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Dedicated to fellow writer Clarise.
Dear reader; this non-erotic short story is my first attempt at writing humor. If you want a little chuckle read on and then leave a comment to let me know what you think of my effort. If you are looking for something a little more sexually salacious, you might want to look at another offering and then come back when you are in the mood for humor.
In support and in solidarity, I dedicate this story to my friend and fellow writer, Clarise, who recently had one of her stories deleted. My Colonoscopy:
by Hardrive
After several weeks of complaining about stomach discomfort and constipation, my wife Rita got tired of my belly aching and called her fudge-packing brother for advice. That made a lot of sense. After all, who better to ask about asshole problems than your queer brother? Woops, did I say queer? I meant to say Homo-American. Anyway, Rita said her brother recommended I go see a gastroenterologist for a full evaluation.
“What?” I asked, “An ass-hole-enter what? That doesn’t even sound like a real doctor. It’s probably some kind of voodoo fag doctor.”
“No, you homophobic ignore-anus” came Rita’s cynical reply. “A gas-tro-enter-ologist, is a doctor that specializes in disorders of the digestive system. My brother is a well regarded general practitioner and if he says you should have a full evaluation of your intestinal track, that’s exactly what you’re going to do. It’s high time someone looks up your stupid ass to see what kind of problems you’ve got brewing up there.”
“Oh, really,” I said, mocking her sarcastic tone, “Since you insist I need to have my colon examined by a doctor, I guess you’re finally ready to admit you’ve been wrong about me all these years.” Rita’s perplexed expression indicated that she had no idea what I was talking about, so I explained. “You’re always saying that I have my head stuck up my ass.” Rita nodded in agreement. “Well,” I said with a smug smile, “if my head was really up my ass why would we need to hire a doctor to see what’s wrong… I could see it for myself.”
I thought that was hilarious, so I slapped my wife’s butt and did a little victory jig while laughing my head off. Rita wasn’t amused.
“Oh, you can’t take it when I get the upper hand.” I started to mock her. “You think you and that fairy brother of yours are so much smarter than me. Just ‘cause I don’t have a fancy college education don’t mean that I can’t tell when you’re trying to pull my leg. There is no such thing as an ass-hole-enter-whatever, So, go ahead and make an appointment with your made-up doctor. I dare you.” Rita just gave me an icy stare, smiled and walked away.
A week later we were sitting at the doctor’s office listening to him explain why I needed to have a colonoscopy. I told the doc I’ve never heard of a cola-ass-copy and had no idea what he was talking about. The doctor picked up a book with full color illustrations and used it to thoroughly explain the procedure. Pointing to the interior of the large intestine he indicated the areas that he wanted to examine and photograph.
Nodding thoughtfully, I pretended to understand what he was talking about and asked a question or two that was intended to display my advanced knowledge of medical terms. “Will you be using an x-ray camera or an MIR to photograph my inners?
The doctor smiled. “No, we use a flexible hose to guild a miniature camera through your anus and into the full length of your large intestine.” Then he showed me a picture of a little camera attached to a very long black hose.
Hell no! I said to myself. I won’t even let my family doctor check my prostate, so there was no way this joker was going to shove a big old hose up my ass. Looking around the office I spotted the door, popped up out of my seat and began to vigorously shake the doctor’s hand while I thank him profusely for wonderful presentation. The doctor seemed confused and tired to interrupt me several times but I just continued to pump his hand while backing up towards the door. My plan was working just fine and I actually got to openthe door open and had one foot over the threshold before my wife decided to intervene.
Now at this point I’d like to pause to give my male readers some advice. Never marry a stout, red headed woman of Italian-Irish descent. That combination gives them a split personality that makes Bruce Banner’s transformation into the Hulk look like a mild eccentricity. In public she tries to maintain the illusion that she is the devoted wife and I’m the boss in our relationship… but in reality she calls all the shots and only lets me do what she wants me to do.
In public she always agrees with me but she uses a code to let me know what she really wants. Whenever she smiles and says ‘Yes dear’ while putting the accent on the ‘yes’ but elongating the ‘dear,’ that means that if I even think about doing what I want, she’ll make my life a living hell. And let me tell you, when my wife says ‘living hell’ she’s not talking about Dante’s little cake walk through the seven levels of the fiery pit. She’s talking about providing me with my own personal apocalypse. Believe me, when it comes to pursuing a vengeful agenda, my wife puts Captain Ahab to shame.
In this case she was determined that I was going to have that colonoscopy, so she moved quickly to intercept me at the door. Putting her arm around me in a very loving way, she smiled at the doctor while she worked her hand under my coat and up to my neck. Putting me in her version of the Vulcan death grip, Rita paralyzed my body. When the doctor noticed that my expression suddenly went blank, he asked if there was something wrong. All I could do was move my head left to right as Rita manipulated the back of my neck. When he asked if he could schedule my procedure, I wanted to say hell no but I found myself nodding ‘yes.’ Then, when the doctor smiled and said goodbye, Rita squeezed the nerves in my neck so hard that my pained grimmest looked like I was smiling back.
By the time we left the doctor’s office, I was feeling dizzy. Leaning against Rita, we walked over to the discharge nurse who gave us the doctor’s instructions and a prescription for a product called ‘Koli-Kleen.’ The nurse said I was to drink two doses of Koli-kleen the night prior to the colonoscopy. What she didn’t tell us was that using that product was going to be, without doubt, the most gruesome part of the whole procedure.
I didn’t know it then but a week after my colonoscopy I did a google search and found that Koli-Kleen is sold in the United States as a prescription laxative, but it was originally developed during world war two by the Gestapo. The Germans called it Magen-buster and used it to get prisoners to voluntarily run into gas chambers they mislabeled “Latrines.” After the war, the Russians developed the formula into a WMD or Weapon of Mass Defecation. When the cold war ended, the KBG sold the formula to the CIA who used it in Guantanamo as an interrogation aid. It was reported that the CIA had a lot of success getting even the most resistant terrorist to literally spill their guts, but when the UN found it was being used on the prisoners, they banned its use as inhumane and a serious breach of the Geneva Convention.
Considering the nefarious history of this product, it was beyond my comprehension how any Pharmaceutical Company could get it approved by the FDA for sale to the American public. But then I saw the outrages price on the insurance company’s invoice and my question was answered.
I was totally ignorant of all that before the colonoscopy so I spent the week prior to the procedure nervously worrying about the ‘big fat hose’ and never gave a second thought to the hellish experience that awaited me on the night before.
When the time came for me to get ready, I read the instructions. Step one said that 12 hours prior to the colonoscopy I shouldn’t take any solid foods by mouth. That kind of confused me since taking solid foods by mouth was the only way I knew how to do that. Anyway, by supper time I was pretty hungry so the wife suggested I try some chicken broth. I love chicken soup but chicken broth was a big disappointment. It is nothing more than hot salty water with a little food coloring. The only chicken you’ll find in chicken broth is the word “chicken” printed on the box.
But I digress… the second step was to try and drink the first dose of Koli-Kleen. I say try because the stuff tastes like industrial grade toilet cleaner. The pharmacist recommended the lemon flavored product but I can tell you right now that the lemon flavoring in that noxious concoction does absolutely nothing to mask its totally disgusting taste. In fact, to this day I still can’t look at a lemon without getting the dry heaves.
The instructions warned that After drinking the first dose I might experience some gastric discomfort followed by a loose bowel movement. That was a gross understatement. What the instructions should have said was that after taking Koli-Kleen, my guts would heave, toss and turn like a small boat caught in a typhoon and that shortly thereafter, everything in my stomach would simultaneously attempt to abandon ship through the stern of my little brown boat.
Holy Crap, that stuff works fast. It may not be written on the box but I believe that one of Koli-Kleen’s chief ingredients is rocket fuel. I say that because when that stuff kicks in, your colon ignites and the full content of your alimentary canal is explosively jettisoned out of your ass with such force that, unless you hold on to the toilet seat, it’s possible that your body could be propelled into low earth orbit.
Needless to say, I spent the whole night sitting on the toilet and nervously waiting for the many intestinal eruptions that followed. Whenever I felt my gut begin to rumble I shut my eyes, held on to the toilet seat and did a short count-down as my rocket powered ass violently sprayed whatever was in my guts into the crapper.
This went on for hours until my intestines were totally empty and I had nothing more to give. By then it was time to drink the second round of Koli-Kleen, and to my absolute amazement, the process started all over again. I couldn’t believe it possible that there was anything left in me to expel, but apparently I was wrong.
My only explanation for this extraordinary phenomenon is that the second dose of Koli-Kleen must have the ability to tap into the spiritual realm, locate my long dead ancestors and channel the festering content of their ancient intestines through my flaming ass-hole and into the commode.
And that leads us to a subject that isn’t covered by the Koli-Kleen instructions. I’m talking about the smell. Oh my god the smell is incredible.
Let’s face it, you can’t flush out the rotting content of someone’s intestine without creating some serious atmospheric pollution. You’re probably going to think I’m exaggerating but things got so bad at my house, that I actually saw lines of staggering insects abandoning the residence. I also witness our house plants literally wither and die right before my eyes. Even the plastic plants keeled over. Rita could attested to all this but she barricaded herself in the guestroom, stuffed towels into the crack under the door, and refused to come out until it was time to go to the clinic.
Needless to say, by the end of the evening I was exhausted. All that running back and forth to the bathroom left my legs feeling like the rubbery limbs of a punch drunk boxer, and my asshole like the business end of a blow torch. That night, after pushing several ice cubes up my raw pucker, I finally passed out and slept like a very tired and dehydrated baby.
The next morning my wife got me up at what is known in military time as “oh five hundred hours.” The “oh” stands for; “Oh my God, I can’t believe it’s still dark.” Anyway, when we arrived at the clinic we thought, since they wanted us there at the crack of dawn, that they intended to begin the procedure right away. We were wrong. Instead they had us filling out forms for hours. The frustrating part is that they had me answering questions I’ve already answered hundreds of times before. What the hell do they do with all that information? Obviously they don’t keep it or they wouldn’t need to ask the same dam questions over and over again.
When I was finished with the questioner the nurse brought in the consent form and asked me to sign. After looking it over I told her that I couldn’t possible sign it. She asked me why and I told her that just over the signature line there was a statement that said that I understood and agreed to all the terms, conditions and provisions stated therein. The document was twelve pages long and written in a Pig-Latin dialect of legalize that was so convoluted and incomprehensible that even my lawyer’s lawyer couldn’t have understood it.
The nurse looked at me and smiled. Then she told me I could take all the time I needed to read the consent forms and I didn’t have to sign them until I fully understood what I was signing. However, she quickly added that if I didn’t have the form signed within the next five minutes she would have to reschedule my procedure.
That’s all she had to say. It took me about five seconds to sign the release and hand it to her. There was no way I was going to reschedule the colonoscopy knowing full well that I would have to go through the same gut-draining pre-procedure I went through the night before. I think the clinic counts on that reaction and that’s why they ask you to sign the consent form after you’ve had the Koli-Kleen experience.
A half hour after I finished the paper work, a very fruity looking male nurse named Hector, came for me. He gave my wife a wink, put his hand on my shoulder and walked around me without taking his hand off my body. Then he asked her a question in a very swishy Spanish accent. “Is this jew hombre?” My wife nodded while trying to contain a very smug smile. Hector returned her smile and said, “Ay que Lindo.” And they both began to giggle as Hector put his hand through my arm and walked me down the clinic’s main corridor. “Don jew warry lindo,” he said as he snuggled up to me. “I will take berry good car of jew.”
Looking over my shoulder I made eye contact with my wife and with a sorrowful and plaintiff gaze I pleaded for her help, but Rita just smiled. It seemed to me that she was enjoying my predicament because all she did was hold up a box of Kolie-Kleen and gave me a looked that seemed to said… ‘are you sure you want to reschedule the procedure?
It was a long and uncomfortable walk to the prep-room, and when we got there Hector released my arm and handed me a plastic bag. He instructed me to go into a little room that had a curtain instead of a door. He asked me to take off all my clothes and put them in the bag. Then he handed me one of those hospital gowns. You know… the kind that is designed to strip you of all your dignity and make you feel more exposed and venerable then you’ve ever felt before.
After putting on the gown I noticed that my ass was hanging out of the back. Try as I might, I couldn’t stretch the cloth to cover my exposed behind. That’s when I saw Hector peeking through the curtains. The pervert was staring at my ass but when he saw me looking at him he smiled and asked if I was ready. Then he pushed a wheel chair into the room and with a big grin he patted the bench and told me to put my cute little tushie into the seat.
There was no way I was going to turn my bare bottom towards that flaming fruitcake so I just stood there looking at him. That’s when Hector decided to come around from behind the chair to help me get into the seat. It was more likely that he wanted to help himself into my seat, so as he approached, I clutched the back of my hospital gown and slowly backed away. Hector kept advancing and I kept retreating so we went around and around that wheelchair until I finally saw an opportunity to safely sit down.
The fruity nurse laughed, his very girly laugh, and called me a crazy gringo as he pushed my wheelchair into another room. There he tied a rubber tourniquet around my arm and tried to put an I.V. needle into the back of my hand. It only took him five tries, and while I would have normally fainted after the second attempt, there was no way I was going to allow myself to pass out while I was alone in the room with him. This was especially true after he started talking about the procedure. With a faraway and dreamy look in his eyes, he described the length and girth of the hose the doctor would be using… and then he said, “El doc-tor wheel e’put it in jew ass nice and e’slow. He wheel go in deeper and deeper. Ay bandito, It’z so beautiful I juice want to e’cry every time I thing about it.”
If I had any doubt about Hector’s sexual orientation, after listening to him describe the procedure, all my doubts were gone. Hector was what I called a real Granola Bar; flaky, fruity and nuts.
“listen up, Hector.” I said with my most manly voice. “There is no way that I am going to have sex with you.”
“What?” Hector said with a genuine look of surprise. Giving me a very stern look and with a very indignant voice he continued. “Is dat what jew ting? Will jew are so rung. Having sex wit jew is da last ting on my mine. DA LAST TING! No senor. First jew will half to ax me to dinner, and den to a show and den after dat….”
“Read my lips Hector… No Way!!!”
Hector looked disappointed so he changed the subject and asked me if I had taken the Koli-Kleen as proscribed. My revolted expression and the cold shiver that ran up and down my spine leaving my puckered face quivering with a look of pure disgust, told him all he needed to know.
“O’ I si, no juan e’toll jew?” The blank expression on my face let him know I had no idea what the hell he was talking about, so he went on. “Jew can e’take un poco de Tequila before jew drink that sheet. Dat e’helps it e’go down mucho more ezy.”
As soon as I figured out what he was trying to say, a light bulb went on over my head. What a great idea. I had a fully stocked bar at home and would have gladly downed a bottle of good Iris whisky if I had known it was okay to drink before taking that Koli-Krap. But then I started to imagine myself drunk and stumbling around the house, squirting and dripping all over the rug and the furniture. There was no way Rita would have cleaned up after me, and knowing her, she probably would have had no alternative but to shot me, torch the house for the insurance money and move down to Florida.
As Hector wheeled me into the procedure room I looked around nervously and saw the doctor and anesthesiologist standing there, but no sign of the dreaded “Big fat hose.” No doubt they planed on bringing it in after I was asleep. That sounded like such a waste of Anastasia. Not because I was so brave that I didn’t need it, but because all they would have had to do was to show me that “big fat hose” and I would have passed out on my own.
Before putting me under, the doctor had me roll over on my side, pull up my knees and count backward from a hundred. As I started to count I heard someone, standing behind me and singing with a swishy Spanish accent. To my great horror I realized it was Hector. He was standing behind me while he sang ”I fee pretty” from ‘West Side Story.’ Oh my god, that raving queen was going to be in the room while I was laying there unconscious and my naked butt exposed.
With my last once of strength I looked up at the doctor and with pleading eyes begged him. “Please shot me now before I pass out from the anesthesia,” but no such luck. The room went dark and the next thing I knew I was waking up in the recovery room, still feeling high from the drugs they gave me.
The first thing I saw was my doctor’s smiling face. He looked down at me and asked how I felt. I told him I felt great except for a little discomfort around that place where the sun never shines. That reminded me of my last thoughts before going under so I reached up, grasped my doctor by the collar and pulling his face down close to mine. In an almost threatening tone I asked him, “Did you leave me alone with Hector at any time during the procedure?” The doctor looked puzzled but he assured me that he hadn’t. When I let him go the doctor said he had good news. My colon was fine and there was no evidence of any malignancy.
“Thanks doc,” I said. Then I asked him to do me a favor. “Please tell my wife…”
“I’ve already given her the good news.” The doctor interrupted.
“No, not that.” I said, as I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down close to my face again. “I want you to let her know that you’ve performed a very thorough inspection of my entire intestinal track and looked into every nook and cranny of my colon… Got that?” The doctor nodded that he did. “Okay, then I want you to tell her that you’ve found absolutely no evidence that I’ve ever had my head up my ass.”
If you liked this story please give it a positive rating and leave a comment. Thanks…. Hardrive.

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Following a number of rigorous and hard fought volleyball matches, Chase bid farewell to the friends he had met that day and headed to the chalet. He took a long hot shower and searched for his clothes. On the couch, just like his mother had said, there was a brand new pair of shorts. This time they were in black. He fished through his clothes and decided on wearing the black shirt he had acquired the previous day to match. With his chest and biceps still inflamed and bulging from the workout, he had some trouble pulling it on. The shorts felt a little tighter also. Once was he was dressed, he looked in the mirror and shrugged his shoulders figuring his outfit would do nicely. Grabbing his sandals and wallet, he was out the door.
Arriving at the pavilion which, was really a large patio with an outdoor bar and a strangely shaped pool, Chase surveyed the environment. Walking down the long curving cement sidewalk that led to the pool, he could see Joe and Mimi sitting at a patio table ahead of him. Like the sidewalk, the tables were all arranged in a large sweeping arc. Joe and MimI were on the very end. He passed the pool, the bar, and a DJ booth not to mention the other tables. When we was within shouting distance he threw the two a waive. “Hi Joe. Hi Mimi.”
“Well If it is isn’t da little Lady killa himself! Hey Mimi, look what the cat dragged in eh? How ya doin kid? Pull up a seat!”
“Mimi looked up from a crossword and gushed. “Oh look at him Joe! Would ya have a have a look at that? What a drink a watah! He’s adorable. Just look at him..
“Honey, I’m lookin, okay? I had a look. Considah him looked at.”
“Hi there, handsome! Aren’t you dashing today.” Mimi cooed.
Chase smiled and took a seat at the table. “Thanks Mimi, you’re a bit of a ‘looker’ yourself.”
“HAAAA!!” Joe Laughed, almost choking on his drink.
Mimi was confused and slightly offended. “What ya laughin at? I think It was a nice thing for Chase to say..”
“HAAA!!” Joe laughed even harder. His big whopping laugh belting across the patio.
Mimi turned back to Chase, who was quietly giggling along. “So tell me handsome, where’s Nikki run off to?”
Just then, Joe’s emphatic laughter suddenly stopped. “Whoa, hold the phone..”
He’d gone silent so abruptly that everyone on the patio stopped and looked at him as if something was wrong. He was staring straight ahead, past Chase. Chase followed his gaze, turning around. His face took on a similar expression to Joe and Mimi’s. This was repeated at almost every table and the entire pavilion fell to a brief hush.
“Mimi, have a look at that. Look..” Joe stuttered.
“Honey, I’m lookin…I’m definitely lookin..”
Chase blinked watching the woman approach from the other end if the pavilion. It was his mother! Stunned, he had to remind himself to breathe. The sight of her was incredible. Apparently, she had thrown caution to the wind and dressed for the occasion.
As her strap-heels clicked down the sidewalk, It was no secret that everyone in the place was eying her up. She wore a tight white mini skirt that ended about mid-thigh with two large silver zippers. One on each side, they zipped from the very top down to the hem line. They were slightly unzipped, showing even more leg and allowing her an unhindered stride. Her long hair was now layered and highlighted. The very tips frosted. In the front she had a long thin braid that ran down the side of her chest. She wore a long sleeve black lace cover-up that was cut so short, it hung off the front of her breasts, barely obscuring them. The neckline was broad and lay just at the edge of her shoulders. Beneath, was the ever thin white bikini top gleaming through the black lace of the tiny cover-up. Rising from the front, the bra strings ran over her shoulders, tying in a bow behind her. Around her neck, she wore a snug white felt choker. Attached to each side were two thin decorative sliver chains that ran down between her breasts. Continuing under the cover-up, they extended to her stomach and ending with silver pendulums just above her bellybutton.
Chase’s mouth had already dropped. He felt as if he would die if he dared to look away for even an instant. Her long flowing mane was captivating. They way her breasts moved with every step was unbelievable! The shape of her hips and legs.. Just the sight of her was enough to make a man weep! It was almost too much for him to take in. Too much for his hormones to process. She almost transcended sexuality. Chase found his desires and urges begin to numb, eclipsed by pure amazement.
Every table she passed went silent. They’re eyes and heads moving to follow her.
His mouth still open, Chase was sitting sideways, hanging over the back of his chair when she neared the table. Her stride softened and she came within inches of him. She ran all of her fingers through his hair. “How’s my baby boy?” She purred.
Chase was looking up at her but couldn’t quite make any words come out. She moved forward and cradled his head, gently bringing it to rest against against her stomach. Holding him to her with one hand, she continued stroking his hair with the other as she looked down on him. “Been waitin long?”
Once again the words escaped him but he managed to shake his head no.
Nikki slowly raised her head and looked toward Joe and Mimi. They were staring at her, speechless.
“Nikki, you look like a supa model!” Mimi squealed.
“Yeah wow, Nikki!” Joe stammered.
“Look at you! You’re so beautiful!” Mimi gushed.
“Thank you, Mimi!” Nikki laughed, taking a seat next to Chase. He was still staring at her. She shot him a giddy little smile and held up the end of the bikini string from behind her neck. “It fit!” She giggled.
“Damn, I’m in love with you..” Chase murmured.
Nikki blushed, giving him a wink.
“…So I didn’t mess up? The bottom part fit too?”
She crossed her legs toward him, smiling. The zippers on her skirt unzipping a little further. “What bottom part?”
Chase’s eyes widened. “Damn, I’m In love with you..”
Joe started laughing. “..Well that’s a good thing! Ya don’t get this far without that!”
“Not at all!” Mimi added. ” Look at me and Joe heea. Twenty years of nuttin but love. Isn’t that right, honey?”
“Yea lotsa love, honey.” Joe grumbled.
Mimi hit him. “Oh stop it! Come gimme a kiss..”
Joe leaned over and kissed her, clowning about. Chase and Nikki started laughing.
“..So tell us, how did the two of you meet in the first place?” Mimi asked.
Nikki and Chase exchanged looks.
“ I can’t actually recall..” Chase stuttered. “..I’ve known her as long as I can remember.”
“So you were from the same town then eh?” Mimi asked.
“Yeah.. We were neighbors..” Nikki attempted.
“..We lived really close to each other..” Chase added.
“Now Chase, you seem pretty young.. How was it you were able to land a grown woman back then?”
“Well..” Chase looked at Nikki for help.
“..I was his babysitter…Kind of..” Nikki said.
“Ha! Now that’s what I call robbin the cradle!” Joe laughed.
“I’d say that’s pretty accurate.” Chase added, and receiving a kick from Nikki. “..But it, eh.. wasn’t until recently that we discovered there was more to our relationship..”
Nikki stared at him.
“Awwwe.” Mimi cooed.
“So how recent we talkin?” Asked Joe
“Um..” Chase looked over at his mother.
Nikki was still staring at him. Her eyes a bit glazed. “..Not very long at all..” Nikki replied, her eyes still locked on him. “..It was recent..very recent.”
“Uh oh, don’t look now..” Said Joe.
“It’s da ring-nazi.”
“The what?” Asked Chase.
Joe pointed. “You see that big black lady over there?”
Chase looked up seeing a large black woman wearing a name tag walking from one corner of the pavilion to the other.
“..Joe calls her ‘the ring-nazi’. She’s the one who’s had people tossed out because they weren’t wearing their rings.” Mimi explained.
“Oh I see.”
“Have you two made it to the gift shop yet?” Joe asked.
Nikki and Chase shook their heads.
“Well lucky for you, ‘uncle Joe’ went shoppin for ya..” Joe handed them each a ring box.
Nikki and Chase exchanged looks. Chase opened his ring box finding a woman’s wedding ring inside. He went to pass the box to his mother. “I think this one’s yours..”
“That’s not how ya do it…” Mimi laughed. “It’s a good thing you’re gettin some practice.. Okay now listen sweetie, you take it out of the box and then you’re the one that put’s it on her finga.. You don’t just hand the box to her..”
Chase went red as they all laughed “..Okay, here we go.. Let’s try this again.” He looked at Nikki. She perked up in her chair and held out her hand. He took her hand in his and slipped the ring onto her finger.
She smiled, cocking her head to the side. “Awwwe..” She then took the ring from the ring box she was given and slid it onto chase’s finger.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife.” Joe said, as they all began laughing. “..You may now kiss da bride!” Chase and Nikki looked at each other laughing and gave each other a quick peck of a kiss.
Joe stood up, theatrically taking a bow. “Consida it courtesy of the good minista, Joe Galletti!”
They laughed hysterically and applauded ‘the good minister’ as the waitress arrived delivering drinks.
“Don’t forget your ‘ded’ cards!” The waitress said as she left.
Chase and Nikki looked at Joe and Mimi.
“What’d she say?” Nikki asked.
“..Dedication cards.” Answered Joe. He reached into a box in the center of the table pulling a number of cards with lines on them. “..See you take these cards and write down the name of a song and who its for and the DJ guy over there plays it. ..I guess he must be gettin ready to start..
“..It’s the only way they play music here.” Mimi added.
“Well that’s a neat idea.” Nikki said.
Joe passed a card to everyone and they each filled one out. Taking them, he walked over to the DJ booth. By the time he returned the DJ began speaking.
“Ladies and gentlemen the deds-heads are rolling in. We’re gonna start this off with one from Joe to his lovely wife Mimi. Bring it in for a ‘Slow Dance’ by Mr. John Legend!..”
The music started and Joe held out his hand. “Let’s have it, beautiful.”
Mimi Jumped up. “Cmon you two!”
Chase and Nikki looked at each other. Chase held out his hand. Nikki smiled, putting her hand in his. “Lead the way!”
The sun was almost down and the entire patio was bathed in dim glow. It was illuminated by candlelight from the candles on each table and string lights suspended from one side of the pavilion to the next .
Holding hands, Chase and Nikki followed Joe and Mimi to the dance floor adjacent to the pool. Chase turned around putting his hand to her waist. Nikki Moved closer to him draping her arms around his neck. More couples joined them on the dance floor. The night was perfect. The temperature was perfect. The song was perfect. They smiled, looking over at Joe and Mimi dancing cheek to cheek, completely lost in each other. Chase swung Nikki out to the end of his arm. She pivoted beautifully spinning in her her heels. She spun back to him. Her back now against him, she swayed her hips to the music, pushing into him. He swung her out in the opposite direction and she spun back to him, meeting him face to face. He slowly moved his lips near to her. She closed her eyes, moving toward his. There they remained. Slowly dancing with their eyes closed. Their lips almost touching.
Chase spoke softly. “Any chance I could be dreaming?”
“Uhuh.” Nikki said, kissing him. Her kiss was slow and gentle. Slowly, she pulled her lips away. “..Would you wanna know If it was?”
Chase opened his eyes. Their eyes met, each seeing the exact shade of blue staring back. Simultaneously, they both found themselves shaking their heads. “Hell no.” Chase answered. Hearing the song about to end, they turned back for the table.
As they were sitting down, Joe and Mimi returned looking happier than ever.
“Good song eh?” Joe said.
Chase and Nikki smiled at each other nodding.
“Hey I got somethin for da ‘newlyweds’..” Joe said raising his arm. A waitress stopped at the table. “Tequila. Four shots.”
Nikki raised her hand about to speak, but the waitress had already turned, swiftly moving to the bar to fill the order.
“Joe!” Mimi said. “Nikki, did you need somethin too, sweetie?
“Yeah, I don’t don’t like tequila..” Nikki replied.
“Did ya have a bad experience honey?” Mimi said, as the waitress returned.
“Yeah, you could say that..”
“Hasn’t everybody?” Joe laughed, taking the shots from the waitress and passing them out. “…To Nikki and Chase. May you enjoy many years of happiness together. Salute.”
They all raised their glasses and upended them.
The night went on much in the same manner as the night before. Just more drinking. They carried on laughing and listening to Joe’s outrageous stories. Every few drinks, he ordered more tequila shots. All four of them were quickly approaching the threshold of inebriation. As was the case with each song, they stopped to hear the DJ dedicate the one about to play.
“..This one’s hot, guys and gals so listen up. It goes out to Nikki with love from her shiny spankin new husband, Chase. It’s Right Said Fred, with ‘I’m Too Sexy’!”
Nikki, Mimi and Joe began laughing as they heard what song it was. Then Chase got up and started dancing on Nikki like a male stripper. The harder they all laughed, the more he got into it. He was actually pretty good! He certainly had the moves for it. Not to mention the body also. Couples from the nearby tables began cheering him on. He even went as far as taking his shirt off and swinging it over his head. Nikki had already turned a deep shade of red, crying from laughing so hard. She couldn’t help liking what she saw however. She reached up and touched him, running her hand from his chest down to his chiseled abs. He eventually ran out of steam and slowed to a stop. The neighboring couples whistled cat-calls and applauded him. Out of breath, he took a bow and turned back to Nikki. Mimi passed her a dollar bill. She slipped it into the waistband of his shorts and patted him on the butt, sending him back to his seat.
“..Holy crap that was priceless!” Mimi laughed. “What got into ya, ‘Mr. Chip n Dales?”
“Tequila! That’s what got into him..” Nikki giggled, still red all over.
Chase nodded, putting his shirt on still catching his breath.”
Mimi chuckled. “See, Nikki? Tequila aint so bad afterall, eh?
Nikki smiled. “After that, I think it’s my new favorite..”
Mimi pointed at Joe and Chase. “How is it you two guys get all the applause around heea anyway?”
“..Cause we work for it, that’s why.” Joe said with a wink.
“Yeah?..” Mimi moved over to Joe and reached under the table. Well how about we go back to our room and I do a little striptease of my own? ”
“What kind of applause ya lookin for? Joe said playfully.
Mimi leaned over and whispered something into his ear.
Chase and Nikki grinned at each other.
“..Say, you guys mind if we take a little walk back to our room for awhile?” Joe laughed.
Nikki and Chase shrugged. “Not at all.”
Joe and Mimi stood up. “You two might need a little more tequilla.. I got a tab here so don’t worry about it eh?”
“Thanks! Have fun you two.” Chase smiled
“HA! ..You know it, champ!” Joe replied over his shoulder.
Nikki turned to Chase. “Actually.. I think I need to run back to the room myself. Would you mind hangin out till I get back?”
“Hell, I got nothin else goin on. I’ll go with ya…”
“..Perk up those ears and crank up those hearing aides, folks. Celebrating 56 years of mind-altering self induced matrimony, this one goes out to Harold from his beautiful wife Mildred! It’s Ginuwine with…,’Pony’??”
An elderly couple began shuffling toward the dance floor.
Chase looked at Nikki. “..Yeeeah, let’s go..”

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Couple of Georgia Boys

I was the youngest of three boys, to a single mother in rural Alabama. My oldest brother was 25 years old and had long left home. He was off on a Naval ship somewhere in the Pacific. My next oldest brother, William (we always called him Billy Ray) was 16, and your somewhat stereotypical, southern/redneck boy. Then there was me, Cooper, 2 years younger than Billy Ray, and living life as a tagalong of my older brother and his friends. That’s also exactly where this story begins.
It was one of those famous hot, northern Georgia days. I promise you, If you haven’t been in Georgia during the summer you don’t know hot. From about June until September, I rarely if ever where a shirt, and that goes for most guys as well. It was about mid-day, and my brother and I were scurrying around the house, gathering up our gear to go fishing. Our mother worked long days, and she’d be gone since before we were up, and would be gone until late so most days we did whatever we wanted. I heard the truck fire up outside, and my brother yelling at me.
“Coop, hurry the hell up,”
“I’m coming,” I yelled back, annoyed. I couldn’t find my shoes, and had looked all over the house. I ran into Billy’s room, diving on the floor. I looked under his bed, pulling stuff out, moving boxes, magazines, everything but still no shoes. I huffed, sitting on his bed, and trying to think where they might be. I stopped suddenly though, as a magazine on the ground caught my eye. On the front of this magazine, were two girls. Two very naked girls. Two very naked girls who were busy making out with each other, the blonde on top with her fingers buried deep in the other girls pussy. I slowly stooped down, picking the magazine up and looked at the cover, flipping the pages. Page after page of naked girls, eating each other out, making out, and fucking each other with dildos, I didn’t know what I was looking at but, I knew I liked it, and the tent in my loose shorts would attest to that.
“What the fuck are you doing,” came a yell from the door way, causing me to jump, dropping the magazine. “Your fucking jacking off in my room,” Billy yelled, looking down at the dirty magazine.
“Doing what,” I asked, never having heard this term before. He looked at me at first like I was a dumbass, and then started laughing picking the magazine up.
Now when it came to sexual matters, my knowledge was a little hazy. From hanging out with my brother and his friends, I heard all about “fucking pussy,” and “getting head,” and I knew that the proper way to identify a “hot” girl was by how big her “tits” were. But that was about the extent of it all. We didn’t have a computer so I didn’t know about porn until that moment.
“You’ve never jacked off before,” my brother asked, setting down next to me. I shook my head that I hadn’t, causing my brother to laugh again. “When a guy’s dick gets hard, like from looking at porn, you jack off to it, like rub your cock so you cum.” He must have seen the confusion on my face, so he pulled his shorts off, his cock and balls flopping out, motioning me to do the same.
Now me and my brother both had pretty similar builds. We were both pretty skinny kids, my brother a little more muscular due to his latest habit of lifting weights in the evening. And besides being a few inches taller, we looked almost the same, tan skin, and short dark hair. My brother had a dark goatee on his chin, and one other noticeable difference, his piercings. Both of Billy’s nipples were pierced, but that wasn’t his only piercing, his cock was also pierced, and he was quite proud of it. To tell him tell the tale, it got him a lot of girls who didn’t believe he had it, to look at it, and then touch it, and then…well… you get the picture.
His cock was bigger than mine, and thicker too, his cock ring poking out from his foreskin that covered the head. “Like this,” he said, grabbing his dick by the base, and began pulling up and down. I tried to copy his motions, and somewhat awkwardly began stroking my dick. Slowly but surely, my dick got harder and harder, curving slightly up. “No, not like that,” he said, looking over at me, “Here,” he said pushing my hand away. He grabbed my cock, his big hand enveloping it. He began quickly jacking me off, his hand sliding up and down my rod. I had never felt anything like this, and the feeling made me squirm on the bed. The bliss lasted for maybe a minute, a moan slipping out of my lips as for the first time in my life, white jizz oozed out of my cock onto my brother’s hand. He whipped it on my stomach, drying the rest on the bed. “It feels better when a girl does it, but here now you do me,” he said, leaning back on both of his hands, his semi hard cock throbbing slightly.
My hand slowly wrapped itself around his cock, barely making it all the way around. Billy laid all the way back, his eyes fixed on the magazine as my hand pulled up and down. I could feel the veins in his dick as my hand moved up and down, trying to pick up speed like he did. His hips squirmed a little bit as he moaned, bucking them slightly. I squeezed a little tighter and that seemed to do it. He moaned, dropping the magazine and as he did, his cum shot out of his cock. And when I say shot I mean it. The first shot over his head, the second and third on his chest. I was amazed at how much came out of his, compared to mine. He grabbed a shirt off the ground and wiped himself off, pulling up his shorts, and pulling on a camo hat. “Now hurry up, we’re already late.”
We made it to the pond about 10 minutes later, our friend Cory and Joey already there. They tossed us both a beer as we got there, heckling us for being late, and asking why I had such a big smile on my face.

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The Amethyst Chronicles: The Counicl Retreat, Day 1

This is my first story, so any constructive feedback would be great. I also want to state that this is a complete work of fiction and I in no way condone this type of stuff in rl. This story is based off a series of role play stories that a really good friend of mine and I did a while ago. I was the Amethyst character. If these type of themes offend you, don’t read it, it’s that simple. In fact, if it offends you, what are you doing on this site in the first place, lol. I hope you enjoy it and I have more Amethyst Chronicles ideas swimming in my head so check back for more installments in the future. I would like to cite the source of one of my ideas as the author of Payne Academy (can’t remember the name off the top of my head, but you have me the idea for the envelopes.) The rest of everything is entirely my own and some from the amazingly creative mind of a dear friend. Enjoy!

Do I have to? Or do I want to?

I have always been curious about other men’s penises. Not just any; large penises. Could never bring myself to do anything about it though. For one thing I
love pussy, and women for that matter. For another I was a typical straight male. Made fun of gays in front of my friends. We all did I guess. I know, not
very mature. “Faggot” was one of my put-down words to call my friends when I was implying he was weak or unmanly. These first 27 years of my life were lived
as a dominantly heterosexual male. But still, when I was alone, I thought a little too often about what it must be like to touch another man’s long, thick
cock. Maybe put one in my mouth and see what that was about. I shrugged it off as normal curiosity but would never act on it or put myself in a position to
act on it. Hmmmmmmm, maybe, if I HAD to blow another guy….not a realistic situation. Forget it, it’ll never happen.
I got into a huge fight with my girlfriend. She hid my keys on me but I left anyway. I walked about 3 quarters of a mile away and found myself at a titty
bar. I was there for a while until this trucker came in, sat next to me, and we talked for hours, drank, and both spent a lot of money. The conversation of
penis size came up. I was very honest. “6 and half. Decently thick”. He told me something I didn’t believe. “I’m 8.75 inches and about 5.5″ around. I can’t
get my fingers around it. Like a damn baseball bat”. That led to this exchange:
“Yeah, right” I said. “Every guy I know SAYS they’re 8 inches. Your probably close to my size.” He was 6’4″ tall and about 265lbs of muscle. So I guess it
was probably true.
Then I looked at his bulge. There was a Large lump there but you can’t always tell but I could swear I made out the shape of a huge helmet.
“You wanna bet?” He laughed.
I laughed back “What are you going to pull it out right here?”
“No.” He said quickly. “I can give you a ride home since you walked here and I’ll show you in the cab of my truck”
“OK” I laughed again. “What will you bet?”
He pulled out $230. “What do you have?”
My mind quickly snapped into focus. Maybe this was my chance to see or touch a big one. I pulled out $13 even though I had more. “I guess this isn’t going to
do it. What will you take in trade?” I said hopingly.
“How about a hand job” He smiled. “I’m pretty horny”.
There it is. My big chance. To touch one and maybe more even though I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not. I quickly answered “Why stop there. How about a
blow job?” With a perfectly straight face.
“Sure” he said but made eye contact with me that was pretty awkward. He seemed to look at me pretty intently for a moment like he was either trying to figure
me out or already had.
Couldn’t let him know I wanted to. Not sure I could live with the fact that I offered to. Maybe, like I said before, if I HAD to. But not like this. Damnit!
I punked out completely “Guess we’ll never know then. There’s no way I’m doing THAT!” Followed with a nervous laugh.
Made eye contact again and he seemed to stare right through me, but the moment passed and the subject was changed.
About 10 minutes later we walked out and got in his 18 wheeler. He asked me if I had ever seen the inside of a cab and insisted on showing me where he
sleeps. There was a small little bed for one the he sat on and leaned up against the wall and turned the interior light on. “What about our bet?” He said and
reached through his fly and pulled out what seemed to be a monster! My mouth gaped open for a minute as it really long. And he was right. Thick, wasn’t the
word. For some reason the meaning of the word Girth popped in my head:
THe measurement around something; bulky.
It was half erect, leaning towards one side. It was still bigger than mine is hard. It had a large green vein that started at the base from behind some dense
pubic hair and split into two smaller veins that ran next to each other until they disappeared abouth 2″ before the tip. The huge mushroom shaped helmet was
about the size of a child’s fist. His big cock had an olive tone complexion that ended near the circumcision line and the rest, including the tip, was a
peach color.
“I know you want my big dick. I’ll let you suck it, and eat my cum if you admit it”. He said as a-matter-of-factly. Always thought about giving a blowjob but
never swallowing. In fact it kind of sickened me to think aboutit.
I didn’t say anything thing. Couldn’t bring myself say no or yes. I just shook my head “no” still staring at it in admiration.
“So, you want me to enforce my bet? Make you suck my dick?”
Still said nothing. But I answered him by shrugging my shoulders as if to say “I don’t know”.
“I’ll tell you what. If you don’t Ask me permission to suck my cock. I’m putting it away.” He said.
My pride wouldn’t allow me to do it. I quietly said “No. I don’t want to” and turned away.
“Ok” he said and stuffed himself back in his pants and zipped himself back up. “I’ll drive you home now.”
Damnit! This was my big chance and I was ruining it!
“W-wait.” I stuttered. “Can I see it again?”
“No.” He said as if he were annoyed. “The conditions are you ask me, nicely, in fact call me Sir IF you may suck my big dick and eat my cum”
I hesitated. I wrestled hard with my pride but finally gave in when he seemed to make a motion to go toward the driver’s seat.
“Sir, may I-I-I” I stuttered.
He interuppted me to tell me to get down on my knees, look in his eyes, and ask him like I know I want it.
I got down on my knees between his legs looked him dead in the eyes. This was painful and a huge blow to my ego. “Um, Sir may I please suck your big dick and
eat your cum?” It was surreal. I couldn’t believe I just said that! I really wanted to feel his meat in my hands and between my lips. Couldn’t fight the urge
no longer. I thought for a minute I could still get out of this and just leave the truck and walk home with a little dignity, but why? When I have such a
beautiful specimen just inches away!
“Well, don’t look at me. You want it sooo bad. Unbuckle, unzip, and pull out my cock and balls. Do it slowly I want to enjoy watching you do this!” As he
folded his arms behind his head, and sank down a little farther in his seat.
I undid his belt, his button and his zipper. I did it slowly and kept glancing up at him for his approval. He seemed to have some sort of authority over me.
He was a true alpha male and deserved my respect and obedience I felt. I grabbed his pants and underwear in the same handfulls and yanked down. He lifted up
his hips to aid me a little. Slowly dark curly pubic hair, a thick base, the long shaft, then finally the head sort of flopped out in front of me.
I pause staring at it for a minute. “Well go ahead, it’s not gonna suck itself.” I went to reach for it with my hand but he said “No! No hands! Put them
behind your back.” I did what he said. This moment was exruciating. It was becoming more and more humiliating for me.
It was sort of hanging between his legs almost pointing down spilling over his balls while he was slumped back.
“Wait. You’ve never sucked cock before? Right?” He asked. I returned quickly, and proudly “No. Never.”
“Im going to love this he said. Take me in your mouth nice and slow” he said. “Go ahead. Open those pretty little red lips of your wide for Daddy”. He said
I wish he would have just grabbed the back of my head and made me, but no he was going to make me degrade myself. Absolute torture. I licked, then opened my
mouth wide to fit in that massive head and leaned forward slowly looking at him. My outstretched lips were a half an inch away from his cockhead. Slowly I
felt the glans gently press against my wet open mouth. Then I felt the flanges part my lips as they passed the entire head.That was it.I had a giant tip in
my mouth and my moist lips were firmly wrapped around his shaft. I slid down taking more of him in my mouth. I felt his meat slide against my tongue being
careful not to use my teeth.
He tasted a little sweaty, but also…fleshy. The only word I could use to describe it. The shaft was semi-erect and the skin felt funny moving a little
seperately from it. I stopped when the head was at the back of my throat. I would say I had about 5″ comfotably in my mouth. Then I slowly dragged him out
past my lips until I felt the helmet on my lips again, then back in, slowly. He was watching me every step of the way. I felt my face get hot from
embarassement. I must have been beet-red! I bobbed slowly back and forth and told myself that I wanted this, so enjoy it. I felt him get hard in my mouth. It
was a very erotic sensation. He looked like he was about 10″ never mind 8.75″! It was a little more difficult to take him in and out of my mouth but sort of
worth the effort. Not only was sucking not bad,I definitely did like it. There was something hot about being on my knees servicing a guy and feeling his
salivia slick pole in my mouth. I wanted more. I tried to deep throat him but he was too big. I tried to swallow the head when I forced him in a little
deeper but it was no use. He liked it when I gagged. He moaned and said, “oh yeah, take that cock, faggot!” Faggot!? I guess I was now…
He told me to take him out of my mouth. I disappointingly obeyed. I stared at his big cock for a moment and was easily able to see how far I was able to take
him down my throat. About 7″ of his cock was covered in saliva and about 2″ of the base was dry. I was impressed with myself.
“Grab my dick and slowly jerk it while licking my balls, cocksucker.” He ordered. I took him in my right hand and I couldn’t believe how thick it was. He was
right I could barely fit fingers around. I didn’t really care for licking balls at first until I felt the shape and size of one of his nuts. His sac was
leathery and hairy but I didn’t care. I gently stroked him at the same time. I felt myself get rock hard whilee pleasing this man. I also felt wet in my
underwear which means I had been leaking a good amount of pre-cum.
“Alright, stop that”. He commanded. “I want you to smack yourself in the face with it. Do it now!”
It was soo heavy as I began to beat myself up with it. I was degrading myself and I liked it. Slap, slap, slap on both cheeks, forehead, chin, just
everywhere. “You like that big cock don’t you” He asked. “Yes Sir”. I answered quickly.
“No. I want to hear you say it, and call me Daddy this time.”
“I like your big cock, Daddy” I answered obediently. He then want to know what I wanted to do with it. “I want to suck it some more, Daddy”. I told him.
“BEG!” He said. No problem I thought to myself.
“Daddy, ummm Sir, may I-I please suck your big dick some more, please, Daddy, Please!?” He said ok but first he wanted to see it laying on my face. I
crouched down and let it rest length wise across my face and looked up at him. He laughed “You look like a ridiculous cock whore with my dick on your face.”
He told me to put my hands behind my back and I quickly listened. He then told me to open my mouth and drool over his meat which I had already been doing.
Then he told me to put it in my mouth like I know I wanted it so I leaned forward but he quickly pulled it away. “Follow it with you mouth, fishy” he said.
He kept moving it from side to side and I followed him with my open mouth. Finally he laughed and grabbed the back of my head in shoveed it in my mouth.
“Suck it bitch, suck it good.” He ordered me and went back to keeping his hands behind his head. I went back to sliding my lips up and down over his fat meat
and I loved every second of it. The little teasing game he just played with me worked. It got me hot by degrading me and feeling his big mushroom head on my
tongue and drooling over his shaft reminded me of something. How I felt about tits, ass, pussy and other female body parts. How I love to suck, bite, squeeze
, maul and rub all of those. Except being subservient, and doing something that I considered bad or taboo made it hotter for me. I soo wanted to reach down
jerk myself off but I had a job to do.
I felt his big paw again on the back of my head. He made me go a little faster, and take him a little deeper. This is the first time I felt a man touch me in
an aggresive sexual manner and it was such a turn on. He owned my head, and made me please him with my mouth.
“Yeah, I’m gonna cum in your mouth soon” He said. I felt a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. The kind of nervous excitement you get on a rollar caster
as a kid. I wanted something to happen but I thought cum was gross. There was nothing I could do about it. He was getting ready to shoot in my mouth.
Then the longer, more rapid strokes had become shallow. I felt his hand tightent on the back of my head. His fingers were really dug in.He was pushing my
head maybe 2″ down now, and he was thrusting his hips upwards about 2 – 3″ to meet the controlling movements of my head. Basically my lips would touch the
the head of his cock then I would have a about 4 or 5″ of hot dick in my mouth, then back out again. I felt the muscles in his legs flex, followed by
erratic, heavy breathing. I knew was going to happen next.
“Oh yeah, here I cum!” He groaned. Then I felt his dick twitch between my lip followed by a squirt in my mouth. Then another squirt, followed by another each
time met with a strong pulse of his cock kinda like a heartbeat between my lips. It was sooo hot I could have came right there myself. I wanted more cum, and
I got it. All told, I felt about 7 BIG cumshots in my mouth. He was a heavy cummer like that porno dude Peter North. Then he slowly relenquished my head
breathed heavy, and kept saying “Oh yeah, take my cum. Take it. Take it all!”
He let go, and with my lips still wrapped around his meat I bobbed slowly and sucked gently. I then pulled my mouth off him. “Show it to me. Open your mouth
and show me my load!” He commanded. I opened my mouth and showed him the juices of his nuts pooled inside.
I then started to notice the taste. A little salty, a little bitter and a strange aroma I’ve never encountered before. All in all, it was mildly unpleasant
but very tolerable. But it was what it was that made it so delicious to me. Another man’s hot load.
“Swallow it!”. He ordered.
When I gulped it dow, I sort of got a better taste of it using my whole mouth and it was a little stronger than I thought. I loved it. I took my medicine!
Also It was a pretty load. I read somewhere that the average load is the size of a table spoon. This felt more like a 1/3 of a cup of creamy warm liquid. I
enjoyed the aftertaste, and spent the next few momonts milking all the remaing ooze from his big juicy cock. Licked it, nuzzled it, slapped myself with it
gently and he didn’t have to ask!

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Dreams Do Cum True

Cole “Copper” Cooper’s future just changed…and for the better. Please enjoy, if you would like a part 2 and so on please comment below!


An Aussie once visited England. While there he was walking down a country lane alongside a farm. After a while he saw an English sheep farmer fucking one of his sheep. To this the Aussie yells, “Aye, Mate! In Australia we shear those!”
To which the farmer replies, “I ain’t sharing nothing with you. Go and get your own.!”

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My Daughter Sally

Hey Guys, I know that you have your fingers around your dick or you hand ready to rub your pussy. But I have a little introduction to write: This is just my second story and I am from Germany. So if you have some constructive comments please write them and forgive me my worst spelling mistakes, because I can’t show this to my English teacher to correct it. So. Enough introduction for now.

“Mountain Girls Have No Rules” – 4

“Mountain Girls Have No Rules”- 4
Bella continues…
This here is the part of the story I been a wait’in ta tell. Ben and Amy come up with some new stuff to do, and it was a mak’in Jen and I real horney…..
Jen marched Amy and Ben in the bedroom a hold‘in that shotgun on them. Jen was a grinn’in and a told them ta git naked.
Now Jen and I may be twins, but I’m an easy go’in girl, but Jen is more of ‘git r done’ kinda gal.
We was a compare’in dreams the other night about Ben. Mine was a good feel’in ta have him on top of me and a hump’in me while I was a kiss’in and tongue dance’in with him.
She said hers was a hold’in him with a shotgun and then tie’in him up. She was a teas’in him and watch’in his cock get big while he was a look’in at her. She liked to force him to hump her real rough like….. where as I like to feel him up, git him a big hardon, then….suck on it and then …put his cock in my pussy and git a big squirt a that white stuff in it.
Now,…. Amy was all growed up. She whispered ta me that Ben was better at a hump’in than her own pa.
I knew right then, we’s gonna have ta share Ben.
Jen had a different way a share’in than I did…but it was excite’n ta watch. We enjoyed a watch’in Amy and Ben a hump’in. It got us all warmed up so we could do our hump’in with Ben. Watch’in Amy and Ben naked was a pussy tingler for us.
Jen come up with what she wanted them ta do to get us all horney. She had Amy git on her tummy and Ben on her back. Amy liked that one caus she said this is how her pa gets her in the middle of the night. Ben was a lik’in it too as he put his cock in Amy’s pussy.
Jen was a like’n this and she got up on the bed all naked too. She put her pussy right up to Ben’s mouth so he could lick it while he was a hump’in Amy. Amy was a groan’in as she watched Ben a lick’in on Jen. She reached up and pulled on Jen’s legs to bring Jen’s pussy closer into Ben’s tongue.
I was a lay’in by Amy a watch’in all this new stuff, and it was a mak’in me real horney. Jen was a squirm’in as Ben was a lick’in on her pussy and a hump’in Amy.
Jen started a pull’in on Ben’s ears and a say’in: “Yeeeee Haw..” real loud. Well…this musta got Amy real excited caus she just pushed her face in with Ben’s and started a lick’in on Jen’s pussy too. I said to myself, I gotta try that….
That got Jen a buck’in like a donkey. Now she was a pull’in on Amy’s ears too. All three a them started a groan’in. I’d never seen Ben hump that fast before….then Ben’s body stiffened up and the girls started yell’in and a shak’in. Amy was a buck’in back on Ben and yelled loud: “Oh Lordy Be!” and bit Jen on her pussy. Jen yelped but she seemed to like it.
Ben felt Amy’s tits and humped her slow now. Jen was a smiling and rubb’in her finger on her pussy. Amy was a slow squirm’in with a red face…I was a rubb’in my pussy caus it just felt to dang good to stop.
Watch’in all this was a mak’in my pussy get all wet. My finger felt mighty good a rubb’in my pussy. I was still horney tho, and so was Jen.
Jen was jump’in around on the bed like a jackrabbit. I looked at Jen and she had that ornery look on her face. She looked at me and grabbed Ben’s shotgun. She said: “Ben, you go lay down on the couch and rest up, we ain’t done with you.” Ben got up a grinn’in and went and laid on the couch. Jen said: “Amy, you roll over and put yer arms and legs wide apart.”
We had never seen a full growed woman with hair on her pussy and arm pits. Jen whispered: (“… let’s play with Amy a bit.”). That was fine with me, we wanted a closer look and her. We kneeled down by her and Jen played with her arm pit hair. I got between her legs and looked close at that pussy hair. It was all fuzzy feel’in on my fingers. There was some of Ben’s white stuff in it.
Well heck, I loved the taste a that so I just started lick’in Amy’s pussy. Amy started a squirm’in when I licked her big pussy bump. Jen was a lick’in her titties now and a feel’in her arm pit hair.
Amy was a little pink in the face, but she was a gett’en over her shyness. I was a lick’in her pussy. Ben could do it the best, but I was a learn’ in. I looked up and Jen had her pussy on Amy’s mouth and was a pull’in on her big titties. I wanted to feel them too, so I went up and Jen and I both felt her big titties. I sure wished mine were big like that. I rubbed my pussy bump on Amy’s pussy bump.
I was get’n a good feel’in doin that. Amy was a squirm’in and a lick’in Jen’s pussy. Jen’s eyes got big and she leaned over and started play’in with Amy’s pussy hair as I was a rubb‘in my pussy on Amy‘s pussy a lay’in on my side. I was a play’in with one of Amy’s big ol titties and a lick’in it. Jen and I was a like’n this new stuff.
Jen was a breath’in hard and she got her tongue right on our pussy bumps. I was a gett’in new good feel’ins in my pussy.
I was a lick’in and a rubb’in when I felt it. A big warm hand on my butt. It was Ben, just a grinn’in and feel’in my body. He started feeling all our bodies. Jen and Amy both started gett’in real excited as we all started feel’in Ben.
* I wasn’t about to pass up getting in bed with three hot girls. They were already all hot and ready to play and fuck.
Amy had got my attention the most. Her pussy was the best I’d ever had. What a body with those big tits and hot legs. She used her whole body when she fucked.
Ok girls, it’s everybody’s first foursome…..

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Susan and Polly were two good friends home from college for winter break. It was after the holidays, and Susan had taken Polly to her family’s cottage in the woods for a change of pace from the big city. Both of them rather enjoyed this isolated little house. However, a blizzard blew in late one night, effectively trapping them until the storm clears. It is on that night that Susan found the game.


I had most definitely had enough; I was tired of waiting for my Dad to show up every night. Maybe I was just tired of him ordering me around all the time; I needed to get out of the house with him so I didn’t have to deal anymore. Being in college should have awarded me some freedoms like most normal girls at age 19. My Mom said it was just Dad being dad. I had chores that I still had to help them do around the farm, which was okay I guess because after all I did live there, eat there and they gave me gas money. I heard a car pull up it was Eric my boyfriend of 3 years. I walked out to the car; he was climbing out in his tight Levi’s. I leaned in and kissed him squarely on the mouth, something I sure couldn’t do when Dad was home.
We walked hand in hand back to the barn to feed the animals, and then we had thought perhaps we would get some time fishing. My dog Sport trailed along behind us, hoping I’m certain we would drop some feed he could scrounge for like we never fed him. I leaned over the rail and picked up the feed buckets, I felt my boyfriend’s hand squarely on my ass. He squeezed my right cheek, I rose and smiled at him, and he leaned in and kissed me hard and long his tongue exploring my mouth. I could feel my breath start to quicken as his kisses found their way to my neck and back to my mouth.
I stopped him from doing anything further, as we were standing right in the door of the barn where my Mom could look right out the back door and see us. She would be furious with me for letting Eric touch me; I was supposed to be a pure little “virgin” girl at night. Can you imagine that in this day and age? I walked him through the barn and out the back door into the woods behind the barn and up the little sloping hill. We walked over the ridge, perhaps a 10 minute little walk. Once we were pretty secluded I turned to him, I told him to sit down, and he hesitated and then did as I said. As he was seated, I began to do a bit of a strip-tease for him, I slowly moved my hips, and unbuttoned my shirt, only far enough for him to get a hint of my breast. I turned and wiggled my hot little ass for him; I knew he was turned on. I could see his huge cock bulging in his jeans. It thrilled me to know that I had this effect on him. I moved closer to him, and begin to unbutton the rest of my shirt, I moved it down and over my shoulders, and I slid the shirt off and threw it on him. He smiled and placed it behind his head as he leaned against the tree behind him. I then slid my jeans down my long slender legs. I stood before him in my bra and panties, I moved in closer, he reached out to touch me, and I moved back. I was an excellent tease, I had learned from the best. I turned around bending over and spreading my legs as if to do the splits, I knew he loved to look at me in this position. I heard him sigh; I rose, and slide my panties down and threw them on him, and then my bra. He motioned for me to come closer.
I wasn’t ready to let him have my hot wet little slick pussy yet. I pursed my lips and made a noise that Sport recognized. He walked over to me as I squatted down; my dog’s nose went straight to my pussy. My boyfriend was sitting up straighter now against the tree. I had never done this, and I wasn’t sure if this would turn him off or not. I decided being in a risqué humor today that I would give it a try. I watched his face intently as he never took his eyes off the dogs tongue and my pussy. I did notice however, that his cock was about to bust the seams on his jeans. So I knew I wasn’t disappointing him. The dog licked at my dripping little pussy as I continued to squat with my legs spread so he had adequate access to my snatch. He licked and I could feel my clit getting harder and harder, as his never ending lapping continued. I loved the way his hot wet tongue ran over my lips, and hit my sweet little pussy hole. I rose, and sat back down on the ground, still not giving in to my boyfriend, who was intently taking in every little movement that I made. I began to rub my tits; I took my pink hard nipples between my thumb and index finger and rolled them expertly making them stand at attention. I spread my legs for Sport to continue his licking. Reaching under him, I took his cock in my hand and began to stroke it. I saw Eric’s head go down so he could see what I was doing; he had begun to rub the head of his cock through his tight jeans.
I lay back onto the grass, as I let the dog lick my cunt; I continued to stroke his stiffening cock. It was hard and already leaking cum and I knew I would have to turn over soon and let him fuck my pussy. I continued to watch Eric watch me, I was very turned on. My pussy was dripping wet; I could feel it dripping down my ass. I turned over and got on my knees and let my dog mount me, I could feel him humping, and then I felt Eric’s hand as he guided Sports hard cock into my pussy. I guess I hadn’t freaked him out fucking my dog. That was a good thing, I guess. He guided it, and then moved away. The dog began to fuck me hard, his knot slipping into my tight pussy. I could feel myself letting go and cumming, he balls slapped against my pussy as he hit my cervix he was in so deep. Even though it was uncomfortable somewhat I was going to cum, and I was getting hotter, I was wet you could hear a wet sloshing noise coming from my wet little cunt. I began to squirt, I could feel it, my legs tightened, and my pussy tightened around Sports hard dick. I spewed cum all over the ground, and my legs. The dog continued fucking my tight little pussy. I could feel him nearing orgasm as well his cock had gotten huge and his knot didn’t allow his dick to move much. Finally, I felt the wetness coming back out of my pussy. I reached down and grabbed his dick and pulled it hard to jerk it out of my pussy. He yelped and went off to lick himself. I lay back and looked at Eric.
Eric had removed his clothes, while I had been fucking the dog and was leaning against the log stroking his huge cock. Getting up off the ground my legs feeling like I might collapse before I got there, I squatted down facing him and took his huge hard cock in my tight little asshole. He gasped as did I; he had never fucked me in the ass. However, I thought it was time. I rode his dick in my tight little ass hole until I exploded on him again. He took my tits in his mouth first one, then the other he sucked and bit. He held my hands behind my back as he continued to fuck my ass. I told him I was getting sore, and I needed him to move to my pussy, he smirked at me. “Tough shit, baby, you can fuck the dog, you can fuck me however, I want.” It was beginning to really hurt, but what could I do. Before I knew what was happening he flipped me over on my back, his cock never came out of asshole. He continued to fuck it, hard and deep while he pushed my legs up around my face. I was doubled over, and I was sure I was dying the pain was so intense. His cock was huge; all at once he pulled it from my hot little butt, and moved quickly to my face he shoved his dick into my mouth. I gagged as I tried to take it and not think about where it had been. He fucked my throat telling me to swallow; now, he slapped my face because I didn’t swallow fast enough. I tried and I gagged nearly throwing up with his cock in my throat.
He moved back to my pussy, he spread my lips apart and I felt his tongue on my little clit, he began to suck hard, and pull it with his teeth to stretch it up. As he stretched it he put one finger on each side and he ran his thumb and index finger up and down my stretched out clit, like he was stroking off his dick. My pussy got wetter and hotter, as he continued; I bucked my hips up to meet the stroke each time. He told me to lay still or he would smack me again. I was still but I was enjoying the fucking I was getting. He stopped rubbing and began to stroke his hard cock, he rubbed it against my clit, and into my waiting wet pussy that was dripping with Sports cum. He shoved it in hard, and he told me that since I like to fuck a dog I was going to get fucked like a dog. He fucked me harder, and faster, his dick hitting my cervix; it causes me to thrash underneath him, as he held my arms up over my head. His mouth found my hard little nipples, he bit down harder and harder making me squeal in pain. He was getting harder, I knew soon it would be over he would dump his hot load in me as Sport had just done. He spit in my face, and bit my lips as he fucked me harder, suddenly he stopped, and he shuddered as his hot seed filled my pussy.
Eric rolled off me panting like Sport had been earlier, I rose up into a sitting position, covered from the waist down in cum, I looked behind me and in utter surprise my Dad was standing behind one of the trees. He had watched the entire scene evidently. Eric didn’t see him; he was breathing heavy trying to recover. I nodded at my Dad as he finished stroking his dick and came all over the ground in front of him. I knew that I would be fucking him tonight and he would want to know how I ended up fucking the dog and my boyfriend. I smiled at him, as he zipped his pants up, and walked off quietly so Eric wouldn’t know he was there. I leaned in and kissed him on the mouth; he opened his eyes, and smiled at me. I got up and began dressing. Once I had my shoes tied, and Eric was dressed I whistled for Sport. We headed back to the barn to finish the chores. I was already thinking about how quickly I could send Eric home so I could take my Dad upstairs and fuck him senseless as I did every night.

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Q: What do eating pussy and dealing with the mafia have in common?
A: One slip of the tounge and you’re in deep shit!!

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Two White Sluts, One Black Cock

This story stands on its own, but is a continuation of “A black cock for mom.” Read the story if you want, or here is a recap:
Kate Smith leads a happy life as a wife and mother. She is a beautiful 36 year old with a 16 year old son and twin 14 year old daughters. Time had been gentle to her, as her 5’6’’ frame remained petite and her face clear of most wrinkles. Her hair was as thick and dark as when she was a young girl, and her eyes were a piercing green. Kate’s husband, Jeff Smith, had generously paid for a “breast rejuvenation” at 35 that made her 32C chest more perky and beautiful than when she was her daughters’ age.
She has grown bored with her sexual relationship with her husband. In her position as a bank manager, she meets Buck, a 5’11’’ 160 pound black man applying for a janitorial position. Long story short, she needs her pussy stuffed by his thick ten inch cock. They meet at a hotel where he reams her, thus securing the position as janitor and Kate Smith’s master. This story begins the next morning at the Smith family house…
Kate had arrived home the previous evening showered and fresh after her sexual adventure. She offered a lame excuse of a late management meeting, which her husband accepted. He requested sex but she declined on account of the black semen Buck had pumped inside her. Drifting off to sleep, Kate was nervous and excited for this new chapter in her life.
The next day was casual Friday. While Kate normally wore jeans and a nice blouse, she wanted to make Buck’s first day at work one to remember. Her husband left for work early with the children, dropping them off at school. She snuck into the twins’ room and selected a nearly-scandalous, tight short skirt and low-cut top from her daughter Rachel’s closet. The panties she had worn the night before were soaked with leaking cum, and thus she ran a small load of laundry. Emptying the dryer, Kate found a sexy black thong and pair of heels on the floor to match the outfit. Admiring herself in the mirror, she exclaimed, “Girl, you are a sex goddess.”
The workday was filled with furtive but knowing glances at the new janitor. As she strutted by Buck on her way to grab lunch, she innocently mentioned that her office was rather dirty. “Maybe you can drop by after the branch closes to give it a thorough cleaning. It really needs some attention.”
The day dragged on until five o’clock finally arrived. Her favorite teller, Ashley, stopped by to say goodbye for the weekend. “Kate, you’re normally the first one out the door on Friday. Anything I can help you with before I go?”
“No, but thank you,” Kate replied. She added honestly, motioning to the paperwork on her desk, “I’m really going to get rammed once I can get started on this stuff. Have a good weekend.”
“You too, goodnight.”
Finally, at 5:45, the last employee left the building. Kate was alone in her office as the janitor, a very diligent employee, sauntered towards the door. “You needed some work done?”
“You know exactly what I need,” she replied standing up from her chair and walking towards the black man.
Buck walked in, shutting the door behind him. “Good, cuz I’ve got blue balls from staring at that tight ass all day. Get on yo knees bitch and worship this black cock.”
The boss turned into a slave girl, kneeling on the floor and crawling to Buck. She unzipped his dark blue workpants and fished for the hole in his boxers. Kate found it on the first try, making contact with his flaccid six inch member. She pulled and it flopped out. As Kate licked and sucked, she felt it swelling into a monster almost twice its original size in her mouth. While sucking on Buck’s balls, she marveled at his cock’s length and girth as it lay across her face, the bulbous head protruding past her forehead.
Looking up at him with eyes of desire, she begged, “I need it now.”
“What do you need? Say it like the slut you are.”
“I need this big cock inside me.”
“I need this huge black rod in my white pussy.” Juice running down her legs, Kate was rubbing her clit through her thong in anticipation.
Like a bitch in heat, she yelled, “I need your monstrous black cock to stuff my slutty white cunt! I need you to destroy my little white fuckhole with your black rod! I’m a fucking white whore so start treating me like one!”
“That’s right bitch.” Buck cleared the papers off Kate’s desk. He pulled down his pants and sat on the desk. “Show me how a white slut works a black cock.”
Kate immediately climbed on top of the muscular dark skinned man. Straddling him, she pulled the tight skirt up above her waist, exposing her lacy thong and freshly shaven pussy. The mom of three shook with excitement as she pulled the thong aside and maneuvered the monster cock towards her pleasure hole. Staring downwards, she said, “I love the look of my creamy white thighs resting on your dark body. I love the purple head of your cock on the precipice, just before it plunges in.”
He ripped off her shirt and bra. “And I love watching my strong black hands rubbing your big white tits and tiny pink nipples.” Kate moaned in pleasure as he squeezed. The moaning became louder as she dropped her hips lower, accepting his head inside her still sore cunt. She began to ride the monster up and down, inching lower with each thrust. Kate screamed with pleasure and pain as she came closer to the hilt. She finally felt the impact of her pussy lips on his pubic hair and a painful sensation in her cervix.
“I need to have an orgasm, master.”
“Feel free, slut. You’re doing great.”
With his permission, Kate furiously massaged her clit while riding all ten inches of Buck’s cock. The rod glistened with her juices as Kate’s office was filled with increasingly loud screaming, complimented by the rhythmic slapping of a white ass against black thighs. She reached climax and gushed all over her lover, fluids dripping onto her desk.
Kate was ready to milk Buck’s member dry when she heard a faint noise behind her. It was a click and then a man’s voice. “Are you ok?”
“Oh fuck” was Kate’s only thought. It was Jake, the 25 year old assistant manager she had just recently promoted. He looked on the scene in absolute confusion, stammering for words.
“What the fuck is going on here? What about your family?” Jake and his wife had gone on several double-dates with Kate and her husband. The two couples were becoming close.
Buck’s cock had gone soft inside Kate. She toppled off him as he pulled up his pants and pushed past Jake out the door. “I’m…so…sorry” was all Kate could think to say.
“How long has this been going on?”
“It just started yesterday. Listen, please don’t tell anyone about this. I can’t lose my job and my family. I’ll do anything, please.”
It was as though Jake hadn’t heard a word she said. “Why did you decide to cheat on your husband with the new janitor?”
“I don’t know. I was bored, it was just a stupid spur of the moment thing.”
“Was it because he is black?”
“What? No, not at all. Well…I don’t know.”
“Answer the question or I call corporate right now.”
Kate finally noticed she was standing naked in front of Jake and started dressing.“Fine. Yeah, I guess it was. I liked the idea of being owned by a black man.”
“You liked? So just because you got caught you don’t like it anymore?”
She was getting annoyed. “Yeah. Well…no. I don’t know, what is the point of this? Are you going to tell anybody or not?”
“That depends. I have a huge, terrible secret over you. I could think with my brain and milk this for all it’s worth, or think with my dick. Should I go for promotions, bonuses, and vacation days, or the hope of satisfying my biggest sexual fantasy?”
Kate was surprised, but saw an easy out. “What is your fantasy?”
“I want to watch my wife fuck a black man. I have been talking about this for a while and she is on the edge. I think you and your friend there can push her over the edge.”
“You want me to convince Becky to have sex with Buck?”
“Yes and no. You also have to be there…involved.”
“And you won’t tell anybody and will drop this for good?”
“Swear on my life.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal.”
Kate and Jake spent the next two months working out the details of the plan. She suddenly got much closer to Becky, turning from acquaintances to friends over a few weeks. The friendship reminded both of them of their college days, when they would spend party weekends with the girls flirting with frat guys. Buck was a more than willing participant, thinking he had been fired for his conduct.
Becky was a striking beauty. Fresh out of college, the 22 year old was tall, 5 feet 8 inches, and petite, 125 pounds. Her cute 32/B breasts perfectly complimented her figure. She was tan with beautiful long blonde hair and blue eyes. In terms of age it was a unique friendship, but their matching personalities meant Kate and Becky got along perfectly.
The plan came together on a Saturday. Kate planned a girls’ night out with Becky, stopping by a few bars to get loose before they would “accidently” run into Buck. Everything went well and at ten o’clock the pair stopped into the Roundeye bar. Kate was excited when Buck, playing the role of handsome stranger, walked up next to the girls. He sat next to Becky and introduced himself.
Kate, carrying out the plan, immediately began flirting openly with Buck. Freed from the bonds of social convention by the alcohol and encouraged by her adventurous friend, Becky joined in. The talk shifted from lighthearted flirting to sexual matters, encouraged by Kate and Buck. “Is it true what they say about black guys?” Becky questioned
“I don’t know. What do they say?”
She shot him a devilish grin. “You know, about….down there,” Becky giggled.
“What about it?”
“Yeah, what about it,” added Kate with a sly smile.
“Well…” Becky’s face had turned red from embarrassment. “I heard that it is pretty big.”
“Ohhhhh. No, that is just a myth,” responded Buck. “It isn’t pretty big, it is huge.”
Both girls squealed with delight. Kate asked, “can we see it?”
Becky was shocked. She leaned in close to Kate and whispered, “What are you doing? We’re married!”
“What’s wrong with a little fun? I deserve it, don’t you?”
“I guess….” The smile returned to her face. “So can we see it?”
“Of course you can, girls. I just happen to have a hotel room two blocks away. We can walk if you want to.”
“I don’t know if we should do this.” Becky was apprehensive. “Is this right?”
“Of course it is. Would your husband really mind?”
“No. Actually, he has wanted me to do this for a while. You’re right, let’s just see what happens.”
The threesome paid their tab and walked to the hotel. They flirted in the elevator and on the way to the room, number 416.
“We’re here,” said Buck as he unlocked the door and led the beautiful women inside.
The black man had already experienced Kate, so he didn’t need to guess what lay under her clothes. Becky, on the other hand, was still a mystery, though her tight bar-hopping outfit of leggings and a camisole left little to the imagination. Kate could tell he looked forward to exploring her tight young body.
The three sat on the king-sized bed. “What did you ladies want, again?”
Kate answered, “We want to know if what they say about black guys is true. Can I get a peek?”
“Maybe, but what do I get out of it?”
“What do you want?”
“I know what they say about black guys. Did you know they say something like that about white girls? I heard that all white girls have tight little holes that crave black cock. Is that true?”
“I don’t know,” said Becky. “Maybe let us take a look at what you’re working with first, and then we’ll see.”
“Fine.” Buck pulled down his pants and boxers, revealing his rock hard ten inches. Kate smiled when she saw the look on Becky’s face.
“I can’t believe it is that big. How does it even fit?”
“Do you want to find out?”
Becky’s simple answer surprised Kate. “Yes. I need it.” She lunged forward and buried her face in his groin, lapping hungrily at his member. “You are such a man.” She had turned into a black cock slut.
Kate stood up and undressed as Buck removed his shirt. He had to restrain Becky, which only made her want his cock more. “Calm down girl, you’ll get what you need.” He removed her shirt, bra, and then leggings. She squirmed on the bed in her panties as Buck held down her arms. “What do you want?”
“I want your black cock to defile my tiny white holes.”
“You can have it, but you to put on a show for me first. Makeout with your friend.”
Becky did as she was told. Slipping out of her panties, Kate climbed on top of her. Their nude bodies pressed together, breasts smashed and hips grinding as they kissed. “Are you a whore for black cock?”
“Yes,” Becky answered.
“Prove it.” She watched as Kate got up and rummaged through her purse. The mom retrieved a black permanent marker. Kate removed the cap and wrote across Becky’s chest, “Blacks Only.”
“Wait!” Becky was scared. “How can I explain this to Jake?”
Kate replied, “He already knows. He arranged this whole thing and is waiting in the lobby. Should I call him up?”
Becky replied with indifference. “No, I’ve got everything I need right here.”
The girls giggled as they took turns writing on each other’s bodies. “Negroes enter in rear,” “This hole for black use only,” “White Slut,” “Black hoe,” and Becky’s personal favorite, “Black Babymaker.”
“You know, Buck and I have been at this for months now. I missed my period and got a positive pregnancy test two weeks ago. I’m carrying a little brown baby inside of me.”
“Wow, that is incredible.” Becky asked, “Are you sure it isn’t your husband’s?”
“Positive. Buck is the only man who has filled me with his seed. With how many times he has shot his load into my pussy, I would be surprised if I wasn’t knocked up. Now it’s your turn.”
“Not yet,” Buck chimed in. “I want to see you white trash hoes do something nasty.”
Kate had something good in mind. In a sitting position, facing Becky who was lying on the bed, she interlaced their legs and began tribbing: rubbing their pussies together. Both girls were moaning and gyrating when Kate lifted her leg, stuffing her foot into her lesbian lover’s mouth. Becky did likewise and the girls sucked each other’s toes and licked the soles of their sweaty feet.
After a few minutes, Buck couldn’t take it anymore. The sight of Becky’s thin body swaying in motion with Kate’s, her small breasts bouncing on her chest, her moans of pleasure muffled by Kate’s sexy foot in her mouth, the words “Black Babymaker” written across her stomach. It all drove Buck wild. Speaking to Becky, he said, “It’s time, white slut.”
Kate asked, “Are you ready to be initiated into the sisterhood?”
“The sisterhood of white girls who live for black cock. Your hole has two jobs now: to accept big black cocks and pump out brown babies. Are you ready?”
Kate positioned herself behind Becky, holding her with her arms wrapped around the girl’s waist. “This will hurt, probably worse than your first time, but it is the only way for you to become a sister.”
Becky spread her legs to accommodate Buck’s muscular dark body. He lay on top of her, ready to initiate missionary-style sex. “You can scream if you want to.”
The head of his huge rod traced the outline of Becky’s shaved pussy lips. It found the hole and Buck thrust his hips, hammering into the tight young slut. “Ohhhhhhhh fuck that hurts!”
Kate laughed. “I know sweetie, I’ve been through it too.”
Buck worked slowly, pushing his cock deeper and deeper inside Becky with each thrust. She writhed with pleasure and pain, pinned between Buck’s muscles and Kate’s large breasts. For several minutes all she could do was hold on to Buck until the pain began to subside. Her breathing became less shallow as her cunt stretched to accommodate its new extra-large master.
“Does my little white fucktoy enjoy being banged by a big nigger cock?”
“Yes master.”
“Do you like having your tiny white pussy ruined?”
“Yes master.”
“Good. Now get on your hands and knees. Kate, get your slut face under her pussy.”
The slaves complied. Buck entered Becky from behind, Kate’s face only a few inches away. She lifted her head and stuck out her tongue, lapping up Becky’s juices on Buck’s huge cock. Becky screamed into the pillow as Buck turned her white cunt inside out. “Are you ready babe?”
“Yes master. Fill me with your seed.”
“What do you want?”
“I want you to shoot your black jizz straight into my cervix. Get me pregnant.”
With that, Buck groaned as he unleashed a torrent of cum inside Becky. It was more than she had ever felt before. She cried with happiness as Buck pulled out, her pussy slick with a combination of her juice and his semen. Kate lapped up sweet juice that dripped from Buck’s cock.
The trio found Jake sitting in the lobby. He was furious that Kate never called him to the room, but his anger subsided when he saw the look of fulfillment on his wife’s face. Speaking to her husband, Becky said, “Everything is different now. I’m a slut for big black cock.”
Six months later, both Becky and Kate were sporting matching pregnant bellies. Buck’s seed had planted inside the girls, forever cementing their status as white sluts for black cock.

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Scarlett’s Fingers

An oldie, from 2012. Originally, I’d published this at Literotica, but my old account there is now deleted along with my earliest few stories. I’ll be republishing them here, except for maybe one.

Roy and June take Doris again

Wicked husband Jack has a young and pretty wife Doris, who is part oriental and part English. He wants to see her used by his friends, but without Doris remembering anything about it afterwards.

A New Day, A New Us part 4

Tuesday morning starts off with my sister Liz in a different mood than previous mornings. She’s not happy or grumpy, just kind of blah mood as we all get ready for school. I let her be alone with her thoughts while I attempt to ask my Father for something I don’t usually ask for.
“Dad I’ve got a problem,” I tell him as he’s getting his boots on for work.
“What kind of a problem Guy,” Dad replies without missing a knot.
“I need some money for a date tonight,” I say watching him pause as he’s lacing up his boot.
“And who are we taking out,” Dad asks finishing the final knot.
“Mathilda, I need to get her out and doing stuff that doesn’t involve her weight set and I figured a date mid week would be a nice change,” I explain hoping for a miracle.
“Well I think that it’s a wonderful idea,” Mom says joining the conversation,” You need to have some normal time with all these girlfriends you keep around. And when are we going to meet this other one from Texas?”
“Soon Mom I promise,” I tell her to placate the question for now,” I just need like a hundred bucks for a nice dinner or something.”
I watch my Mother turn on her expectant gaze to my Father who stands up and takes out five twenty dollar bills then hands them off to me, I try to take them but my Dad has them in a tight grip to get my attention.
“A nice date, you will dress up and you will take the car,” Dad orders me.
I nod and he releases his hold on the money which immediately goes back into my room and in the lockbox in my computer desk. Getting to school after picking up Kori I notice Allison has elected to not follow us around like a happy puppy today. I don’t mention it to the crew at all as we head off to classes.
I just start to grab my bag and head off to lunch after third period when I get a visitor in Hanna waiting for me outside my class door. I get outside and am greeted with a goofy salute.
“Ginger ninja reporting for duty,” Hanna jokes as we head towards the cafeteria.
“So aside from you we have two other’s I’ve recruited, both are guys but that’s not a problem for you anymore is it,” I joke back.
“Yeah, some of the girls found out about my jumping the fence and while some were okay with it a few don’t want to even touch me,” Hanna says with very little sadness,” So what’s on the big list of things to do for today?”
“Well first off you might not want to try to take my job as assistant, that’s Natsuko’s job,” I tell Hanna as we get to the cafeteria,” You keep Mathilda up to speed and relay messages.”
I can see she doesn’t like being put into a single job informing someone else but it’s not like I have a million things that need to be done in a day and I make it a point to emphasize how it’s important to me. We get seated at my usual table and I watch as the rest of the crew fills in the table crowding it up to the point where I have to get a second table and pick people to move over.
“Okay, we’re too crowded so I want Jun and Lilly to pull that table over and I want Ben to join them,” I tell the crew getting odd looks.
“Why are we being moved,” Lilly asks confused.
“Jun has been here longest of the guys, you are his girlfriend and Ben is the second best fighter in the group,” I explain and watch my reasoning register in their brains.
As we get adjusted I see Hanna move over as well and then I watch as a few punks move over to the second table and quietly sit down. It doesn’t take long for me to recognize the girl and her guy friend after the ass-chewing I gave them for not standing up for themselves. I warned Johnny about this type of shit and now here they are creeping into the circle for protection. I finish my milk and tap Katy to get her attention as I stand up and head over to their spot at MY crew’s second table. I watch the girl get rigid as I stand behind her before moving over to the guy who turns to see my face.
“Outside now,” I order him getting a puzzled look.
“Ummm we can move to a different spot if that’s okay,” the punk says trying to worm his way out.
“Maybe you didn’t fucking hear him but when he says ‘outside now’ that means get your ass outside right now or your ass becomes three different colors of paste on the ground,” Katy barks at the two raising her voice enough for the cafeteria to pay attention.
I watch the punk couple get up and after grabbing their bags get lead out by Katy, I start to follow but getting an idea I stop at Jun’s nerd table and grab one of the guys I see him talking to more than most and point for him to go outside.
“Nothing to worry about everyone, just some business among the Pariah’s,” Jun says getting people to focus on their own lives.
Once outside I catch up to Katy who is taking the punk couple around the corner of the gym. Once we’re out of sight I back them up against the wall and turn my attention to the Asian nerd I had follow us.
“What’s your name man,” I ask quickly.
“I’m Hideo, I’ve been friends with Jun for…,” He starts in before I cut him off with a look.
“And you two morons, names now,” I demand from the punk couple.
“I’m Vince and she’s Jenny,” the punk boy says quietly.
“Wonderful, now hand over what you’re holding,” I tell them getting a desperate look.
“Maybe you didn’t understand him, hand it over now or we go tag team on your asses,” Katy says grabbing Vince by the shirt,” First we’ll kick your asses then I’m gonna fuck the two of you.”
I watch the Hideo’s face go completely shocked at the thought and both the punks don’t like their prospects as they slowly take a plastic bag out of their backpacks. Each bag has what I can only guess is about a hundred dollars in smaller portioned bags of drugs in them, mostly weed and a few pills. I snatch the bags out of their hands and take Hideo’s bag from him and moving everything up place the bags under a few of his books. The look on Hideo’s face is priceless as I turn him into a drug runner for the day.
“I’m going to make this simple, you answer to me right,” I ask Hideo getting a nod,” Good, now unless I tell you to you do not let what’s in your bag out for anyone to see, you don’t show it off and you don’t let anyone take it from you. If someone tries you come find one of my people and you tell them that I said you were protected. Understand?”
“Yes sir, does this mean I’m a Pariah now,” Hideo asks getting a withering glare from Katy.
“No but it means that I know your name, and if I know your name then I know that I can either trust you or I need to hurt you,” I tell Hideo coldly,” Pick one.”
I see him register the implications of failure with me before nodding and heading back to the cafeteria. Once out of sight I return my attention to the punk couple who are more nervous now than when they were being threatened.
“I will be bringing those in today when I go meet Johnny, Katy and I will be showing up there after school,” I start to explain,” now you will leave that boy alone and you will let Johnny know that I’m coming by and that I will not be in a pleasant mood when I get there. Do we have an understanding?”
I watch Vince nod but Jenny seems stubborn about the situation. I motion for them to head off and while Vince is quick to do so Jenny seems adamant about either saying something or doing something. I can tell Katy is itching for a fight but I step up to Jenny first to take inventory, green and red hair in short pigtails on the side of her head. About 5’7” with about b cup breasts and no bra on under her tank top and sleeveless jean jacket, her hips have a pair of long shorts that have been destroyed either by time or just because she bought them that way and striped black and red socks with black boots. I like her style but it’s her brains I’m questioning.
“Did you not understand that now is the time where you fuck off and do what I told you,” I ask Jenny who is giving me the asshole look.
“Because I’m gonna have to pay out my ass for getting my shit taken from me with Johnny,” Jenny explains,” Anyone who loses their stuff has to pay for it.”
“Did Johnny tell you all to hang around me for safety,” I ask grumpier now that when they first sat down.
“Yes but he told me you two were good about it so can I get my stuff back before I get in trouble with him,” Jenny asks plainly.
“No bitch, but maybe if you suck up really good next time you try looking to us to save your ass we’ll help you without taking your shit,” Katy growls.
“Fuck you, you get one bit of charity from someone with connections and now you look at me like I’m fucked up. You were fucking the same people I ended up fucking just to get by so don’t,” is where Jenny gets in her tirade before Katy starts in on her own.
I don’t know where it came from in Jenny to push Katy’s buttons like that but I definitely recognize the form when Katy drops Jenny with a hard shot to the gut. Jenny hits the grass on her knees hard but Katy isn’t stopping as I watch her reach up under Jenny’s jaw and stand her back up and put her against the wall. I can see the next shot coming and grabbing Katy’s arm by the wrist decide to stop the next one before it connects. Katy glares at me but I’m giving it back hard and after a moment she’s lets go of Jenny’s neck. I let Katy back off before getting in Jenny’s face.
“You start a fight you better be ready for the consequences,” I tell Jenny,” as for Johnny I’ll handle him and you won’t have to worry about anything when it comes to paying for something I did.”
I give Jenny a moment to catch her breath then send her back to the cafeteria. Once she’s out of sight I turn my attention to Katy who is still pissed about the comment made and a little pissed at me stopping her from delivering a wholesale ass kicking.
“So now you’re protecting Johnny’s shit and his people too? What the fuck are we doing Guy,” Katy demands.
“What are the fucking rules,” I growl back.
“What rules,” Katy asks confused and angry.
“Rules of engagement, first fucking thing you learned before Dad would teach you,” I growl getting in her face.
I know the rules, I’ve known them for eight years but she’s new to it and judging by the recognition on her face she remembers it too as I watch the anger drain out of her face.
“Guy I’m sorry, she really pissed me off and I just reacted,” Katy says with a little fear,” Please don’t tell Dad.”
I grab Katy by the back of the head and walk her to an alcove for one of the gym exit doors and shove her up against the wall. Katy’s got her punk hoodie on and a pleated school girl skirt with black leggings covering up to her mid thigh. She’s shocked by my being angry with her as I start in.
“You should fucking know better by now, you drop a girl just because she points out your past,” I growl,” If I did that I’d be out of school because they’d find a trail of bleeding people.”
“I’m sorry I just got mad dammit, what you never fucked up and had to explain it,” Katy says with a little more anger.
I love the look on a girls face when she’s angry and I’m not responsible for it. Katy is almost firing on all cylinders as I crash my body against her, shoving my mouth into hers hard and invasive. Its takes no time for Katy to adjust by hiking one leg up so I can grind against her mound. Katy tastes like metal today and it’s more of what I’m in the mood for as she slow down the kissing to bite my lip before pulling me back in for more tongue warfare. I was a little hard as she started threatening the couple but now I’m rock hard and not planning on settling for a rain check. Almost reading my mind Katy undoes my pants and gets my cock out in the cold air, stroking it lightly as I pull her panties aside so she can line us up. I keep her leg up and thrust about half my cock inside Katy’s pussy getting a moan in my mouth from her. She’s not as wet as she would be normally but with her hands on my ass pulling me in as we start pounding our bodies together gets me almost all the way in. Katy’s warm folds are getting wetter with each thrust and all our moving has me sweating a little in the cold, I’m feeling the need to hurry as I start thrusting up into Katy faster and deeper.
We’re not wasting time with our sex and Katy finally breaks our kiss and I bury myself in her neck biting down a little as her hands paw at my back. I can feel myself getting close and back out of Katy quickly and sensing my intention watch as she drops to her knees and opening her mouth I jam as much of my cock in her face as I can. Katy gags for a moment but I back out and push again bypassing her mouth and feeling my cock head opening in her throat, Katy herself is shaking and I can see one arm is down in her own nether rubbing away frantically. I back up my cock again and start taking short fast thrusts into Katy’s mouth getting myself up to the point of cumming, I look down and see the look on her face before burying my cock deep in her mouth and throat and cumming hard. The rush has me oblivious to much in the world as ropes of cum shoot directly down Katy throat, I can feel her panicking a little and someone is talking but I ignore it until I the rush fades.
“Oh god that is so fucking hot,” I hear coming from my left.
I turn and see Hanna and Natsuko standing there holding mine and Katy’s bags with wicked smiles on their faces. Katy helps to put me back in my pants and I get her up off the ground before watching her beeline it over to Hanna who has her bag and taking Hanna’s face in her hand before shoving her tongue in Hanna’s mouth. I grab my bag from Natsuko who is very turned on by the whole thing and we watch for a moment as Hanna stands awestruck after the kiss is broken.
“And that is what cum swapping is,” Katy says jokingly as we all start to head back towards classes.
The rest of the day goes by fairly smoothly and into final class where I am actually able to get into my homeroom class, there are a couple students in the moral club here but as soon as Ms. Detress sees me she starts writing up my pass for another class but I’m feeling awesome today and hand her the change of homeroom form. I watch her read it and it’s a priceless look on her face when she reads my reasoning why.
“I’m not able to speak with my teacher concerning my academic future due to her focus on non academic activities groups,” I watch her sputter the words out.
“Yes, every day I come in here and you are having a group meeting, and then yesterday I can’t even get into the class to get a pass so I don’t have to listen to a meeting for a group that I don’t agree with,” I reply smiling and feeling really smug.
“Well regardless of your personal opinion I think we need to have a student meeting about your academic performance,” Ms. Detress informs me taking an authoritative tone.
“So you won’t sign the form then,” I ask getting a head shake of no before taking the form back,” I’ll get Mrs. Jackson to sign it since you refuse.”
I get more sputtering behind me but I’m already half way out the door when I hear Ms. Detress following me out. I watch as Heather and Kyle lead a few students into the building but I’m bound and determined to get to the principal’s office and while she doesn’t ask her ‘youth group’ to stop me I don’t give her the chance. Once I’m in the office I stand at the door and wait like a student is supposed to and I can see Mrs. Jackson is working on paperwork, Ms. Detress however pushes past me and goes into a tirade about how as I’ve been a poor student and have disrupted her club activities. I watch Ms. Detress make a foolish display and finally Mrs. Jackson waves me in and I hand her the form so she can read it. When she finally turns her attention to me it’s more not the questions I’ve been preparing to answer.
“So Coach Campbell is taking on students for studies period,” Mrs. Jackson asks plainly.
“Yes Ma’am, I figured since I had been going there most of the year anyway I’d just get him to take over as my advisor,” I explain.
“And Ms. Detress’s club activities are keeping you from having any sort of meeting with her,” Mrs. Jackson asks.
“Yes Ma’am, my ex Heather is in her club and it’s just not an environment that I feel comfortable with,” I explain taking a slightly defeated posture.
I watch as Mrs. Jackson signs the form and Ms. Detress starts to lose her cool and argue about my
transfer and as I’m leaving I can hear Mrs. Jackson turn on her authoritative tone with Ms. Detress. I get to the gym and while my crew is up in the bleachers I hand off my form to Coach Campbell’s new assistant before heading up the bleachers and explaining what happened to Kori.
“I swear if that bitch held you up again Guy I would fucking lose it on her,” Kori tells me trying to cuddle.
I stop the cuddling due to my need to actually finish an assignment from earlier. I barely get my work done before the final bell and as we’re all starting to head out Katy explains she and I are heading off to do at Johnny’s place.
“I’m in,” I hear Ben chime in.
“Us too,” from Lilly and Jun.
“Not a group outing needed everyone,” I start to explain but my words seem to fall on deaf ears.
“Who else has a vehicle,” Kori says taking over and after a moment Devin raises his hand.
“Devin if you have a car why do you take the bus,” Jun asks confused.
“I don’t have a car, I can get my Dad’s truck,” Devin explains.
Kori grabs my phone out of my coat and fires off a message to my home explaining that we’ll be there late and then has Natsuko head back in so Hanna and Mathilda know what’s going on. I get the feeling we’ll be waiting when Hideo comes running back up and makes his way past everyone else and to me.
“Nobody came after me and I kept it hidden all day like you said,” Hideo tells me beaming with pride.
“Congratulations, you officially can perform simple tasks on command,” I tell him deflating his ego,” Now don’t go off thinking you’re in or out but keep around during lunch in case I need you.”
Not as happy with the results of his effort as he could be we transfer his smuggled contents from his bag to my bike before he rushes off to Jun to plead his case. I trust Jun to handle it his way before turning my attention back to Kori.
“So am I still in charge here or did I just get demoted,” I ask a little upset.
“Honey I spoke with Johnny and he promised me that he wouldn’t use us like that and he did,” Kori explains,” I warned him that if it happened that you’d come back and there would be shit to answer for.”
“Wait a minute, so when I left you made an ultimatum for me,” I ask getting a scared nod,” That’s my girl. Well he agreed so now it’s my turn to put the boots to him.”
I sit with Kori and Katy as they talk about what to do when we get to Johnny’s. Katy wants to bring violence and Kori wants something more subtle but that makes point. I am keeping my thoughts to myself considering I usually play it by ear and when people step out of line I’ll bust them back into place. Mathilda and Hanna join us after half hour once they’re out of practice and it’s another fifteen minutes later that I watch a large truck come rolling into the parking lot with Jun, Lilly, Ben and Natsuko in the back and Devin driving. It’s not an extended cab or even a current model but its big and made of real metal which is bumping Devin up in the world as far as I’m concerned.
“Dad says I have to bring it back by nine tonight and I can’t wreck it,” Devin says getting a laugh from everyone.
“Devin your truck will crush the shit out of whatever hybrid you hit with it,” I tell him laughing.
I ride solo on my bike leading the way; Mathilda and Hanna are in her car followed by Katy and Kori with Devin and the rest of the crew bringing up the rear as we head over to Johnny’s. The total trip takes a bout twenty minutes and the convoy rolling in has the punk/emo/slacker community that lives there at full attention. I get us rolled in and finally stop my bike and listen as all the vehicles get stopped behind me and motion for the engines off before killing my own. I hop off and wait for someone to address me and it only takes a few seconds before I see Vince from lunch time come running over to me.
“I told Johnny that you were coming but he’s pissed you took his shit,” Vince explains hoping to spare himself some sort of punishment.
“Get me Johnny or I will start going through people to find him,” I tell Vince who heads back off to find Johnny.
I wave to the rest of the crew to disembark and watch as everyone but Devin and Ben get out of the truck. It takes a moment and as soon as I see Johnny I can tell he’s pissed off and ready for a fight. A few guys are trailing him as he gets to me and I finally take off my helmet and pull up my hood so we can ‘talk’.
“Who the fuck do you think you are taking my shit,” Johnny says pissed off.
“Apparently when Kori and you agreed not to abuse my good nature and have your people hide behind mine that meant shit to you,” I say keeping calm,” Now I took your shit because you damn near put it in my hands whether you wanted to or not. The only reason I’m not kicking the shit out of you right now is because we have a history and I do like you, but that shit today has me more pissed than you so if you want to find out how bad this can get, bring it. Or we can try the talking again and this time you’re not going to make my girl look like a fool.”
I can hear Devin get out of the truck and move over to Kori and Katy while I see Ben start to flank me on the right as he’s watching the rest of Johnny’s boys. I let Johnny weigh the options before he backs down and gets a more talkative look on his face.
“Alright man, I did wrong by your woman and you’re right we’ve been friends before,” Johnny says calming down,” You didn’t flush my shit or turn it in right?”
I smile and open my storage area on my bike removing the two bags of ‘goods’ before handing them off to Johnny who looks a little relieved that I still have his property. I let him hand off his goods to his people before pulling him aside to talk privately.
“So the two people I took their shit from what happens to them,” I ask plainly.
“Well you lose your stuff you pay for it, cash or in some of the girls cases ass,” Johnny tells me a little smugly,” I gotta get mine back somehow.”
“And I just returned it, I want their debts waived,” I tell Johnny getting a surprised look,” You want some sort of an agreement where I help you then here’s the deal, your people get harassed while carrying they come to me and mine, I’ll make sure the runners are protected within reason but if I have to take it and hide it with my people the runner is in the clear.”
“Man that’s a lot better for me but still you holding shit means it ain’t selling and I need shit selling,” Johnny tells me trying to ply for more.
“Johnny this is the deal, either we keep your people safe when a real problem occurs or I just start shaking down every runner for cash and stash,” I reply getting a grumpy look,” You’ve got at least ten people running your goods at our school alone, even if I have two or three people covered you’re still not losing goods or runners.”
“Okay man, but are you sure you can’t help me out with sales,” Johnny asks getting a glare before backing off the topic.
I walk back with Johnny and let him start talking down his own people as I give my crew thumbs up and watch them relax. I explain what’s happening to Kori and Katy who both give me ‘what the hell’ looks and I decide to explain.
“Johnny has been there for me and us in the past, either we make some friends and help out a little or I make more enemies for us at school and if you didn’t notice not all of Johnny’s people run weed for him,” I explain getting a nod from both of them.
I make my way over to Mathilda who is feeling a little out of place not have been exposed to a punk community much with her old school. She perks up a little as she sees me approach.
“So what are you doing after all this awkwardness and conflict,” I ask Matty smiling.
“Dad’s home, he wants me back so he can spend some time with his daughter,” Mathilda says a little disappointed.
“Awesome, I get to meet your Dad and take you out tonight,” I tell her getting a shocked look.
“Dad won’t let me go out it’s his first night back, and I don’t think meeting my Dad would be a good idea,” Matty tells me a little concerned.
“Baby I need to meet him sooner or later and besides, it’s just you and me tonight,” I tell her letting the incentive of some more one on one time linger.
I head back and let everyone know to head home and get the others dropped off at their homes before I get back on my bike and head towards home. I get in the driveway and immediately head inside to get clean up and get changed. I get a pair of dress pants on with one of the ‘summer’ shirts that I got while I was down in Texas with Loretta and her family before grabbing my coat and waiting for Katy to get back with the family car.
“Where are you taking your date tonight,” I get asked by Liz as I wait.
“I honestly have no clue, gonna let her pick what she wants to do,” I reply shrugging.
I watch Liz give me a look like I’m making a bad move but I’d like to think that I know my girls a little better than my sister does. Katy finally gets home and she passes off the keys and a kiss on the cheek before I get behind the wheel and head off towards Mathilda’s house. It’s about six at night when I arrive and I can see her car is there along with a big rig sitting out in front of the house. I’ve seen Matty’s father before but only at a distance, I get out of the car and head up to the front door. A quick knock on the door and I’m looking at a large man in a beat up t-shirt and dirty jeans holding a beer in his hand, I’m more noticing the expression on his face as he looks down slightly at me confused.
“We’re not buying anything,” I hear him say as he starts to close the door on me.
“Sir I’m here to pick up Mathilda for our date tonight,” I tell him as he starts to close the door in my face.
“You’re dating my daughter,” I get asked with some skepticism,” Is this some sort of joke, did the kids at her new school send you to play a joke on her because if you are here to hurt my daughter I swear to god I’ll chain your ass to my rig and drive to New York dragging your carcass the whole way.”
“Daddy! He’s my boyfriend, I told you he would be coming by tonight so we could go out,” I hear Mathilda exclaim at her father,” Guy please come in, Daddy be nice.”
Mathilda’s father steps aside so I can get through the doorway and into the living room. I watch him move in and sit down in what I was told by Matty was ‘his’ recliner during one of the first times I visited, I take a seat on the couch and note he’s watching basketball.
“So how long have you known my daughter,” Matty’s Dad asks taking a swig of his beer.
“About a year now,” I answer calmly.
“So if you’ve known her for a year why am I just meeting you now,” He asks taking another drink.
“Probably because she’s been afraid that you would kill me when we first met,” I reply smiling.
“Considering I’m pretty sure I have a damn good reason to kill you for dating my daughter why shouldn’t I,” her Father asks putting his beer down and leaning towards me.
“Well aside from the fact that I have four girlfriends and she is one of them I’d say normally you’d have a reason with that alone,” I tell him getting a wide eyed look,” but in one year I have never lied to her, she’s met my other girlfriends who treat her like a sister and I never make her feel like she is anything less than
my Amazon goddess.”
“You have sex with my daughter,” He asks getting quiet.
“Yes sir, but mostly I make love to her,” I say making the distinction.
I get skeptical look before he resumes watching TV and drinking his beer. We talk a little about the game and after a few minutes Mathilda comes out wearing a yellow blouse and a black long skirt. I pause to take in my tough girlfriend in a skirt and watch her face get a little confused.
“You don’t like it,” Matty asks confused.
“Baby you look wonderful, I want to take a picture so I can show the other girls,” I tell her getting out my phone.
“Don’t do that, Kori is the one who helped me pick this,” Matty says a little disappointed,” I’m a little lost when it comes to clothes.”
I cover the distance between us and give her a quick kiss on the lips before we head out to the car. I get us out of the neighborhood and down the road towards the restaurants and mall in downtown Olympia. I start pointing out the ‘trendy’ independent restaurants to Mathilda who looks a little skeptical as we keep passing them up until we get near the mall and the chain restaurants. We drive around for a few minutes when I stop in the mall parking lot and let her think about where she wants to eat, I can see something is bothering her but I can’t figure out what it is.
“Matty I’m just wondering if you want to eat tonight at all,” I say starting in,” We’ve passed so many places I’m just wondering if you are feeling okay or something?”
“I’m fine I just don’t know, I’m not used to actually dating,” Matty says a little embarrassed,” And I feel weird wearing dress clothes to go eat.”
I don’t want her to feel out of sorts just because she’s getting some one on one time with me but I am getting a little hungry. I pick Red Robin in the parking lot and move the car closer before parking. We both exit the car and head inside, it’s a week night and before long we’re seated and there are TVs with different sporting events on and Matty finally starts to relax as we get our menus and browse the food. I get us an appetizer and we order before just settling down and talking a little.
“Why take me out tonight,” Matty finally asks,” I know Kori would love to go out and Katy could probably use a night out.”
“Kori gets a lot of attention and Katy’s idea of a date is let’s going somewhere and listen to music then have sex,” I explain,” And we’ve never been out on a date just us, I was just hoping that we could get you out of your comfort zone and have some fun.”
“Well I’m having fun so you win,” Mathilda says smiling.
We sit and I let her explain the sports shows to me and we enjoy each other’s company as we finally get our appetizers. We’re about half way through the plate when someone decides to join us.
“Well look who decided to attempt to look like a normal person in the real world,” Taylor, Heather’s little dork, says as he grabs a chair and sits down.
“We’re in the middle of our meal, be a good little stooge and leave,” I tell him not taking my eyes of Mathilda.
“I don’t need to go anywhere; we’re all civilized young adults here. Is it too late to get a menu and sit with you guys,” Taylor asks looking around for a waitress.
“Taylor, or douche bag, May I call you douche bag? Here’s the thing, I’m not sure if you realized this but of the two people at this table with muscle mass above average I’m not the one you have to worry about,” I start to explain,” It’s her, she’s out on a date and having a good time but here you are trying to ruin it. I’d suggest ‘a tactical retreat’ and maybe we can have this conversation tomorrow at school?”
“What and miss out on a wonderful time with some ‘quality’ people like you and your la…,” Is about as far as Taylor gets before I watch his face get contorted with pain.
It takes me a second to notice Matty’s hand enveloping Taylor’s, her knuckles are white with the force she’s applying but her face and body are calm as she uses her other hand to turn the pages of the menu. I sit back for a second and when she notices me she smiles lightly and pulls Taylor’s hand under the table.
“Honey I want chicken fingers as an appetizer tonight,” Mathilda says making Taylor grunt in pain,” Is there a dipping sauce you like best or should we just stick with ranch?”
“I don’t know about chicken fingers baby, their kind of boney and stringy I hear,” I say chuckling.
“What do you think, Taylor right,” Mathilda says turning her attention to him,” I want you to understand that I’m usually a really nice person and if it wasn’t for all the crap you’ve been pulling with my friends we’d be getting you a chair so we could be friendly. Now when I let go of your hand I want you to remember that I grabbed something with bones and not a few things without them.”
I watch Taylor pull his hand up from under the table and see him back away before turning and leaving the restaurant. I give Mathilda and an approving smile and we resume the deciding our dinner. Our dinner date goes well after Taylor’s visit and after paying the bill I have money left over and suggest a movie which gets me a disapproving look from Mathilda.
“I want to go somewhere private and enjoy my alone time with you,” Matty tells me smiling as she gets into the car.
I get out of the parking lot and after a little direction following Matty steers me to an old parking lot and once we’re far enough in the darkness we both get out of the front and into the back. I don’t push to start anything and neither does Mathilda as she leans me back and rest her head on my chest as we just lay down in silence. It’s quiet and peaceful with nobody around and when Mathilda starts to crawl up my body a little and starts to kiss me lightly on the lips. I kiss her back and gently wrap my arms around her back while sliding down till we’re both cramped but lying down in the backseat.
Our bodies are gently pressed against each other as we lie there kissing before I feel Mathilda pull herself up and sit down on the back seat start to get her panties off leaving her skirt on and then opening her blouse enough for me to see more skin in the low light. I watch as my Amazon goddess undoes my slacks and pulls my half hard member free before working it over slowly and with long deliberate strokes of her mouth. I don’t normally get any sort of oral action from Mathilda but tonight is special for us and I let her work me over. It’s warm and wet with the contrast of cool air in the car as she takes her time getting me fully hard. I feel Matty’s tongue working over my shaft and then without any warning she slowly starts to suck on one of my balls, it’s different for her and really different for me considering I usually have the girls do that but with her I’m enjoying the boldness as she gently takes one into her mouth and after some light sucking lets it fall out before switching to the other one.
I don’t push or rush Mathilda at all but I am aching to repay the favor she’s giving me and finally get her to stop before reversing our positions and with me on top. I kiss her again on the lips and work my way quickly down her body and pulling up her skirt marvel a little at her pussy before gently licking in between her folds. My Amazon starts moaning lightly as I lick up her slit slowly before stopping at her clit and gently sucking on it. I can feel Matty writhing and one of her hands rubs my head as I work her pussy and clit over with my mouth. I can taste her more as I work down to her entrance and as I get faster she speeds up pushing her hips towards my face. I slow down and move back up her body and while we’re not perfectly face to face we’re close enough for me to see some anticipation and a little joy in her eyes as my cock head reaches her entrance. I push inside slowly and as warm as Matty’s mouth was her vagina is a furnace as I push the whole length of me inside her and rest as adjust to the car’s cramped quarters. After a little shifting and some moaning at the shifting I finally start to rock my member in and out of Mathilda taking long and slow strokes.
Usually when she and I have sex it’s hard like the porn she watches but this is more about how she’s feeling and I letting her know how unbe-fucking-lievably special she is to me. I keep my pace slow and we don’t kiss much as we just lie there and enjoy the quiet intense moment we’re having. My Amazon is hot and clamping down lightly on me as I feel her wrap her legs around mine as we get into a rhythm of pushing our bodies together. I can feel my blood boiling to speed up but I push it down and keep my control as push as deep as I can making my strokes go from my cock head to the base. Matty’s is groaning and moaning with each stroke while I can feel the sweat building on my back and head. I watch as Mathilda’s face goes from please to shock before her first orgasm creeps up on her hard and I can tell it’s big by how hard she starts pulling me into her. I take my cue from her and speed up my pace which I think makes her own orgasm start to last out as she grunts while holding me against her. My blood is pumping and I don’t last long with all her attention and after a few loud grunts shoot my load into my Amazon’s warm folds. My own orgasm has me resting my weight on Mathilda and I can feel her patting my head and rubbing my back while her pussy milks the last of my cum out me.
“Baby I need to get up and step out so I don’t make a mess on the back seat,” Mathilda tells me getting me back to my senses.
We both get out of the car and I watch as Mathilda gets herself taken care of and all our clothing gets put back in the right spots before I back her up against the car a little and pressing my body against hers kiss her lightly again on the lips. We enjoy the moment before she decides it’s time to head back home. Our return trip is nice and I realize that we ate up a lot of time just holding each other in the back of the car as I pull in front of Mathilda’s house. I quick kiss and a wave to her dad who seems like he’s happy his daughter is smiling as she heads into the house has me in a better than average mood as I head home and get in the door just before ten at night. Dad greets me in the living room and I hand him the change from dinner but he waves me off as I head to my room and to bed to get some much needed rest.
Wednesday and Thursday don’t turn out too well for the school and some of the students outside of my group. On Wednesday I hear from Jun after school that a few of the nerds we bullied hard by some of the larger ‘moralists’ until Devin and Jun stepped in to break it up. Worse than that was Thursday when Tracy, Coach Campbell’s daughter and Liz’s friend was roughed up by a few females in the locker room, Mathilda and Hanna were there to even the odds but somehow shit got out of hand and a lighter took out some of the hair on Tracy’s head. After school on Thursday I’m getting looks from all sides and make it a point to tell everyone that I need to think and take the evening for myself. About half an hour into me working out my Dad and Katy pop their heads into the gym and seeing my expression Katy bows out leaving my Dad alone with me.
“People are getting scared at your school,” Dad says not wasting time,” they’re getting bullied around and I’m guessing your friends are looking to you?”
“Yeah, I’m just wondering when they are going to finally come at me,” I tell him sitting on a bench.
“I don’t know son. If I did I’d just point you at who they were and tell you to get them first,” Dad tells me getting a surprised look out of me.
“Dad you always told me to go on defense and let them make the mistake,” I say explaining my surprise.
“And in a fight that works, this isn’t a fight you’re looking at it’s a war,” Dad tells me,” Rules are kill or be killed. Or in your case take no prisoners and devastate the opposing force until they break and run or surrender.”
I shake my head at the thought, war. Really, a high school going to war with itself? I love my father but it’s sounding more like a goofy fantasy than a feasible idea. We talk some more and Dad tells me to be ready when they come at me but I feel more ready than I have in a while.
Friday comes and goes pretty easily compared a majority of the week but once I get into my home period I have Coach Campbell yelling at me to get into his office immediately. I don’t waste time heading over to his office, he’s sitting at his desk and I can see Tracy sitting across from him wearing a hat and black boy sitting next to her wearing a sweater vest and thick rimmed glasses, his hair is cut short. I leave them be and pay attention to Coach as they both leave the room closing the door after them.
“You bringing a fucking fight to my doorstep boy,” Coach asks once we’re alone.
“No sir I’m not bringing a fight here at all,” I reply a little put off that this could be blamed on me.
“Well my daughter says that she’s trusts you and my son doesn’t know you so I want you to tell me why someone would try to intimidate my family,” Coach Campbell asks with a little anger in his voice.
“Sir I know who’s doing it but honestly they won’t stop till they get what they want,” I try to explain,” Your daughter is a strong leader for the girls sports and they went after her because she didn’t do something they told her to do. They keep coming after people that don’t conform to what they say because they believe they are in the moral right.”
“So why did you send your girlfriends to bail out my daughter,” Coach asks calming down a little.
“Sir had I known that they would have gone after Tracy I would have had my whole crew there and the closest they would have gotten was the locker room door,” I inform Coach with a stern tone.
“Well as of right now I want some help keeping things calm around here and IF there are names of who was involved I want to know,” Coach tells me before dismissing me back to my friends.
I see that most of the crew is hanging around except for Kori and Ben; I ask where they are but get a bunch of shrugging and no real answers. I shoot Kori a text and go about just chatting with the rest of the gang while I wait for a reply. It’s almost the end of school when I get a reply from Kori saying her mom texted her and picked her up to head home for some mother/daughter time. I shrug it off and catch Ben getting on a bus as the rest of us are heading through the parking lot to head out. I get home and settle in to relax in my room.
It’s about an hour after getting home when Kori finally texts me again and tells me she’s at the mall and really wants to see me cause she’s got some items from Victoria’s Secret that she wants my opinion on. If you ever want to attempt to set a land speed record put a hot woman you are attracted to in lingerie and have her wait at the end of the track, I grab my coat and am out the door on my bike before anyone can ask me where I’m heading.
The trip to the mall only takes me about twenty minutes and after parking I shoot Kori a text asking her where she is, she replies with that they’re still in a store and she asks me to wait at the food court for her. I cover the distance to the food court easily enough and get a seat to wait for her. I check my phone and text Jun asking him if he heard from Ben, he replies he hasn’t and I ask him to get in contact with him before putting my phone away. I’m sitting there for at least ten minutes when I hear a voice that I really don’t want to hear today.
“Hey baby, so glad to see you here today,” Heather says with a smile as she sits down across from me.
“Heather?! What the fuck are you doing here,” I ask a little shocked and angry,” Never mind I don’t care, get the hell away from me you crazy bitch.”
“Well I’m here to see you sweetie,” Heather says going from smiling to a more sinister grin,” We have unfinished business and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
I take my phone out ignoring her and pull up Kori’s number and push it to call, I hear it pick up and look up to see Heather holding Kori’s phone. I don’t know how much fear is in my face but I know Heather can see it and she hangs up the phone before setting it down and smiling back to me with her new sinister grin.
“She’s really not the person you want to be speaking with right now,” Heather says sickeningly sweet.
“Heather what did you do,” I ask trying to remain calm.
“I told you that you had a choice to make and now we’re at that point, I tried to reason with you and show you that I’m the only girl you should have in your life but you didn’t want to see reason so now I have to make sure you see that little slut of yours for the dog she really is,” Heather says turning on a little rage in her voice.
“Heather whatever you think you are going to do to make me love you it’s not going to work,” I tell her trying to remain calm,” You killed that over a year ago.”
“Shut up Guy and listen to me cause for the first moment of our new relationship you are going to learn that I get what I want and you’ll give it to me,” Heather says keeping her anger under control,” Now as for your choices here they are; option one, you do what you’ve been doing and stop listening to me and my friends go through everyone in your little gang taking them all apart piece by piece starting with your precious little Kori today. Option two, you break it off with all of them here and now and we get you back to the way you used to be, calm and a good boyfriend.”
Everything in my stomach is churning and I feel a little sick, I know Heather is watching me but all I can do is slowly take Kori’s phone from the table and trace the edge of it with my finger. My brain kicks in and I can see Heather has waved over one of her friends, it’s the slacker from the bike ride with Hanna still decked out in his school clothes looking all unkempt and smug. He knows what’s going on, I turn my attention back to Heather. Her face has a cold confidence in it and I realize the grimmest thing about this situation, I take a deep breath and stand up from the table.
“Where is Kori, tell me now and this doesn’t get painful,” I say taking my coat off and stepping around the table to stand next to Heather.
“Awww baby, we both know that this isn’t going to end well for you, just break your soon to be former bitches hearts and we’ll both enjoy a soda,” Heather tells me smiling,” Besides, you won’t lay a finger on me and we both know it.”
That’s when the chucking comes, I don’t know where it’s coming from at first then I realize I’m the one who’s doing it. I feel really happy right now, all happy and excited. I can see Heather and her friend are confused and when he moves to help her up with her chair I slam my fist into his jaw sending him down to the ground. Slacker boy hits with a thud on his side and I can hear someone yelling but the only thing I hear is laughing, my laughing. I take a drop step and slam the toe of my boot into his gut doubling him over before dropping down over his torso and taking the back of his head in my hand I use the other to wipe as much of his nose on the floor of the mall as I can. I hear the laughing die out a little and can see my new ‘friend’ is still conscious as I get up.
“Tell me where she is and I’ll stop,” I tell him still chuckling.
I watch him shake his head, it makes me laugh a little harder and I’m not sure why. I reach down and place one of his hands flat on the mall floor before taking the heel of my boot and resting it on the back of the hand with the edge of the heel across his knuckles. I start to shift the weight in my foot under his pinky knuckle I can feel the tension and I close my eyes and tilt my head back before ending the tension by separating the knuckle with a light feeling of a pop and a scream from the slacker. I roll my foot a little and move up to the ring finger. I take a little more time grinding the corner of my heel on it and I hear him begging beneath me but I’m just waiting for the feeling and when it hits me I push down hard and feel a second pop and another loud scream.
“OH GOD PLEASD STOD,” comes flying out the slacker’s broken nose and mouth,” SHE’S AD DA STONE FIELD!”
“I’m sorry but who’s at the stone field,” I ask taking my boot off his hand and bending down to see his face.
“Your girlfriend Kori, She’s ad da stone field behind da circle key,” Slacker boy tells me again clutching his hand.
I can see the two fingers I separated on his hand as he clutches at them, it probably will be months before he can use his hand fully again and still that tickles me. I turn away from him and back to Heather who is petrified in place standing at the table. I calmly walk up to her and lean in so she can hear me.
“Am I everything you hoped for,” I whisper.
I pull back to see Heather’s face afraid and confused before I step around her making sure not to touch her before grabbing my coat and rushing out of the mall. I’m on my bike and down the road in a matter of seconds before I check my rear view and see no cops behind me, either she didn’t tell anyone what happened or nobody called the cops. The reality of what I’m riding into hits me more than the cold and light rain do as I race half way across town to the stone field. I slow down enough to keep from wrecking my bike as I cut through the gas station parking lot and up the trail to the field. I get to the edge of the rock clearing and see movement in the middle which gets my hopes up a little. I kill the bike and drop my helmet in a mad dash to what I’m hoping is my Kori. As I get up close I can see more of Kori’s skin exposed than I care for in this instance, her clothes have been torn open or off of her and her backpack with its contents have been scattered out by whoever did this to her. It’s the blood that catches my eye first, not a lot of it like she’s been stabbed but little pock marks across her back and some red strips to match them. I start to try to pick Kori up but as soon as I touch her an arm and a rock come swinging at me. The shot is easily deflected and I take Kori’s face in my hand and turn her to see me but she can’t, her eyes are swelling shut from getting punched in the face.
“Baby it’s me, it’s your Guy,” I tell her trying to calm her down,” Kori I’m here but we need to get you out of the cold and back somewhere safe.”
Kori drops the rock when she hears my voice and I wait for the tears that don’t fall, slowly Kori and I get her to her feet and I put my coat around her before slowly walking her back to my bike. As we walk I can see that save for her shoes and her panties the rest of her clothing including her jacket have been destroyed in the attack. I don’t have any of the pained humor or whatever I was feeling in my body anymore as I get Kori back on my bike and our helmets on before taking care to get us back to my house safely. The whole trip Kori has her arms wrapped tightly around me like the world will end if she lets go. I don’t bother to pull into the drive way at home I bring my bike right up to the front step which gets my father’s attention fast. Once the door is open and he can see the whole situation I watch my Dad go from slightly angry to calm and barking orders to Mom, Liz and Katy for everything from his first aid kits in the gym to contacting Kori’s mom. We get Kori into the house and my dad and the girls take her to my room before my Mom backs me out so that they can help. I don’t know what’s going on as I back into the living room but my head is swimming and I’m lost in the confusion of what’s going on with Kori. At some point her Mom and Carl come over and neither of them really notices me as my Dad starts to explain to them what happened and how my Mom is patching Kori up and that all her injuries are superficial.
At some point that I don’t remember I’m in the gym on my knees trying to piece together what happened. I don’t know what time it is but I can feel someone shaking me lightly by the shoulder, I turn my head to see Mary trying to speak to me. I don’t know what happened but all I could do when I wanted to speak was scream. Over and over again I sat there screaming so much that Mary got startled after the first one and backed off and nobody came back to talk to me. I screamed until I had no air left and I felt exhausted on the gym floor. Finally in the quiet I hear Mary again, this time with Mom coaxing me off the floor and onto a bench so they can see me. I’m hit with a barrage of questions about what happened. I keep from answering and just sit quietly until both women give up and finally my Father and Carl come in to take their places. Both men pull up a seat and wait for me to speak.
“Heather did this, she got a hold of Kori somehow and had her friends do… that,” I choke on the words feeling pain in my chest,” I got one of them to tell me where she was and when I found her I brought her here.”
“Well the women want to call the authorities but your Dad and I are holding them off,” Carl tells me solemnly,” He and I have been discussing what’s been going on with the school and the rash of bullying but this is too much.”
“I don’t want the police involved, Heather didn’t give me up when I destroyed one of her people in the mall and she let the other’s do it at all,” I explain quietly.
“Guy, he never said to call the cops,” Dad says getting me to look up.
“Where I’m from kid someone comes at your family like this you make sure they know they’re living on borrowed time,” Carl says putting his hand on my shoulder,” I want one thing from you in all of this, I want the kids who did this to be afraid of what happens when they even think about speaking my daughter’s name.”
I watch Carl get up and leave the gym before closing the door behind him. My Dad is sitting quietly before moving next to me on the bench.
“I’m sorry this happened to Kori,” Dad tells me putting his arm around me,” I can see where you’re going in your head boy. Keep that black inside for now, first thing is we let you ask your girl what she wants. After that I’ll help you plan the next piece.”
Dad helps me up and I walk out of the gym into the silence of the house, everyone is in the living room or dining room but all talking stops when they see me. I hold it together and make my way down the hall to my room where Katy and Liz are talking with Kori on my bed. Everyone stops when I get there and both girls leave me with Kori before closing the door behind them. My heart is heavy as I see that while they got the swelling down on Kori’s eyes and she has all her teeth it’s the wraps on her arms and the large bandages on her back and stomach that have me almost balling my eyes out. Kori sees my face and pulls me into her quieting me down.
“I didn’t cry baby, not once when they beat me with belts did I cry,” Kori says holding me,” Don’t you start now.”
“She told me that I if I broke up with you she wouldn’t hurt you,” I tell my battered Kori weakly,” But I knew she was going to hurt you anyway, I knew she couldn’t keep herself from it.”
“When they stopped I heard them tell me he’s coming,” Kori says softly turning my head to see her face,” Just the thought of you coming for them scared them so bad that they got back into their van and ran.”
I let her hold me and I finally calm down enough to sit facing Kori on the bed. I explain the whole confrontation to Kori leaving out no details, including my laughter and how happy I felt. Kori smiles a little and takes my hand.
“You ready to use that again,” Kori asks me getting my attention,” They hurt me but they didn’t break me. Fucking useless assholes should have tried to rape me if they really wanted to scare me.”
“I’d gut them and feed their fucking cocks to them before they died if they touched you like that,” I growl getting angry.
“Yes baby, you would. Now we are going to do this,” Kori says with a steely tone,” Not just you, all of us are going to be a family and we’re going to show them how dangerous we are. I don’t just want violence for this, I want everyone who will follow behind our family to be together and understand that we’re not going back until it’s over.”
“One thing, nobody touches Heather,” I say getting a questioning look from Kori,” I want to tear everyone down around her till she’s all alone again.”
Kori smiles a little and pulls me into the bed with her so we can hold each other. I replay all of the events for today and come to one factor that makes my blood boil, Ben. He wasn’t with us at all and when Kori gets grabbed he’s nowhere to be found. First place to start tomorrow is his front doorstep, reckoning is coming.
PM and Comment at your leisure, I know this is a bit of a dark turn but it’s not a rehash of the first series.

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