leave the two girls alone to finish cleaning up. She complimented me on my good behaviour, telling me that this was just what was needed, to fortify Mary Jane’s self consciousness, to help her understand the power she could envelope her well being with, she was really pleased with me.
I returned to the basement, letting my mind review all that had transpired during the evening supper, and almost mechanically operated my trains around the board. I thought I heard a voice calling to me , being in a stupor I did not respond until I heard Mary Jane calling out to me , almost yelling my name. Quickly I shut off the transformer, bringing the rickety rack of the trains to a halt and walked over to the bottom of the stair well.
Looking up to the landing, Mary Jane was there standing her legs spread wide enough to allow me a good view up under skirt that she had been wearing this afternoon. Her legs were wide enough apart to allow me to see that there were two little chains hanging from inside her bare cunt, the ends of these chains held two little bell like balls, that I knew well. Mary Jane was carrying, or at least holding my wife’s ‘Wally balls’ as we called them. This particular set of sexual toys had the added attraction of the little chains, upon which two bell like balls, similar to those that you might find around a cat’s neck, were solidly attached. Depending on how the person carrying the balls walked the bells would make a sound loud enough to attract any one’s attention, and in most cases direct their attention to the area from where the sound was coming. These balls had been sitting in their case for a long time now; I was very pleased to see that my wife had decided to bring them back into use. I knew now that Mary Jane was going to placed in a very delicate situation, which was only confirmed when Mary Jane informed me that her aunt was taking her out to see a movie at the new theater in the wonder mall that had been built not too far away. She told me that her aunt wanted me to know that they had no idea when they would be back, but she wanted me to make sure that the outside spot light was in good working order. With that Mary Jane blew me a kiss and disappeared from my sight leaving me alone with my thoughts.
It was well past midnight, before I got around to checking the out door spot light, it worked on the movement property, staying dark until it detected some thing in the range of the scanner they it came on. I had purchased real bright lights that lit the whole front yard area, especially the driveway as I often came home late with the car full of stuff to unload. I had the timer set for a good twenty minutes, before it need to be reactivated, that way I always had enough time to do my business with out any problems. Once I was certain every thing was in order I poured myself a scotch, set myself in my favourite chair and turned on some Mozart. The music lulled me into calmness, while the scotch fortified my fanciful thinking. Thinking about what the girls was doing, wondering what my wife was doing to Mary Jane, with Mary Jane, or having done to Mary Jane by others. I began wishing I had been invited along, even if it had been just as an observer, the more I thought about what may have being going on, the longer and harder my cock became.
Finally I could not longer hold on, I toddled off to the washroom and jacked off in front of the wall unit mirror until I came shooting gobs and gobs of my seed all over the counter top. It was quite a sight I must say watching all this creamy white liquid shoot out the end of my cock, I could see my piss hole open as it expanded to let loose the stream of cum , this I thought, was precisely the same scene that my wife saw when she sucked me off. I cleaned myself and the counter top off then decided it was time to head for bed, I had no idea where the girls were not how much longer they were going to be if they decided to return this evening or not so I might as well hit the sack and get some shut eye.
Just as I was going to open the bedroom lights, I heard our car pull into the driveway and sensed the spot lights brighten up the outside area. Quickly I moved over to the bedroom window and peeked out to see what I could. I watched as my wife parked the car just at the far end of the drive and wondered why she would do this as there was lots of clear space to bring the car right up to beside the house. I was going to leave my spot to go see if there was a problem when I realized Mary Jane had already opened her door. Before I could move I was stunned to see a completely naked Mary Jane exit from the car and close the door. I decided then it was perhaps better to spy from the spot I was in than going out front to ask what was going on, so I continued to look out on the scene that was being played out.
A stark naked Mary Jane walked in front of the car, exposing herself completely in the beaming head lights of the car and the probing spot light of the house light, she was lit up as though it was day light, every detail of her firm young body was in evidence, for any one to see if they were looking. She managed several pirouettes, her arms held high in the air, before my wife extinguished the car lights and exited herself. Now my wife still had her clothes on, yet you could readily see that her short sleeve top was not buttoned; as she waved Mary Jane into the house her movements exposed both of her mature breasts, naked as I liked them. Just before they disappeared from my line of sight and entered the house, I saw my wife give Mary Jane a good swat on her bare bottom; it certainly did not look like a love tap to me. There was lots of giggling going on as the girls tried to sneak quietly up the stairs and into the bathroom. As the shower came on, I decided that it was time to get under the covers and hopping that I might be going to receive two succulent visitors into my bed.
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A human woman goes looking fro sex, what she finds will please her more than what she expects
Cindy and Stacy finally some quality time alone…, all weekend…, and they are young…, and they are horny…
Author’s note: This story has fantasy characters, namely two witches. This is a direct sequel to ‘Dissolution of love’ and is based on characters introduced in the ‘Champion’s Companion 17’. Ideally, I hope everyone reads and enjoys this, but I understand differences make us special as humans. Please enjoy, I am glad to share.
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