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Oren part 2

So this is the continuation of Oren part 1 obviously. Danny gets his revenge and then some….

Yuko’s Chioce

13 year old Yuko fall for a black woman seen peeking at her nude body in a changing room, one things leads to another and they both end up on spits.


Louise was looking forward to the Stag Party – much better than any night out with ‘the girls’

Modern Mage – Chapter 15

Here is chapter 15 for those of you still reading this twisted story from my imaginations. I hope you like it
as much as the others before it. This is more of a cerebral part of the plot line but important to understand Andrew more than you already do. I appreciate the feedback I’ve been getting from those who have been leaving comments and those who have joined the site and PM’d me. Thank you again for reading the story and I’ll have the next chapter posted as it comes to me.
The silence and darkness were a welcome change from the fire in my blood until that sensation faded. I was adrift in darkness, weightless with no sense of direction. Things slivered and whispered in the darkness. I could feel indescribable caresses along my skin under my clothing. The stagnant oily taste of the air as I breathed; and the air smelled of rotting corpses and other sickly sweet scents I was unable to identify. The darkness was so profound that I couldn’t tell if my eyes were open or closed, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to see what resided in the space around me. There was no sense of time passing here; even my perfect Time Sense from that sphere wasn’t working. That worried me because it meant that I was in a space in which time was a meaningless construct. Most people even many Mages see time as a line flowing in one direction, a theory call Linear Time. To most this is true, however as you learn and work with Time Magick and your understanding of time you realize that it is an artificial construct created to allow people of all kinds to understand what is happening.
My spine crawled under my skin as felt some kind of hard chitinous tendril slither up my leg before it withdrew. My heart was racing as I tried to understand what was happening and where I was. I had a theory that I didn’t want to accept as it meant that I couldn’t get myself out. I reached out actively to sense what was around me with Magick and that is when I realized there was no connection to it. I could no longer feel my Avatar, the connection was there but no magick. That cemented my theory about where I was. Todash Space. The space between spaces where Cthulhian nightmares lived. Now I was glad that I didn’t have the option of shedding light on the situation. I was stuck here for how long I wouldn’t be able to tell as the Tellurian’s rules had no effect on that which existed outside of it. The only advantage to being stuck here was the same disadvantage; they had all of eternity to find me and I would be stuck here without changing. I was going to be stuck here until someone on the other side could figure out where I was and how to get me back from here. All I had to do was hope my sanity remained intact while I was here.
When you exist in a timeless state where nothing and everything is happening at the same time it is difficult to know anything for certain. I’m not sure if I had, am having or will have the thought that I now know how Schrodinger’s Cat felt about the box, but at some point in every when and no when the thought happened. I tried to focus on Sindee and my friends but thoughts and memory are fleeting in eternity. I believe that Hell would have been a better place to be stuck than in this dark nothingness that followed no rules or rhyme or reason. In order to protect my sanity I started to go over the events of my life in order from my youngest memories to my recent experiences. I was thankful that I had cast a Mind Magick spell on myself that gave be perfect recollection from that time forward as well as enhancing those memories I already had.
I drifted there lost in my memories for and indeterminate frame of reference. Going through my memories wasn’t helping as I lost sense of order in them as there was no frame of reference for time here and my mind was adapting to that fact despite my efforts. I worried that my memories weren’t real, that I only imagined everything; that my life was nothing more than a dream in a timeless place. The thought of that possibility filled me with a dread far worse than the whispers in the darkness ever could have. I mentally gripped the image I had of Sindee and held on for dear life, using that as a mental focus.
I focused on the memory of her eyes and the last time I had seen them. The silver flecks inside the grey storm cloud irises. From there images flowed to me or time we had spent together. If this was a dream that never happened I wanted to hold onto it anyway. Then the image of her coming into a hospital room passed through my mind. Then there was an image of her in a white gown, hair pulled up tight into a complicated braid, then the image of her in a green dress standing in the summer evening. The image of her in a sapphire dress under the moon and stars was next. An image I didn’t remember came next; she looked older and was walking with a dark haired young woman through a park talking. After that an image of her younger, dressed in jeans and white shirt. The shirt was stained red with blood flowing down her right side from a wound in her shoulder and chest. Then an image of her fighting some kind of magic user passed through my mind. The images flashed in an ever changing menagerie of possibilities from her with children and grandchildren running around and playing to her alone and angry at the world to her teaching medicine; images of her as a Mage, a Vampire and other things. Then an image formed of her pale, eyes closed and features completely relaxes; peaceful as seen only in death.
I began to hate myself for leaving her alone, with me gone and unable to protect her from the world I exposed her to. I was determined to be the first person to find a way back from Todash. I was not going to wait to be rescued; I was going to find a way out of the space between spaces if it killed me. I was a Mage and just because no one has accomplished something before didn’t mean it was impossible. It just meant that no one was smart enough to think their way around the problem. I tried to think about what Todash was and wasn’t when I hit the proverbial wall of my limitations. It’s is almost impossible to focus one anything this when you perceive an eternity and a moment as the exact same thing. When time doesn’t exist in a place it fractures your sense of the real.
And that thought gave me what I needed to work up a way out of Todash. I told you a while back or was it that I’m going to tell you about how reality works. Reality to most beings is consensual as it is formed by what the Consensus of those in it believe. No one believes in dragons anymore therefore they ceased to exist and any skeletons found are written off as being dinosaur fossils. For Mages reality in conceptual as what they can imagine and conceive they can create with enough power, skill, knowledge and will. I knew what I could attempt to do but thankfully I didn’t have to worry about time. I started to speak to the whispers in the darkness, telling the entities stories of Magick and Avatars. When the whispers quieted I knew they were listening so I spoke more of the planes of existence describing scents and sounds and how this felt and tasted. I spoke nothing of visual descriptions as there was nothing to see her in darkness and they would have no point of reference for the descriptions. I just continued to speak for as long as my voice help out, encouraging the listens to pass along my tales to everything else in this purgatory I find myself in. I didn’t know if this would work but I had to try something. I did everything I could to bring most of the laws of reality to this place leaving out the concept of time so that I would not need to worry about if having its effects on me causing me to age or to starve as the body wasn’t being supported in a physical sense.
I didn’t stop my talking, whispering, pushing the information out to the denizens of this pitch black nothingness that surrounded me in fear that if I stopped talking I would forget the idea. If I forgot what I was doing and why in this place it would be as if nothing had ever happened with no concept of time everything I worked to change would cease. There was no way to say how long I was speaking or what was said to push things to the point I needed and wanted. All of a sudden I felt as though I had never lost my connection to Magick and speaking aloud what I was doing to keep the sensation real in the mind around me as well as my own, I tapped into the magick and used Correspondence, Spirit, Life, Prime and Matter Spheres to yank myself back into the Prime Material Plane from where I left. As there was no sense of time the Time Sphere was useless in Todash. I felt fire along my skin, ice in my veins and though it is hard to describe the best words to convey the feeling is sandpaper on my brain and the inside of my skull as I pulled myself through. I hit something solid and felt gravity and that alone made told me I was out of Todash. Then I blacked out.
I awoke staring at a star filled sky. I was surrounded by trees and mountains as the rain fell upon me skin. I just laid there letting the sound of falling rain and the feel of the water on my skin slowly bring me back into a linear reality. After an eternity and a moment of which I had no idea how long each was I needed to readjust to the flow of time. After the rain stopped I managed to sit up against a rock. I opened my eyes to see the clouds traveling past and the evening sky clearing as the sun set over the ridges bring darkness and a star filled sky. I rested to regain some peace of mind, however it wouldn’t last. I needed to find out where I was and even more importantly when I was since there was still something wrong with my sense of time. My stomach took that moment to growl reminding me that the human body had limitations that I once again had to pay attention to. I drug myself to me feet and started walking toward the east as toward the west and the setting sun I saw more and higher peaks. It took me a few hours to find a mountain stream which would serve for water and a way to get my stomach filled. I crouched on the side of the stream looking into the crystal clear water trying to spot a large fish swimming near me.
I was crouching there for what felt like forever but was not really more than an hour when I spotted this huge trout in the water moving toward the edge nearest me. I reach out with Life magick and had it swim towards me. When it was right near the side and out of the currents I used matter to raise the fish out of the water then used forces to cook it instantly. I felt drained from such simple spells almost right away; I needed to replenish my body and my reserves of quintessence or primal energy to what they used to be soon. The food would help but I needed to find a way to replenish the quintessence. I continued to travel slowly on foot through the mountains for a couple of days. I had some food and access to water but I needed to find civilization soon or I would be in trouble. I stumbled out of the trees into a small town on the afternoon of the third day. I was walking towards a small diner when I collapsed on the side of the street from exhaustion, last thing I felt was my head hitting the sidewalk.
I opened my eyes to the smell of strong coffee and the sounds of classic rock playing overhead. I was sitting in a booth inside the diner; across from me was a sheriff deputy. She was blonde with it tied back in a ponytail, had bright royal blue colored eyes and wore little make-up. She was sitting there staring at me from across the table sipping from a steaming mug like the one sitting in front of me. There were clouds in the sky outside the window so I didn’t know the time, “Hello,” I said to her.
“Hello sir, how are you feeling after the bump to your head?” she asked in reply.
“I have a headache but that’s to be expected. I think I passed out from a lack of proper food and rest. Can you tell me where I am?” I asked her.
She smiled which was nice but nothing compared to Sindee’s before answering. “The coffee and a couple of Tylenol may help the headache. The food here will handle the second part. As for the where; welcome to Wolf Lake, Wyoming.” She took a breath and continued, “Now I gotta ask, if you don’t know where you’re at how did you get here?”
“I don’t quite remember. Around three days ago I woke up in the mountains out there and saw the sunset. I saw that in the west the peaks got higher decided to head east as the fastest way out of the mountains. I walked my way out of the mountains to collapse on your street out there.”
“Well stranger, do you have a name or do you not remember that either?” She asked.
“Forgive my manners,” I reached out my hand across the table. “My name is Andrew Graves, and do you have a name Deputy?”
She reached over and shook my hand, “Jacqueline Depree, most people call me Jaq Mr. Graves.” My stomach chose that moment to growl loudly again. She let out a soft chuckle incongruent with her hard edged deputy appearance, “Sounds like you haven’t eaten a proper meal in days. Doc said he’d be here in a few minutes to check you out from hitting your head and then we can let you eat. Maddie back there is the best cook you’ll find anywhere.”
“Well Jaq, that sounds like a positive endorsement if I ever heard one,” I reached for my back pocket to get my wallet when I realized it wasn’t there. I grimaced and looked at her, “You didn’t happen to find my wallet or phone on me by any chance?” Not that I was expecting her to have them because if memory served they were sitting in the new house on a small table in the basement.
“Sorry Mr. Graves but that would be a no.”
“Call me Andrew; Mr. Graves is too formal for this setting and the fact that you have me calling you Jaq.” I grinned, “I was hoping for a different answer but not expecting one. I’m gonna have to pass on Maddie’s cooking until I can get ahold of someone who can wire me funds for a bus ticket or flight home.”
The doctor took that moment to arrive. In walked a man right out of an old television show. He looked to be around fifty or so, stood about 5’7” and was a little soft and round in the stomach area. He was dressed in gray slacks and a wrinkled white shirt and tie. His salt and pepper hair was slicked back but a few strands were loose on the sides. He wore his stethoscope around his neck and carried a small back bag. “Hello Deputy Jaq, is that the stranger you called me about?”
“Yeah Doc, he just walked out of the mountains and passed out on the street. Cracked his head pretty good in the fall but seems coherent enough,” Jaq told Doc.
“I better check him anyway just to be on the safe side.” Doc walked over and set his bag and paper on the booth’s table and pulled a chair over. He sat facing me as he opened the bag. I looked at the date on the paper to see how long I’ve been gone as he started checking me over. He used a scope to check my pupils for signs of a concussion first which made checking the date difficult until my vision cleared up. I sat patiently through the physical exam as he made sure I’d done no permanent damage to myself during the trek through the mountains. He stepped back after completing the exam which is when I finally saw the date on the paper. It said July 2nd which was fine, but the year was the problem. In reading the last two digits it said 08 and I thought I had been gone for almost a century before seeing it was 2008. I was 3 days before the night that changed my life forever, the night I Awakened and lost most of my family.
The Doc started asking me questions about how I got out into the woods, where was I from and so on. I had to answer that I didn’t remember to most of the answers because my history wouldn’t match up to the reality. The Doc suggested that my memory loss would most likely be temporary and likely a result of whatever trauma put me out in the middle of nowhere. Jaq offered to get my lunch but I offered to do some cleanup or repair work around the place for Maddie to pay my own way. Maddie told me I could wash dishes and take out the garbage for my meal, so that’s what I did. The food was probably the best I’d had in forever.
Jaq had waited while I ate and made a radio call. Around the time I was finished another sheriff’s deputy came in with some paper and an Ink pad. “Going to get your prints and run a search for them, see if we can maybe find more information to help you with your memory Mr. Graves.”
I couldn’t exactly say no, that I didn’t want to know where I came from or how I got here. The only thing that put me at ease is that at 16 I hadn’t been fingerprinted for anything so nothing would come up when they ran the search. “Thank you deputies, I’m starting to wonder if my name is even Andrew at this point. Hopefully you find something.”
After I ate and cleaned up for Maddie to pay for my meal, I walked over and picked up the doc’s paper and began reading it. It was the same article I remember seeing on my way through Cheyenne when my family headed to the mountains. I sat down and tried to figure out a few important items. First was how I got to here in this place and more importantly, this when. I knew that as far as anyone knew traveling back in time and changing the past were never heard from again. This is assumed to have many possible reasons. My personal favorite among these theories is Branching Universe Theory. In this model of time every choice creates multiple timelines, a branch for each possible choice and all these branches have their own branches as more choices come up. We perceive only the timeline for the choice we made, but there are duplicates of us experiencing the other choices we made. Thus a Mage going back and changing anything ceases on this timeline and switches to another branch of reality.
I came to a decision that I might regret but I had to at least try it. Jaq came back shortly before the diner closed and told me that nothing came up from the prints. She explained that it just meant that I hadn’t been arrested or printed or professional reasons such as law enforcement or military service. Since I had no record she offered to put me up for the night since locking me in a cell would be wrong to do to anyone not under arrest. She set me up in her mother’s Bed and Breakfast in town. I meditated that night instead of sleeping, opening myself to the Quintessential energy that existed everywhere in the world, drawing it in to recharge my deplete reserves as I had some serious ground to cover if I was going to do what I felt needed to be done.
Come morning, I got up with the dawn and took a quick shower. I didn’t have anything but the clothes I was wearing to put on so I did so. I walked down the stairs and smelled something good coming from the kitchen. I walked into it and asked the woman in there if she needed assistance with anything. When she replied in the negative I headed outside and went to the sheriff’s office down the main street. When I got there it was to see Jaq sitting at a desk searching on the computer, “Any luck finding anything else about me?”
“Sorry Andrew but no. When I search for Andrew Graves I get an Actor and a District Attorney. You are too young and look nothing like the actor and D.A.s are printed and in the system just like cops.” She said the last pointing to the paper with my prints on it.
I reached out with Matter to ink used in printing me and accelerated the decay of the ink a paper so that they would be gone by that evening. I didn’t like doing it as Jaq had been nothing but respectful and helpful to me since I stumbled into her town, but I didn’t need a set of prints floating around that boredom might prompt her to pull out a file and run them again. Being the Fourth of July this town planned to celebrate in small town style with a community event at the local park that evening and that is when I would be heading out. When everyone was distracted by the night events I’d slip into the darkness and leave with me as just a memory.
It was a wonderful celebration for the holiday and I may have enjoyed it more if I hadn’t been so distracted with my plan. All the townsfolk showed up for the celebration, everyone wore their summer clothes and there were your farm girl fantasies all over the place. Jaq showed up to the party looking nothing like the deputy she was. Jaq was wearing a twilight blue linen dress that stopped halfway down her thighs showing off her long slender legs. Her hair was hanging loose like waves of blonde sil framing her face. She was wearing a pair of cowgirl boots that looked custom made for her that just accentuated how long her legs really were. In meeting up with her and dancing for some of the night I round she was 5’10 or so and could have been a model. I respected her even more as she chose to protect people instead of living off her looks. We spent the better part of the night dancing and she talked to me about her childhood in this small town.
I felt relaxed and at peace with her as we danced. It was a nice way to spend the evening, in the arms of a beautiful woman dancing. It was a sensation I missed and when she leaned in and we kissed I realized that I needed to get out of there soon. I was letting what I felt and missed cloud my judgment. When we broke the kiss I spoke up, “Jaq, I can’t do this. It feels somehow wrong. I don’t know why, maybe I have someone waiting for me or it could be something else. I wish I knew or that we met when I had my memory.” I stepped back away from her and headed into the shadows outside of the celebration area.
On I made it into the tree line, I headed deeper into the woods and mountains until I was too far away to even see the light coming from the celebration. I focused on Correspondence and Life spheres and focused on my own DNA to give myself a direction of travel by locating the presence of a second, or I guess the original version of myself. With correspondence it is possible to learn to travel great distances instantly, however this is not something I could risk. If you don’t know your target location perfectly you could wind up in a tree or underground or any number of other unpleasantness happening as a result of the spell. I chose a different approach and use the Life sphere for my next effect. I had always loved wolves and had studied them even before knowing that werewolves and other things existed. I altered my physical form to that of a wolf, keeping my mind intact and human by tying in the mind sphere. I bound time around myself to allow me to move faster and go longer than anyone else could have. I started running on all four legs headed toward where I sensed my other self.
I ran for the rest of the night, racing to get where I needed to be. I stopped at streams and rivers only long enough to drink and continue running. I tapped into the primitive side of my own mind when it came to eating as hunting wild animal and eating raw wasn’t something I felt comfortable with in my consciousness. I managed to choke down a couple of rabbits and a squirrel as I traveled. I was moving towards the cabin quickly when I came out into a clearing in the woods where there were deer grazing. I jumped as a loud bang rang out and the head of the deer closest to me exploded into a cloud of fine red mist. I turned quickly and spotted the hunter aiming his rifle at me to protect his kill. I jumped sideways left and landed poorly as I wasn’t used to fighting with four legs. I landed on my side and continued to roll that way until my feet were under me again. This clumsiness saved my life as the next shot hit the ground where I was trying to land missing me by a hair. I got back to my feet and using all the speed of my magick I charged the hunter. He was swinging his rifle in line with me as I ducked under it at bit down onto the arm holding the trigger housing. Warm blood flowed slowly into my mouth as he screamed. The rifle fell across my back and hit the ground. I released the hunters arm and reared back on my hind legs using my weight to knock him to the ground on his back. I bared my teeth and growled at him. He froze in place, staring with eyes full of fear. I padded over to the rifle he dropped and grabbed the strap in my teeth. I lifted the rifle the strap and dragging it across the ground I dumped it into the stream where the deer were drinking before he fired the shot that scattered them. I trotted back over to the wounded hunter and placed my forelegs on his chest. I moved my head down so my mouth was inched from his face and neck. I bared my teeth, colored red by his own blood and growled directly in his face. He pissed himself before passing out from the fear. I did a life scan on him using magick and saw that he would be fine and come to in about ten minutes or so. I left him there and continued along my path. I doubted he’d ever hunt again and wouldn’t be shooting at defenseless animals any longer. I’m no vegetarian and ever understand hunters, but I wasn’t big on being shot at as we’ve discussed before. I finally made it through a fight without injury so I was elated and had gotten my second wind. I traveled faster than previously and came to the area around the cabin just a night fell.
I laid myself down under the trees and brush outside the clearing around the cabin to rest. I kept my mind and senses alert even as I rested my tired body. I released the spell holding me in the form of the wolf. I cleaned myself and my clothes before resting. It was getting late when I saw the monster of my nightmares for the past 5 years drift out of the darkness to appear outside the cabin. I had to decide now if I was going to alter my future and past here and now. If I changed the past I could create a time space paradox and cease to exist, or I could ensure that the self-fulfilling prophesy occurred exactly as it was supposed to. It was not as easy a choice as one would think. On one hand I could save my family, causing myself to possibly never fully awaken to the potential of a Mage. Allow myself and my family to live out our lives blissfully unaware of what may have happened this night. I would however lose Sindee forever as our paths were unlikely to cross after this, I would most likely simply cease to exist in this world and any other in my current form. Simply destroyed by the fact that what created me never happened. Or I could ensure things happened the way they did and should again and simply find something to do for the next five years until I could rejoin my friends after I disappeared into Todash. That would force me to let my family be killed, to allow my father to suffer the loss when I could do something to stop it right here and now. Allow my younger self to endure what I went through all over again. However doing so would allow me to be the man I am today, would allow Sindee and I to come together and have the future together that we were trying to.
It was the hardest choice I ever had to make and I knew what I wanted to do, but I also knew from visions and dreams what the right thing to do was. I reached out with Prime and Mind Magick and practically shouted to myself and my Avatar that they were in danger and need to wake. Then I disappeared into the night to stop myself from doing what I felt like and letting what was right unfold. I spent the next five years traveling the world as only a Mage can. I learned a few new languages and studied the arts of swords in Japan and Europe during this time. I learned Krav Maga in Israel over the year I lived there. I traveled and learned and read as much as I could over that period of time to keep me from trying to return to Vegas earlier and creating a Paradox. I figured if I was going to be fighting a war I needed to prepare myself.
During the travels I went to Stonehenge, getting special permission to walk among the stones themselves. I meditated at the alter Stones on the morning of the Summer Solstice and I’ll tell you that Stonehenge is a Node of such immense power that it may be a gate or bridge between all the planes. I used my knowledge of finance and investing to make money and opened accounts around the world setting up homes and safe-houses all over. I made some contact and allies for the future, not all of them above board but you take what you can get when fighting a war. I used Life and Time to keep aging from affecting me during this time away.
I traveled to Hawaii to purchase some land and a beach house on one of the smaller islands in a secluded location at the start of the last six months before needing to head back. I took flying lessons for fixed wing aircraft while there and planned to continue the lessons for rotorcraft and other vehicles in the future. I headed back towards the continental states two nights before my disappearance were to occur using a false identity I had been using over the last few years. Once I landed in Vegas I took a taxi out to M resort and checked in using the same ID. I got a good night’s rest there and checked out early in the morning settling the bill in cash and walking out into the fall morning. I walked to where the house was built and parked myself in the mountains just outside the back of the home to wait for that night.
The evening came quickly and I could feel the power building and being drawn into the ritual I had crafted. I took my time to carefully draw enough magick and slide myself into the spell being crafted so that I could time this right. As the spell built towards conclusion I saw the glow and felt the energy spike as the Node formed. I used Correspondence Magick to step into the place that I had just disappeared from. As the bright glow faded I stood in the basement of my new home surrounded by friends and allies who had no idea what had really just happened.
The Node had formed perfectly and that’s what had drawn me into Todash as it was a bridge similar to Stonehenge, while not nearly as powerful. I didn’t just knot our plane and the Magick one but all planes connected to the Tellurian. I created a Node, but also a crossroads of sorts. It still required the ability to travel through planes under your own abilities but it would be easy to do from here. I did by accident something unintended and useful at once. Everyone relaxed some once the rituals magick faded and the flow of power from the node became a constant steady pulse.
As everyone settle down and cleaned up from the evenings events we headed upstairs for drinks and ordered some pizza to get some food to replenish our bodies from the expenditure of power. Arthur came over to me while we were eating and whispered in my ear, “I know what happened to you. Your mind was different at the end of the ritual and the change was sudden, shifted while we were all blinded from the glow. Come see me when you can and we’ll talk about what happened.” Needless to say I was stunned at the revelation of just what he could do as I felt no Magick from him beyond what was flowing into the ritual. Now I really wanted to know what he was as he had said he was once a Mage and was now something else.
The rest of the evening was relaxed even though there was no furniture in the house yet. We were using camp chairs to sit and the counters for our drinks and food. We were all talking about the future and the coming war. Arthur spoke up as we were discussing the Ascension war and what it meant for everyone here, “The Ascension War must remain a secret to the general public but must also be focused upon by all the supernatural beings because the is another war being fought that must remain hidden from all but those on the front lines of it. Andrew, you and your friends and allies are needed to take my place in the Ascension War here as my friends and I are fighting the Hidden War. I cannot and will not tell you about what we are fighting as the fewer people who know the more advantage we have in that war. We will continue to aid you in this but it’s your fight now.”
Everyone grew silent after this and the mood shifted to somber instead of celebratory of our night successes. We all had a lot to think about considering what has been revealed to us. The mood died down and we all decided it was time to head out and take the time we needed to think about what we were going to need to do for the foreseeable future. There was a knock at the door just as we were cleaning up to head out. I found that strange as we hadn’t moved in yet and were out away from most of the city population. I walked over and opened the door to a disturbingly familiar face. “Hello Mr. Graves, it’s nice to see you again after these last few years.”
“Good Evening Deputy Depree,” is all I got out before words failed me. There was Jaq standing before me as beautiful today as she was that night I left here at the celebration. Her hair had grown longer and was loose down her back; her blue eyes had a hard edge to them. She was dressed in a pair of black slacks and a red silk blouse, and was wearing the same black boots she had on that night. Clipped to her belt was the badge of a Deputy US Marshall instead of a small town sheriff.

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Tonight, I am working with the dairy products. The moo-moo; as I usually like to call it.
On any other day, I’d rather be at home. But… as unusual as it sounds, I am working the weekend. It sucks being the only fifteen-year-old working full-time, however, the money is great.
Really, it’s not so bad – Working in a secluded milk cooler, filled with yellow milk crates stacked above my head and the hum of a fan loud enough they won’t hear me moan. Because that’s what I do when I have spare time at work; masturbate.
I’d also like to add that I’d only get more excited if I get caught – so what?
Anyways, I am pressed against the before mentioned crates, and it feels good, really good. It’s such an intense feeling; urgency, pleasure and the chill from the cooling fans. I’m moaning loudly as I try my best at dirty talking, to myself I guess. Or maybe I am calling to that new teenage co-worker.
Yeah, right. Because relationships at work are so hot these days. Especially when you break up. Then everything is awkward. But I would still go through 100 years of awkwardness for Angus, the 16-year-old bag-boy.
Short dark brown hair, freckles, a lop-sided smile and the kind of demeanor that makes you want to throw him to the ground and wrestle the secrets out of him, yeah – mysterious.
Anyways, back to me moaning. I have my uniform pulled up and held loosely in my teeth. There’s a whole range of sounds coming through those teeth. High pitched squeals when I ‘accidentally’ run my thumbnail over my clit and lower sounding moans as I try to get my middle finger as deep inside me as I can.
While I am emitting my own personal orchestra I can barely hear the sound of the cooler door sliding open, and then… closing?Chapter 1
The cooler is a surprisingly compact space, 3 strides and you’d see me, behind the milk crates, one of my hands down my pants, the other teasing my nipple and a dazed look in my eyes.
But I guess I don’t learn. I’ve never been caught, why should I care now?
I’ve never actually thought of how I would react if I got caught but I knew I could do one of 3 things:
Scream, preferably loudly.
Pretend to hide it. (Who knows it might work.)
Offer sexual favors, for their silence.
What happens next wasn’t anything I had thought of, but now in my personal dreamworld it happened.
Angus steps from behind the corner, but through my half closed eyes, he’s just a trick of the artificial light. And as I turn my head to look closer; he’s at my side already.
My hands are already sliding out of my black dress pants and away from my body, but he replaces them with his own. I feel the brush of his fingernails as he moves under my panties.
And I emit one of those weird squeeling sounds again. You know the sound I make when I touch my clit. Well now Angus is touching it for me. And that’s not the only thing he’s doing. I can feel another finger, halfway inside me.
He is using the other hand to place my shirt in my mouth again. Now Angus is using it to pull and squeeze both of my nipples.
Yes, theres a lot of squealing coming from me. But I am making other sounds. There’s one that stands out – I believe it’s the sound of my dreams coming true and my head exploding momentarily.
It’s the perfect sound to him, aparently, because he laughs and kisses under my ear. Like he knows it’s my weak spot. They perfect place to make me purr.
And I do purr for him. I curl my arms around him and reply with a few kisses of my own, to his neck and lips.
He kisses my spot again and then makes a trail with his lips down the collar or my shirt and over my hard nipples. His lips move around one nipple, then to the other. I can feel his breath on my skin; it’s warm and a bit shaky.
I lean back more, if that was possible and watch Angus as he runs his tongue smoothly over the crease between my breasts, which are now moving in a steady beat as my breathing quickens.
I have never been more excited, or more nervous, because he’s the definatition of perfect. Look at me… For all I know – I might squeel again.
First of all, I like to extend a hearty “Thanks for reading.” I’m really happy you’ve looked at my writting. I’d also like to say that the speed in which the next part is written will be determind by the response I get from this one.
Please comment!

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Courting A Vampire 6

By: StormHerald
Chapter 6
A stream of sunlight landed on my face and I smiled, stretching awake.
It took a moment to realize where I was but once I did I stretched my
arms out to my sides and found Damien not there. I sighed and got up
rubbing the tops of my sore arms before heading into the bathroom
and taking a hot shower.
I found a black towel and wrapped it around me drying myself off as
best as I could. I opened the door and realized that the room was a lot
warmer than earlier. I padded into the living room to see a large fire
burning away and a plate of eggs and toast waiting for me on the table.
I opened the note and smiled at the beautiful script on it.
I am sorry that I cannot be with you for the remaining of the time I have
you. I was spirited away due to a conflict in the North. I will make it up to
you when I return. I already took Desmond with me, so you needn’t worry
about her threat. Isadora should be arriving shortly. I will see you soon.
Prince Damien
I closed the letter and grabbed a piece of toast and bit into it, holding it
in my mouth as I grabbed the handle of the knife I had noticed still in
the table and yanking hard, pulled it out. I touched the edge of the
blade then set it in my lap as I finished my breakfast. My Aunt stormed
into the room just as I was finishing looking around furious.
“He has some nerve to skip out on almost half of the time with you, and
taking that little tartlet with him.”
I smiled at her, “Don’t worry about it, he said he would make it up, and
I’m glad she’s gone.”
“Yes, well…” She looked around the place her eyebrows shooting up
and staying up in surprise. I followed her with my eyes as I drank the
last of the orange juice, “He really accommodated you, didn’t he?”
I stood up and walked to her, “What do you mean?”
“Well, all the blankets for one thing. Most of the time vampires don’t
have pillows or blankets on anything other than the bed, the fire, and
he even put in a television.”
I laughed and shook my head, “We didn’t watch it.”
She suddenly turned and grabbed my hand, worry marring her features,
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I didn’t expect him to pick you first. Are you
She looked me over, noticing the faint bruising on my upper arms but
seemed satisfied that I was unharmed, “I am just fine, just would like to
get dressed, honestly.”
She smiled and grabbed the plastic bag she had set on the couch when
she had walked in, “Care to divulge some details?”
I shook my head as she unzipped the bag revealing a dark blue satin
dress, “Nope.”
She laughed and helped me into the dress and picked through my hair
as I brushed my teeth. She started to pick up the room and picked up
the scraps of the lace corset holding it up, “Oh my.”
I blushed as she continued to hunt around finding the ripped panties

shortly after. She giggled and put them in the top drawer of the night
stand, “We’ll just leave these here for him.”
I covered my face with my hands and ran out of the room, too
embarrassed to say anything. My aunt followed me laughing as she
gathered a few remaining things in the room and left.
The next few days were uneventful, whatever was happening in the
north kept the Prince away for the rest of the week, Desmond arrived
as Yuki left, and I made it a point to avoid being alone in any of the
halls. I explained to my aunt the knife and then Desmond’s threat,
manufacturing a story that she would possibly believe, she seemed to
be thoroughly impressed, as she made it a point to strap it to my thigh
in every single dress I wore.
Eventually the Prince did return, and upon his return there was a huge
ball thrown, Elizabeth had already been back for three days and the ball
was not only to commemorate the Princes return, but to also
commemorate the beginning of the courtship. I had asked my Aunt
how I would go about courting the Prince and all she could tell me was
that I needed to be proactive and seek the Prince out as often as I
could, rather than waiting for him to find me.
The night of the ball she dressed me in a form fitting, midnight blue,
velvet dress. It had a slit up to my hip on one side, and on the other my
knife was strapped. My hair was pulled up into a French twist with blue
diamond encrusted combs pinning it into place. The front of the dress
dipped into a low scoop, and thanks to a strong push up bra, my
cleavage held center stage. Sitting on my collar bone was my blue
diamond necklace and long diamond earring dangled from my ears.

My aunt left shortly after getting me ready, telling me she had to meet
with the family over a few things, and left me to find my way to the
ball. I decided then, that it would be a wise idea to be proactive and
instead of making my way to the ball I made my way to the Princes
chambers. I lifted my hand to knock but saw that the door was cracked
open and I sighed, thinking that either someone was already with him,
or that he had already left.
I had missed him, and still hadn’t seen him since his return, so I entered
quietly, hoping to catch a brief glimpse of his face, if nothing else. I
heard a groan coming from the room and my heart beat faster realizing
that I may not have been the only proactive betrothed in the castle. I
debated whether to leave, but the desire to see his face was
overwhelming and I couldn’t help but to peek around the corner into
his room.
What I saw stunned me, the Prince was alone, wearing nothing but a
pair of pants fallen to his ankles. He was sitting on the bed and one
hand was working up and down on the glorious member I’d had
multiple dreams about. But it was what was in the other hand that
stunned me, in his other hand were the panties my Aunt had left him,
he had them pressed to his face and was breathing them in deeply as
he worked on his hard member.
I stepped forward and with no thought what so ever knelt down in
front of him and stopped his hand. His eyes flew open as he jumped
startled until his silver eyes landed on my face. He lowered the panties
from his face and I stood up enough to capture his lips with mine. He
grabbed me and ravenously pressed my body to him, our mouths
ravishing each other, saying with more than words how much we had
missed each other.
He broke the kiss and I pulled back sinking back to my knees and
moving his hands away from his beautiful cock. I licked the glistening
head, closing my eyes and tasting the sweet liquid that had pooled
there. I licked down his member until I was to its base, and then I pulled
away to look at the large, heavy testicles hanging from him. I nuzzled
them softly before licking up the textured flesh. He moaned and I
looked up seeing him watching me, his eyes pure bright glowing silver,
and his fangs fully exposed.
I opened my mouth and softly sucked in one ball, caressing it with my
tongue before switching to the other. I nuzzled in the hair for a
moment, breathing in his spicy scent before returning my attention to
his now throbbing cock. I licked up the vein and swirled my tongue
along the ridge of the head. I again licked at the pooling liquid at the tip
and then slowly engulfed him in my mouth. He was hot, and the feeling
of his thick shaft moving down my throat until my nose was buried in
his curly black hair, was amazing.
I felt my body respond by heating up my stomach and the junction
between my legs. I swallowed and nursed on him until I pulled up,
sucking hard as I pulled him out of my mouth. He groaned loudly and
grabbed the back of my head and pushed me back down. I inched as
close as I could and began to move up and down on him, swallowing in
pleasure as his hot shaft reached into my throat, and sucking hard as it
pulled out. Soon Damien was moaning my name and I felt my slit drip
wet as his member thickened and his hot seed filled my mouth.
I moaned and stared straight into his bright silver eyes, as I suckled on
him, draining every last bit I could from him before releasing him and
licking my lips clean. He groaned at seeing me and grabbed the back of
my head and forcefully pulled me against his mouth. He attacked my
mouth, sucking and nipping at my lips, and I did the same in return,
gasping and moaning as his tongue ravished mine. Too soon he pulled
away and held me away from him. I set my hands down onto his knees
and sank back onto my folded legs, sitting and waiting patiently for him.
He ran is hand over his face as his still silver eyes looked at me and his
fangs in plain view.
I shuddered and smiled at him, “I missed you.”
He frowned and stood up pulling his pants up and fastening them
quickly. I stood up and followed him into his closet watching him pick a
black button up shirt and putting it on. He buttoned it up without
looking at me and I stood in his way in the door way. Finally he looked
up at me and I nodded, “I can leave if I’m bothering you.”
He shook his head and softly pushed passed me and walked into the
bathroom and pulled his hair back. I walked in with him and looked in
the mirror, fixing the few stray hairs that had escaped my hairdo. He
walked out and I continued to straighten myself out before nodding
then walking out seeing him put on his boots. He wouldn’t look at me
and I sighed and walked to the door, “I’ll leave you to it then.”
I turned and walked out getting only three steps before warm, strong
arms wrapped around me, “Don’t go yet.”
I turned in his arms and looked at him, “Okay,” laid my head against his
chest and then kissed the nape of his neck before he dropped his arms
and turned away, finishing getting dressed. I sat on the edge of the bed
and watched him pull cuff links out and put them on and then pull out a
very formal looking jacket and put it on. I played with my necklace
catching Damien’s eye.
“I have been hearing a lot of things about you, while I was away.”
I looked up at him curious, “I’m surprised you heard anything up where
you were at. What was it?”

He nodded to me, “That this particular shade of blue seems to be your
favorite color.”
I smiled, “It is, and silver, blue and silver.”
His eyes narrowed, “Silver huh?”
I ignored his sudden mood change and leaned back on my hands
thinking back to my room back home, “Yes, my whole house is black
and red except my room. I have these beautiful blankets that are just
the perfect dark blue and then stitched all through them are silver stars
and flowers. They are my absolute favorite.”
“Tell me more about your home.” He sat next to me and I smiled at him
and sat up.
“Well the canopy of my bed is this light blue, and then this rich emerald
green. I didn’t used to like green but one year the farmers that owned
the fields around our house all decided to plant wheat at the same
time.” I sat up and waved my arms in front of me, “The whole world
was just this beautiful sea of deep green that would wave in the breeze.
It was amazing; it was so green that it even filled the house with green,
every time the sun was out, and the house was filled with green. Then
the wheat turned golden yellow and it was just amazing, I felt like I
lived in a sea of gold for a while.”
I leaned back on my arms, “I didn’t go to school, like the rest of the
humans, I went mostly online. We lived in the middle of nowhere, the
nearest house being a good three miles away. I spent a lot of time
learning how to be a proper vampire princess from my mother.” I gave
Damien a sideways look and smiled, “obviously I ignored those lessons.
I also learned different things too, like vampire history, my family’s
history, and self-defense.”
Damien looked down at the black watch he wore and sighed, “We need
to get going.”
I stood up and straightened my dress and Damien grabbed my hand,
“Thank you.”
I leaned forward and brushed my lips gently against his before
straightening up and smiling at him, walked out of the room. I walked
to the ballroom and was instantly the center of attention as hundreds
of pairs of black eyes turned to look at me. I straightened my back and
glided to the best of my abilities to the area where my aunt told me to
meet her. I tried to subtly check myself, making sure I didn’t have any
evidence of what had happened on me before being grabbed into a
bone crushing hug by my aunt.
She whispered into my ear, “We have a problem.”
I pulled back looking at her and to nodded towards three very tall men,
the most noticeable having dusty blonde hair, a full beard, and sharp
green eyes. I knew instantly there were Lycans, wolves most likely, or
maybe even lions. I gave my aunt a dark look, “I thought that was what
the Prince was up North taking care of.”
My aunt shifted uncomfortable and gave my four relatives a very black
look, “They are here for you.”
I spun around and grabbed my aunts hand and glared into her black
eyes, “What?”
“It seems that while my side of your family has offered your hand to the
Prince, your mother’s side has been talking to the Lycans about you

marrying one of their leader’s sons.”
“What do you mean?”
My cousin stepped forward and pulled the two of us back a few more
feet into the shadows, “My uncle, your uncle, has been up north
working on peace with the Lycans. He had mentioned that you were
human, not vampire, and because of that reason, the marriage oath
was changed to allow the Prince an option of choosing a vampire
instead of you. When he said that the Lycan leader was immediately
interested, my uncle has basically promised that if you aren’t chosen by
the Prince, then you will be married to one of his sons.”
She nodded to the three Lycans and they zeroed in on the movement
their green eyes locking with mine. They all smiled and I felt my pulse
begin to quicken as I backed up into my cousin. I began to look
frantically for a place to run to, only partially noticing Damien making a
very obvious, straight line to the three men. I started to shake as I
realized I was cornered and suddenly my aunt was in front of me
looking at me worried, “Lilly?”
I didn’t look at her, but instead kept my eyes zeroed in on the lethal
movements of the three men that were getting too close. Suddenly I
couldn’t catch my breath, and the world began to spin before the edges
of my vision blackened. I was panicking, I had never panicked this much
before in my life, but their movements, their bodies, everything, was
different than anything I had seen before.
My aunt was tugging on my hand, “Breathe Lilly, Lilly?”
She looked past my shoulder, “What’s wrong with her?”
I felt my legs give out and my aunt caught me suddenly realizing I was
fainting, “Oh my Hades, someone, get a glass of water or something.
It was the last thing I heard as the blackness at the edge of my sight
moved to cover my entire vision, and my body went slack.
I felt cool hands on my face, as another set of hands lifted my head and
water was poured onto my lips. I opened my eyes staring straight into
the familiar black eyes of my aunt, the worry lines on her face fading as
she saw me wake up.
“Oh thank all that is undead, I thought you died.” I took a few more sips
before sitting up and recognizing I wasn’t in the ballroom anymore. I
grabbed my Aunts hand, ‘What happened?”
My aunt chewed on the inside of her cheek and looked down at me
worried, “Promise not to faint again?”
I nodded, “I’m not being stalked by some oversized lion looking man
with no place to run.”
My aunt sat down with a huff, “Well, the Prince went up north because
the Lycans leader had told him he wanted to make peace. So of course,
the Prince went and when he was there he was told about your Uncles
offer of your hand should the Prince not want you. This was, of course,
an inappropriate time to discuss that sort of thing because the Prince
had just met you. So instead the leader gave him an ultimatum, if he
would allow three of his sons to court you, as you and the three
vampires courted him or else…”
“He agreed?” Was all I could squeak out before my aunt hushed me.
“It was that or full on war Lilly, which would you have picked?” I
nodded accepting that the ultimatum left little to be desired.
“Someone could have warned me.”
“Well I was going to but you had disappeared out of the room, and I
couldn’t find you in the ball room either.”
I looked around and realized I was in an office lying on a soft leather
sofa, “Where am I?”
“Damien’s study, he told me to send for him when you woke, which I
did so he should be here soon.”
My aunt looked at me strangely for a moment, “is there something you
need to tell me before he arrives?”
I looked at her confused, “What do you mean?”
“Well, his reaction to you fainting was pretty, obvious. He about killed
the three Lycans, thinking they had attacked you. On top of that, when I
picked you up, you are absolutely covered in the Princes smell.”
Before I could say anything the door opened and the Prince strode in
looking over my entire body as if trying to find a mark. I stood up and
narrowed my eyes at him, ignoring the crowd, watching from just
outside the door.
“You…” I hissed and was promptly grabbed by the shoulders and held
immobile as I tried to kick Damien in the shin, ‘You could have warned

My aunt quickly walked to the door closing it, “Nothing to see, you
would be pissed off too if you found out…” Her voices faded as she
walked out of hearing distance.
“You are right, I should have. I didn’t expect them to be here so soon.”
He held onto me as I tried to aim another kick at him.
“And so when you get Desmond, I end up with some fricken Wolf, or
Lion or whatever those guys are.”
Damien ground his teeth together, “I didn’t have a choice.”
I slumped down defeated and Damien quickly picked me up and sat me
on the couch next to him, “I know about your choice, my aunt told me.
It’s just, you may not have much of a choice, but I don’t have any
I felt tears well up and fall down my cheeks, “I feel like some prized cow
being sold off to the highest bidder.”
Damien didn’t say anything, and instead let me cover my face and weep
for a few minutes before the door burst open. I automatically jumped
up with a cry and grabbed at my dagger, assuming the Lycans had come
for me. I held the knife up only to see Desmond glaring daggers at me.
I moaned and slumped back down next to Damien and played with the
tip of the dagger as he grabbed her and pulled her to just outside the
door. I didn’t hear much of the conversation beyond Desmond whining
about needing a dance partner and how I would be fine with my aunt,
but Damien said something to her and eventually she left.
I was starting to entertain some pretty morbid thoughts about the
dagger when Damien grabbed it silently from me. I looked up at him
startled and he touched my chin, “I didn’t like the look you were giving
I moaned and slumped back, “It’s an option.” not really meaning the
words as they came out, I was being sullen, and I figured I had every
right to be, damned undead!!
“No its not.” Damien’s voice was cold and I ignored it, covering my eyes
with my hands.
He sat back down beside me and grabbed my hands holding them in
his, “I sorry this has happened.”
I nodded, “I know, its my uncles fault, not yours.”
He nodded, “I will introduce you to the three of them, and I won’t leave
your side while you speak with them. It will be good for you to get to
know them.”
I swallowed a lump in my throat, Damien was trying to get me to like
one of the suitors so that he could marry Desmond without guilt. I
nodded and stood up, taking a deep breath, and putting the dagger
away. I took another sip of water then straightened my shoulders,
“Alright, introduce away.”
We walked into the ball room, arm in arm and he led me directly to the
three Lycans. They bowed and apologized for frightening me and
eventually introduced themselves, as Lucas, the tall one with the sandy
blonde hair and full beard, he was the Lycan leaders second son. The
third son was William, he was quieter and darker than his brothers, but
smiled and bowed low to me saying very little and not lingering over
me at all. The last one was Gabriel, the youngest, he was about my age
but stood a good foot taller than me. He bent down, and smiled at me,
kissing my hand, his green eyes sparkling with amusement. His fingers
were long and slender, making me think of an artist’s hands rather than
a warrior princes hands. I smiled back at him and the other two
groaned and traded coins with each other.
I looked back to Damien but his eyes were the color of steel as he
stared at the three, and kept his hand on the small of my back and I got
a sense of possessiveness as well as protectiveness from the gesture. I
turned and thanked him for helping me and nodded to a fuming
Desmond, he looked at her then back at me, his face flashing with
conflict before nodded to me and dropping his hand.
“If you need anything…” He let the sentence hang and I thanked him.
I turned back to the suitors and suddenly felt very overwhelmed by
how they towered over me. They all three smiled and offered to take
me to the balcony for fresh air. I thanked them and followed Lukas,
William and Gabriel flanking me on either side. I turned my head
looking at them confused and Gabriel shrugged, “it’s a pack thing, its
not threatening.”
‘Um, Okay.” It was weird, but probably harmless. At least that’s what I
told myself.
We all stepped out onto the balcony and I took a deep breath, feeling
the cool breeze cut through me but enjoying the fresh air anyway.
“It’s pretty strange.”
I looked at William curiously, “What is?”
“Well, your uncle made it sound like you being born a human was more
of an embarrassment than anything else. But as soon as we arrived the
whole place has been scrambling to make sure your safe. I don’t think
anyone even thought about the other three betrothed.” Lukas nodded
agreeing with his brother.
“We came here thinking you would be brow beaten at the least, maybe
we could be your dashing saving heroes. Instead we get rumors about
you being the precious blue diamond princess.”
I moaned and rolled my eyes, “My aunts to blame for that one. She
plays up how unique I am, and if there’s anything a vampire loves, it’s
to possess something unique.”
All three brothers nodded, “Yeah, we were pretty surprised actually to
hear about you. It isn’t every generation one of you is born, but to have
two of you born in the same generation, is pretty special.”
Gabriel sat on the edge of the balcony and nodded, “Yeah, not only is
the great Prince born a vampire, something that hasn’t happened in
what did the old coot say, a century?”
The two brothers nodded, “But then a human is born from two
vampires and that hasn’t happened in about a millennium. For
creatures that prize rare things, the Prince really doesn’t seem to
appreciate you.”
They all agreed and I narrowed my eyes at them, “So you are here to
charm me into marrying one of you?”
They nodded grinning, “Great, and what if I don’t want any of you?”
Luke rubbed his beard for a moment, “Well in a month if we haven’t
made any progress with you, one, two or three of our other brothers
will show up and have a go at it.”
“How many of you are there?”
“Not counting my older brother who is on his honeymoon right now,
there are eleven of us, seven of us brothers, we have four sisters too.”
My jaw dropped, “Are you serious?”
They nodded and I leaned back against the balcony, “Wow, that’s a lot
of kids.”
They laughed and Luke put his hand on William’s shoulder, “William
here isn’t interested in getting married, so no offense to you, but in a
month he will be leaving. I was going to leave to, but…”
His eyes roamed my body for a moment and he smiled wider, “I’ve had
a change of heart.”
I looked at Gabriel who’s squatting beside me on the balcony ledge,
“And Gabriel?”
Gabriel hopped down and held his hand out, “Gabriel wants to dance.”
I smile and hesitantly put my hand in his and shyly let him guide me
back into the ball room. Damien and Desmond were already there
dancing, and I looked at Gabriel who squeezed my hand gently, “Don’t
worry Princess I don’t bite.”
I chuckle and let him pull me close and begin to move to the music. I
was surprised at how well he knew how to dance and by the end of it,
the combination of dancing and Gabriel’s constant snide remarks about
the different vampires had me smiling and laughing with him. He spun
me into another dance and continued to talk about himself and his
seven brothers and four sisters.
I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise and looked behind me to see
steel gray eyes staring at me. I smiled at him and nodded before he
turned away. Gabriel didn’t miss the interaction and snorted, “His loss,
he must be absolutely crazy to be dancing with that bleached out stick
figure over you.”
I pushed Gabriel away a little as he leaned in too close and smiled, “I’ve
been raised vampire my whole life, Desmond is stunning by vampire
He snorted and rolled his eyes, “Yeah, whatever, I got the better end of
the deal anyway.”
I blushed and suddenly a cold hand was on my shoulder, “May I cut in?”
Gabriel frowned but nodded, turning on his heel and stalking back to
his brothers on the balcony. I turned and looked into steel grey eyes
and smiled, “Hi.”
He spun me and then pressed me against him in a slow waltz, “You
seemed to be enjoying yourself.”
I looked up at Damien and nodded, “They look worse than they are.”
“I don’t like how that pup was looking at you.” I sighed and put my hand
on his chest and pulled back to look at him.
We stopped moving as we stared at each other, “I’m just trying to make
the best of the situation I’m in Damien.”

He closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them again his
eyes had returned to their grey, “I know, just remember that you are
supposed to be courting me, along with them courting you.”
I smiled up at Damien, “As if I could forget.”
He’s eyes flashed silver before he dropped my arms and stepped back. I
looked after him, watching him grab Yuki’s hand and move with her
onto the dance floor. A very large hand dropped onto my shoulder and
I looked up to see Luke staring darkly at Damien.
“Wanna dance?”
I laughed and nodded, “Sure.”

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The Song Bird CH1

A warning to those readers who have not read my stories. I do not write graphic sex scenes. I suggest the scenario and leave it to the reader to use their imagination.

Bonnie (1)

Young mother finds herself blackmailed by her sons, who then pass her onto a much older man.

Wendy and Miss West iv

This is just a quick one. There will be more soon…
The second night of Wendy’s employment had ended after she had French kissed each and every ladies vagina and anus. The ladies had left Miss West’s office to leave the employer alone with her young employee.
Wendy was untied by Miss West and allowed to dress in front of her.
Miss West then told her she wanted to take her shopping for clothes. Instead of meeting at the office Wendy was to be outside the shopping mall on Thomson Street at 7pm. Wendy knew the mall well. She had window shopped there a lot. It was quite an exclusive mall with mainly expensive ladies clothes shops.
They met outside at the agreed time.
They walked into the first clothes shop on Miss West’s itinerary. Wendy excitedly gazed at the array of clothes. Most were way out of her normal budget but she knew tonight that didn’t matter! She brushed past racks of clothes running her fingers along the fabric as if it were a piano. She went from one rack to the next getting giddier and giddier. She picked up a long flowing dress, held it to her body and skipped to a full length mirror to admire herself.
Miss West watched Wendy in her excitement and enjoyed the child in her. She looked like a kid in a sweet shop. Miss West almost felt guilty that she was soon going to spoil her fun.
Wendy hooked the dress back and went to another dress that took her fancy. Miss West approached her and took her by the hand.
“Oh, Miss West, I love this shop! I have never seen so many nice things! I think that yellow dress with the black swirls is my favourite!” Wendy announced hurriedly pointing at the dress she had just held to her body.
“Yes Wendy, I’m sure it was very nice.” Miss West replied in a soft controlled voice. “I’m afraid you are forgetting Wendy that this is not about you. This is about me; and you doing what I want!”
Wendy’s heart sank as the excitement was taken from her so quickly. What did Miss West mean?! What was going to happen? Surely if we are out buying clothes for me it’s about what I want to wear!? Wendy thought to herself.
“Wendy, remember who you are and what you do for me!”
Wendy felt terrible. One moment she had been so happy that Miss West was going to buy her some nice clothes and now she was put in her place and reminded that she was just an employee to this wealthy women. She felt silly now that she had treated Miss West like a friend or even like her mum on a shopping trip!
Miss West let go of Wendy’s hand and instructed her to go to the changing rooms and remove every stitch of clothing and wait for her to bring something for her to try on!
Wendy blushed at being made to fell so small but remembered her duty.
“Yes Miss West, anything for you.”
She walked slowly to the changing area. There was a shop assistant stood near the changing room. What could she say to the young girl! Erm, I don’t want to try anything on but can I use the changing room! She had to think fast.
She approached the young girl slowly and nervously asked if it was ok if she waited in the changing rooms until her mum brought over some clothes she was forcing her to buy for a wedding.
The girl bought the lie and allowed her in with a friendly smile.
The changing area was large with mirrors all over. The actual rooms themselves were quite small with a tiny mirror that couldn’t be used to view a full outfit. That had to be done in the full length mirrors outside the rooms.
Wendy slipped into the furthest changing room. She pulled the curtain across and removed her clothes as instructed. She hung them up on the pegs provided and stood naked waiting for Miss West to return.
Would the shop assistant really believe that Miss West was her mum! What if Miss West said something to contradict her?!
Suddenly the curtains swung open. Miss West stood there next to the shop assistant! Both looked on at Wendy. Miss West looked on with a smile on her face as she saw Wendy’s embarrassment. The shop assistant looked on in shock as she saw the naked girl in front of her. She turned her head in embarrassment as Wendy used one hand to cup her vagina and one arm to cover her breasts.
Wendy let out a loud gasp as she squirmed whilst trying to cover herself up.
“Oh come on Wendy! We are all women, there’s nothing to be shy about!” Miss West said in a mocking voice.
Miss West had picked up several items of clothing, all of which she had given to the assistant to carry and hand to Wendy.
The assistant calmed down as she realised she had a job to do. She gave Wendy a polite smile and handed her the first item to try on.
Miss West had given the assistant strict instructions to hand one piece of clothing at a time to Wendy and had also asked if she could hang around and get any different sizes that might be needed. The girl, who worked on commission, was only to keen to help.
Miss West stepped back and took a seat outside the cubicle. Wendy dared to reach out to take the first garment from the young assistant, as she did, her breasts were exposed to the assistant and both girls blushed.
Wendy retreated behind the curtain to put on the clothes she had been offered.
“Wendy when you get it on I would like you to come out so I can see if it looks good on you.” Miss West talked loudly to Wendy. The shop assistant was still stood outside waiting to assist Wendy.
“OK.” Was Wendy’s reply.
“Excuse me Wendy? I said when you get it on I would like you to come out so I can see if it looks good on you.”
“OK!” Wendy said a little louder.
“Wendy!” Miss West almost shouted.
Wendy now knew that Miss West wanted her usual answer. How could she when there was the assistant just stood outside!
“Yes Miss West, anything for you.” Wendy eventually replied quietly.
The shop assistant looked shocked as she heard the reply! What was going on! Why would this girl call her mum Miss West!?
As Wendy took the clothes from the hanger she became weak with dread as she realised Miss West had only given her a blouse to try on! She was going to be naked on the bottom half and she had to leave the changing room and stand in front of this other girl! She put the blouse on and tried to pull it down to cover her bum and cleanly shaven vagina.
She gave a nervous cough before slowly pulling on the curtain. She left it half closed and remained in her small cubicle to allow Miss West to see her. The shop assistant could see her too and looked on and noticed how embarrassed Wendy looked.
“Come out so I can see you properly Wendy.”
There was a pause…
“Wendy?” Miss West enquired.
“Yes Miss West, anything for you.” Wendy whispered and gave Miss West a look of disgust at what she was being forced to do.
The young girl smiled as she realised Wendy was taking orders from this women. She could see how embarrassed Wendy was. She knew it wasn’t really her mum. She guessed it was either a very strict boss with a thing for her employee or maybe some weird kinky relationship. Either way it gave her twisted satisfaction to see this pretty girl squirm in her awkwardness.
Wendy left the cubicle as instructed. She kept her hands low and in front of her to try cover herself as much as possible.
“Wendy, put your hands by your side and walk up and down so I can see how it fits.”
Wendy acknowledged the instruction and did as was expected. She looked down as she walked past the assistant and quickly walked to the far end of the changing area and back again.
“No, take it off Wendy and try the next thing on, I don’t like that on you.”
Wendy felt uncomfortable with being told she didn’t look good in the blouse. She felt silly anyway but then to be told it didn’t suit her made her ordeal worse.
“Quickly Wendy! We don’t have all night!”
Wendy stepped into the changing room and took hold of the curtain.
“There’s no need for that Wendy. We have both seen you totally naked already. Leave the curtain open.
Is that OK with you?” Miss West aimed the question at the shop assistant.
“Yes of course.” She replied politely with a little smile on her face, as Wendy was made to feel even more silly.
Wendy removed the blouse and handed it to the girl. She took it and as she handed Wendy the second item she looked Wendy in the eye with an inquisitive look, as if to say; ‘what the fuck is going on here!’
Wendy looked down, knowing that the girl knew Miss West was not her mum!
The next item was a short dress. Miss West had deliberately chosen one which was not only small but also the wrong size for Wendy.
Wendy struggled to get the dress on. The young girl saw Wendy struggling and stepped forward to assist. The dress stopped so that Wendy’s upper thigh could still be seen. The top half was so tight that her breasts pushed hard on to the thin fabric, showing her nipples through it. The assistant did her job and managed to fasten the zip eventually. Her hands touched Wendy’s body as the pair of them pulled and heaved.
“Oh, well done.” Miss West clapped at the amusement. “Now take a stroll Wendy.”
“Yes Miss West, anything for you.”
Wendy walked very awkwardly in the exceptionally tight dress. As she walked the dress rode up so her entire private region was exposed once again. Wendy could feel herself on display but knew Miss West wanted it this way, so she didn’t attempt to pull it down.
The dress looked terrible on Wendy and it was hard for the assistant not to laugh at Wendy’s predicament.
Miss West could see the girl smirking and she liked this as she knew it would embarrass Wendy further.
Wendy was ordered to take off the dress. Which she did with the help of the assistant. Just as Wendy was being handed the third item Miss West noticed the shop assistants shoes.
“Ooh. Stop right there both of you!”
The assistant was shocked at how quickly she stopped and took notice of Miss West!
“Excuse me. Sorry, what’s your name please?”
“I love those shoes! Would you allow Wendy to try them on?”
The shoes were red leather with a thin strap across the front and a black high heel.
“Erm, they are my shoes and they are not for sale.” She replied.
“Please let her try them on.” Miss West held out a bank note for Rachel.
She saw the numbers, 50, printed in the top corner and quickly changed her mind!
“Oh, OK!” Rachel succumbed to the offer of money, as had Wendy.
She took them off quickly and as she handed them to Wendy. Miss West asked; “Please would you put them on for her?”
“Of course.” Rachel replied.
She bent down at Wendy’s feet and gently started to fasten her in to the first shoe.
Wendy felt quite uneasy at having this girl at her feet. Her head was only a foot or so away from her vagina.
What if she can smell me Wendy thought!
It wasn’t until Rachel had fastened the first shoe that she looked up at Wendy and suddenly realised herself how close she was to Wendy’s sex. She quickly looked back down at her task as she remembered she was dressing a naked girl. She had never been so close to another girls exposed vagina.
Rachel fastened the second shoe, stood up and took a step back, not daring to look at Wendy as she now blushed a deep red at being so close to Wendy’s nakedness.
“Ok Wendy take a walk around to see if they look good!”
She walked quite uneasily at first. Her first step almost took her to the floor in a heap. She managed to check herself and by the time she was heading back towards the two women she was getting used to them.
“Let’s try that again Wendy. Try to be a bit more elegant this time though!”
“Sorry Miss West.”
This time Wendy looked good. She moved with grace. Rachel became a little jealous at how good she looked in her shoes. The heels lifted her legs so Wendy’s already pert bum looked even harder and more toned. Her breasts jiggled firmly as she returned to her cubicle.
“Rachel what do you think? Does she look sexy in your shoes?”
Rachel paused for a long time before replying. She felt quite uneasy about commenting on what she thought of a girl she didn’t know.
“Erm, she looks great.” She replied shyly.
“Does she look sexy though!?”
“Yes…very.” Rachel replied uneasily as she thought about the commission she could earn from Miss West.
Wendy looked up sheepishly at Rachel’s comments. Their eyes met and held each others gaze for just a couple of seconds. They both knew the other was cute and sexy. Rachel was very curious as to what Wendy and Miss West were up to and Wendy felt quite sexy knowing this girl was watching her and thinking she was sexy!
“Wendy. That dress you really like. Do you really want it?”
“Oh Miss West it is lovely. If you would like me to have it then, yes.”
“OK. You can have it. Go and get it right now.”
“What, dressed like this?”
“Yes Wendy. Before I change my mind!”
“But Miss West there are lots of customers out there shopping. I can’t just go out there naked!”
“You have shoes on Wendy. Go now!” Miss West raised her voice.
“Yes Miss West, anything for you.” Wendy disappeared. She wanted the dress so badly and she wanted to do as she was told too. She was getting paid after all.
Miss West followed her out of the changing area. She wanted to see other peoples reactions and that of Wendy as all these strangers looked at her whilst being naked.
Wendy paused briefly as she got to the main shopping area. She quickly worked out the best route so she could use the racks of clothes to hide her naked body. She darted from one point to the next and went unnoticed to the far side of the shop. Wendy’s progress was being monitored by Miss West. She was slightly annoyed that Wendy hadn’t been noticed.
Wendy still had 10 meters to go to get to her dress. As she came out from behind a rack of clothes Miss West took her opportunity.
“HEY LOOK! LOOK AT THAT GIRL! SHE’S NAKED!” Miss West shouted and extended her arm to point. There wasn’t a person in the shop who did not hear her announcement.
Everybody looked at the naked girl running around the shop! Some pointed in amasement, some laughed and some tuted in disgust. One lady shouted “What are you up to! Cover yourself up you stupid little girl!”
Two men in there twenties pointed and laughed. One of them managed a wolf whistle.
Wendy froze in shock! There must have been 15 to 20 people starring at her. She felt stupid. She thought people must think she is either an exhibitionist or maybe a slut! She tried to cover her self the best she could.
The girl working behind the counter shouted; “Someone call security!”
Rachel was now watching the display. She didn’t want Wendy to be caught by security as she knew Wendy would be thrown out of the shop. How would she explain that Wendy had her shoes on? She knew if Wendy was thrown out she would loose a lot of commission too!
She shouted to the girl behind the till that she would deal with it. She summoned another assistant and asked her to help her.
The two girls approached Wendy and took an arm each. They frog marched her through the shop. They held her arms tight to control her, meaning Wendy could not cover herself at all. Wendy had goose bumps all over her body from the embarrassment. Her little nipples poked out hard and erect. She tried to squeeze her legs together to hide her labia from peoples view. Rachel deliberately didn’t take her the most direct route. She ensured Wendy was forced to walk close past people and in areas were she could be seen by everybody in the shop.
Miss West looked on as she saw what Rachel was doing. ‘Good girl!’ she thought to herself.
Wendy was horrified. She could feel strangers eyes on her body. There were young men starring at her gorgeous body and making comments on what they would like to do to her. Most of the people in the shop were female, mainly around Wendy’s age and a few years older. She felt so silly. She saw each and every one of them studying her body. Some of the girls smiled at Wendy and some just laughed. Wendy blushed but couldn’t help looking into their eyes to see if they were looking. To her dismay they were all looking!
Rachel guided Wendy towards the changing area and to her relative privacy.
She thanked the other assistant for her help and told her she would deal with it from here.
“Well done Rachel! That was fabulous!” Miss West praised her.
She then turned to Wendy. “Did you enjoy that little show Wendy!?”
“Yes Miss West, anything for you!” Wendy replied reluctantly.
Miss West and Rachel smiled at each other as Wendy blushed at her lie.
Miss West noticed Rachel was starting to enjoy Wendy’s torment. She decided to bring her down a peg or two, to make her a little uneasy.
“Rachel do you sell underwear?”
“Yes we do.”
“Could you go and get several pairs of knickers and matching bra’s please?”
She nodded and wondered off into the shop floor.
“Are you enjoying yourself Wendy?” Miss West wanted to make the most of this time alone with Wendy.
“Yes Miss West.”
“Then spread your legs for me!”
“Yes Miss West, anything for you.”
Wendy was stood just outside the cubicle and in front of Miss West. She spread her legs a little more than shoulder width apart and stood in silence while Miss West studied her naked body. Wendy still wore Rachel’s shoes which made the two women equal height.
“Lets see how much you are enjoying yourself shall we!”
Miss West maintained eye contact with Wendy as she reached down with her right hand and began to touch Wendy’s vagina. She cupped it at first and massaged it softly. Wendy was slightly damp at this sudden attention she was receiving from Miss West. Her expert fingers started to work her clitoris and soon Wendy’s juices were flowing freely. The two women looked at each other intently as Miss West excited Wendy. She swirled her fingers around Wendy’s little bud and ran her fingers up and down her slit to spread her juices. She occasionally slipped an index finger right up Wendy’s cunt. Wendy closed her eyes and breathed deeply which heightened her pleasure.
Their privacy was interrupted as Rachel returned with an array of underwear in various sizes and colours.
Miss West took a step back from Wendy leaving her there with her legs spread. The attention to her pussy had made Wendy loose concentration and it took her a moment to realise her pose. She quickly closed her legs as she noticed Rachel staring at her.
“OK. Lets see what you look like in this underwear Wendy!”
Rachel handed Wendy the first set of knickers and bra. They were white lace.
Wendy was looking forward to being able to cover herself at last. She quickly grabbed the lingerie but before she could start to put them on Miss West stopped her.
“I think it would be better if Rachel put those on for you Wendy.”
Wendy paused and first looked at Miss West and then at Rachel to see her reaction. Rachel looked at Miss West in disbelief.
“I don’t think I can do that!”
“Of course you can. You are a shop assistant and Wendy needs your assistance to get these clothes on. It’s your job to help and what’s more you will be earning a lot of commission from me this evening!”
Rachel was shocked at Miss West assertiveness. She found herself obeying her orders almost before Miss West had finished speaking.
She took the underwear from Wendy and once again bent down at her feet. She opened the knickers with both hands and offered them first to Wendy’s left leg. Wendy lifted her shoed foot and slipped it in to the opening. Rachel pulled them up to Wendy’s shin and then offered them to her right leg.
Once both feet were in Rachel lifted her body up, but remained on her knees. She nervously pulled the knickers up slowly over Wendy’s thighs. She couldn’t believe what she was doing!
Wendy now felt as though she had the upper hand on Rachel and it was here that felt silly. As Rachel pulled the knickers towards Wendy’s crotch she couldn’t help but take a quick look at Wendy’s vagina. Rachel blushed and looked away when she saw how damp it was! Eventually she managed to pull the knickers up to here waist. Holding the waist band she lifted it to the correct height on Wendy’s slim hips. She reached for the bra next.
“Ah ah! Could you please adjust Wendy’s knickers so they sit correctly!” Miss Wendy could see how hastily Rachel wanted to move on to the bra. However the knickers were slightly twisted and were not sitting perfectly around Wendy’s creases.
Wendy opened her legs slightly so Rachel could do as asked. From her kneeling position Rachel looked up and could see what she had to do. She knew she was going to have to put her fingers inside another girls knickers to pull them down, so they looked neat and tidy.
She was nervous at her task. She had never undressed or dressed another woman! She felt incredibly uncomfortable and her predicament was worsened as she looked up to see Wendy smiling down at her.
Wendy now felt she was in control and could see how exciting it could be. She began to understand why Miss West got such a kick out of being dominant.
Rachel reached out and carefully grasped the inside front of the knickers. She slid her fingers down towards Wendy’s crotch and pulled the thin fabric from Wendy’s vagina to reposition them. She re laid them softly onto Wendy’s vagina. She softly bit her bottom lip as did.
She then stood up and crouched down behind Wendy. She lifted the knickers again, this time from Wendy’s tight bum. As she re laid them she allowed her fingers to brush on Wendy’s soft skin. She was slowly becoming aroused and very curious.
Satisfied the knickers looked good she then took the bra and cupped it over Wendy’s breasts. She softly adjusted the shoulder straps, making sure she touched Wendy’s skin and then fastened the clasp. She was amazed by the softness of Wendy’s skin.
Wendy looked gorgeous in her bright red high heels and crisp white underwear. She walked around the changing room with a whole new confidence. She knew Miss West found her attractive and they had both seen each other in some very strange predicaments. Now she felt a change in the attitude between herself and Rachel. The early nervous tension was fading and the air was filled with sexual tension. If Rachel really didn’t want to be there they all knew she could just leave! This put Wendy at ease and she began to enjoy herself.
“OK. Now lets try another set of underwear.” Miss West decided. “Rachel, please carry on and assist Wendy.”
Rachel did not need telling twice. Wendy offered no help in undressing herself. She let Rachel do it all.
She stood in front on Wendy and reached right around her to unclasp the bra. There bodies did not touch but Rachel’s clothes brushed against Wendy’s sensitive skin and sent a shudder down her near naked body. She dropped the bra on the floor. She then reached to remove Wendy’s knickers. Rather than just getting hold of the fabric and pulling them down, she pushed her fingers under the waist band of the knickers and slid her hands down the smooth skin of Wendy’s hips and legs and the knickers followed.
Wendy let out a deep breath of pleasure as she felt the tender hands touching her skin.
Miss West smiled at the two girls bonding.
Rachel put on and took off two more sets of underwear onto her knew friend. Each time she did she allowed herself to touch Wendy a little more. She took time to ensure they were fitted correctly and touched Wendy in her very private places when she could. She touched her bum, her waist and her legs and put her fingers in further than needed when adjusting them. Each time she did she did it subtly. Wendy pretended she didn’t realise what she was doing and this allowed Rachel to think she was getting away with it unnoticed.
Miss West saw every move Rachel made. It reminded her of her first lesbian experience with her friend. It had happened many years ago with her best friend. They had ended up sharing a bed at her parent’s house. Miss West had pretended she was dreaming and started to stroke her friends body as she slept. Her friend, who was awake too, also pretended she was asleep and allowed herself to be touched. As her friend didn’t object Miss West had carried on. She pushed her hand under her friends pyjamas and felt her tummy and soft skin. She worked her way carefully towards her nipples expecting to be stopped at anytime. There was no objection from her friend and eventually worked down to her vagina. Neither of them spoke. They both pretended to sleep. Neither of them spoke a word and tried to keep their breathing shallow. Miss West played with her friends slit until she came. After she was finished both girls rolled over and fell asleep. They never spoke another word of it to each other. Miss West moved on to other girls after that night as her lesbian lust grew.
Seeing Rachel taking chances to touch Wendy brought a smile to her face.
“Rachel. What is your favourite type of under wear? What type are you wearing now?” Asked Miss West.
“Oh!” The question took Rachel by surprise. “Erm, I’m wearing a g-string at the moment.”
Rachel was wearing a tight skirt so the g-string ensured she didn’t have a panty line.
“Would you let Wendy try it on?”
Rachel was caught in the moment. Miss West didn’t know who was most surprised with Rachel’s reply.
“Sure.” She said easily. She was already turned on by dressing and undressing Wendy. The whole situation of Miss West dominating this young girl and seeing this fit girl naked and embarrassed made her want to experience more.
She slipped into the open cubicle, hitched up her skirt and pulled down her knickers with a wiggle of her bum.
She covered her legs with her skirt again and bent down to put the knickers on Wendy.
As she adjusted the knickers each woman had there own private thought about the two girls juices mixing on the thin fabric of the g-string. It was such an intimate act to share ‘dirty’ knickers Rachel thought.
Miss West approached Rachel. The three of them were very close to each other now. There faces at near equal heights.
“Rachel, are you aroused?” Miss West enquired.
“Yes, a little!” Rachel replied slightly embarrassed.
The women lowered there voices to a whisper.
“Would you like to kiss Wendy?”
A shy nervous smile appeared on Rachel’s face and a warm surge rushed between her legs at the question.
Wendy was excited too. She now found women attractive and Rachel was a beautiful young girl. She would love to be forced to do things with her she thought to herself. She listened in with anticipation.
“Yes.” Rachel said quietly.
Miss West pushed the two girls gently into the cubicle. They stood inches from each other. Neither of them spoke or touched. They waited for Miss West‘s instructions. They both had butterflies in their stomachs, Rachel’s legs were like jelly.
Miss West ran her hands through both of the girls hair simultaneously. Her hands came to rest at the back of their heads. She slowly forced their faces together. The girls steadied themselves by resting their hands on each others hips.
Their lips met softly. They took it slowly and barely made contact. Wendy bit gently on Rachel’s bottom lip and then sucked it tenderly. Rachel smiled and as her mouth opened Wendy explored it with her tongue. Their tongues pushed against each others as they massaged each others mouths. Their soft tongues whisped over each others and each felt the others breath on their face.
The kiss lasted less than a minute. Miss West looked on longingly at the site of two such pretty girls sharing an intimate kiss. Her loins became warm as she lusted over this new girl she had just met. She still thought Wendy was beautiful and a perfect employee but Rachel had something she craved. Maybe it was her pretty face or gorgeous figure. Maybe it was that she reminded her of herself when she was younger.
The kiss broke and both girls gazed into each others eyes. It had been Rachel’s first kiss with a girl. Wendy was now experienced compared to her new friend! Rachel’s face beamed. It was such a tender kiss she thought. Much softer than when she had kissed boys. Wendy had enjoyed it too. It had been nice for her to share a lesbian experience with somebody as naive as herself rather than with a dominant older women.
Miss West wanted more.
“Rachel, what else would you like to do with Wendy?”
Rachel, slightly flustered and worried about being caught by somebody, replied shyly;
“Nothing. I think I should get back to work.”
“Now, now Rachel, please don’t rush off just yet! Wendy, is there anything you would like to do to Rachel?”
Wendy now got her chance to make Rachel uneasy.
“Oh Miss West. I would love to do something with her!” Wendy looked Rachel in the eye and gave her a cute smile. She licked her lips seductively and pouted at Rachel.
Rachel blushed at being looked at like this by Wendy.
“I would love to kiss her again Miss West; but not on the lips…” She spoke softly now and almost whispered; “down there!” Wendy shifted her gaze momentarily towards Rachel’s lower half.
Rachel tried to step back in shock but the cubicle restricted her. She let out a quick, high pitched gasp at Wendy’s comment.
“Ooh yes. That would be lovely wouldn’t it Rachel?” Added Miss West.
“Err, no I don’t think so. I really need to get back to work!” Rachel spoke hurriedly and with panic. She became quite flustered.
“Well young lady how are you going to explain to your boss that Wendy is wearing your shoes and your g-string!” Miss West stated.
“Oh she must not find out! Please! Please can I just have them back?” Rachel panicked.
“Of course you can. Once you have turned around and hitched up your skirt!”
“Oh please don’t make me do that! I will do anything but that! I don’t want her to kiss me down there! I’m not a lesbian!”
“Well you have two choices. You either let her kiss you down there or I go and see your boss right now!”
“Oh please! I need this job so much! What would you want her to do to me?”
“I want you to turn and face the wall. Then I want you to hitch your skirt up above your bum. Then I want you to spread your legs a little. Then I want you to reach round and spread your bum cheeks so Wendy can see your tight little bum hole. On my command she will then French Kiss your anus!” Miss West spoke softly but with authority. It made Rachel feel as though she had no choice but to obey.
Wendy looked on with great pleasure as Rachel succumbed to Miss West’s power and then shrivel in fear and embarrassment at the thought of the inevitable.
Rachel was relieved she didn’t have to do the kissing down there but she really didn’t fancy a girl touching her privates like that. She didn’t want to go with another girl anyway and definitely not at work or while another woman looked on!
“Oh come on Rachel let’s get it over and done with! We don’t have all night!”
Rachel obeyed. She faced the wall. Struggled to get her tight skirt over her tight bum and then shifted her feet apart.
“Come on, let her see your anus Rachel!” Miss West mocked.
Slowly she placed her hands on her bum cheeks and spread them very slightly.
“Ok Wendy get on your knees and study Rachel’s little anus!”
Wendy, still wearing the g-string and feeling very turned on, bobbed down and perched on her knees with her face just inches from Rachel’s behind.
Wendy gazed at the little hole in front of her and Miss West gazed at the beautiful scene in front of her. One young girl about to have her anus mouthed by another girl for the first time and one girl about to taste yet another female. Miss West had high hopes for Wendy. She thought they had a good relation ship ahead of them, playing this daring role play and carrying out her fantasies in various locations and with various women.
Rachel stood in silence. She could feel two pairs of eyes staring at her in this intimate position. She felt humiliated and exposed. She froze waiting for that first touch from Wendy’s mouth. Although she was scared she had never felt so excited in all her life. She had a mass of mixed emotions and her vagina became wet and her little anus ached with anticipation.
“Wendy, kiss Rachel.”
“Yes Miss West, anything for you!”
The words of command and Wendy’s answer added to Rachel’s fear and she let out a gasp.
Wendy couldn’t believe how easy it had had been for Miss West to break Rachel and get her to agree to this!
Wendy placed her hands on Rachel’s and encouraged her to spread herself further. Rachel’s crevice opened and Wendy moved her mouth to Rachel’s hole.
She laid a couple of soft kisses around Rachel’s rim which caused the young girl to shudder at the sensitivity of her skin in such a private place. Wendy continued to kiss her rim and then started to flick at Rachel’s hole with her tongue.
Rachel couldn’t believe the sensation. She had felt nothing like it. She was so tender and sensitive and it was hard to deny how pleasurable it felt.
Wendy was soft at first. She built the pleasure up slowly. She moved in and out from the hole to the rim. Flicking and kissing.
Miss West also not wanting to get caught decided to speed things up a little. She laid her hand on the back of Wendy’s head and pushed her face harder into Rachel.
Wendy took the hint and began to vigorously French Kiss Rachel. She pushed her tongue hard and deep into Rachel and made the kiss sloppy. She slurpt at the tight anus with lips and tongue, sucking and probing.
Rachel began to rock her hips back and forth as the motion took her into a distant place. She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. She fought hard to make sure she didn’t let out a scream of pleasure. She thought pleasant thoughts. She tried to deny to herself what was really happening.
Wendy loved the taste of Rachel. She knew from her previous two nights work when a woman was enjoying herself. She thrived on making Rachel turned on. To break another girl in! To take a girls lesbian virginity! She lapped faster and harder and tugged at Rachel’s cheeks to get in deeper and deeper.
Miss West pushed harder on Wendy’s head as she too was taken by the experience. She had never seen Wendy so eager to please another woman. She was also impressed by Rachel. She appeared to be enjoying having a girl tongue her arse. She stroked Rachel’s face and smiled. To her surprise Rachel looked into her eyes and smiled back. She was almost in a trance as Wendy worked her into a frenzy.
Suddenly Miss West ragged the curtain closed and stood back from the cubicle. She coughed falsely and in a panic said “Come on Wendy chop chop!”
There was another shop assistant entering the changing area with another customer.
Wendy and Rachel realised at the same time what was happening! Rachel closed her legs and attempted to pull down her skirt. Wendy stayed on her knees and kept hold of Rachel’s cheeks. She quickly lifted a finger to her lips to gesture to Rachel to keep quiet.
Rachel froze. Wendy, much to Rachel’s astonishment, stopped licking her anus but gently laid kisses on to Rachel’s soft bum cheeks. She shook her head for Wendy to stop. Wendy looked up and smiled. She gave her a few more kisses and then stood up and slowly and quietly turned Rachel around to face her. Again she gestured for her to keep quiet. They could both hear the other people outside. Wendy moved in to kiss Rachel on her lips. Rachel pulled away. She put her mouth to Wendy’s ear and whispered.
“I thought you only did it because she forced you”?
Wendy copied Rachel and whispered in her ear.
“Yes. Normally I just do as I am told. But, but you are different. I think you are lovely!”
Rachel was stunned. She was flattered that Wendy found her attractive but nervous too at their predicament.
She did not pull away when Wendy tried to kiss her again.
They shared a slow gentle quiet kiss. Only they would know about it. It was such a loving kiss and the secret made it so sexy both girls thought to themselves. They broke the kiss and they stood there in silence and waited.
Rachel allowed herself to explore Wendy’s body with her eyes. She studied her face and neck line. Her shoulders and arms. Wendy had a perfect body and felt exhilarated to have had such an affect on this young girl.
Rachel’s gaze fell to Wendy’s breasts and her eyes circled Wendy’s nipples and then down to her tummy button.
Wendy took Rachel’s hands and lifted them slowly towards her. She placed them on her shoulders and slowly guided them down to her breast. Rachel caressed them and gently squeezed Wendy’s breasts. Both girls looked at each other and smiled shyly.
At that moment Miss West coughed again and tugged on the curtain. The girls moved fast and managed to pull away before Miss West could see their touches.
“OK. I think it’s time we left Wendy. Rachel, thank you very much for your time. We will take three of the dresses Wendy liked. Could you get three different colours please. We will also take two sets of each of the sets of underwear Wendy tried on.”
“OK. Erm, what about my shoes and erm, underwear?” Rachel asked nervously.
Miss West leaned in and whispered to Rachel;
“You may take Wendy’s shoes for now. If you would like yours back you may call around at my house to pick them up next weekend! I will give you my address. As for the g-string, I’m sure you’ll agree it looks so good on Wendy!”
Rachel smiled and disappeared to pick out the clothes Miss West had asked for.
Un be known to Miss West Wendy had heard what she said. She felt strangely jealous. Rachel had only just met Miss West and already she was being invited to her house! Wendy had never been invited and she had known Miss West for two days now!
“Wendy, put on this dress.” Miss West handed Wendy a dress that she had not tried on yet. It was exceptionally short and tight. Wendy, still in the cubicle slipped the dress on and checked herself out in the full length mirrors outside. The dress was so short you could see the bottom of her bum cheeks as she walked. She picked up the clothes she had arrived in and followed Miss West to the check out. People stopped and stared as the couple walked through the shop. Some stared as they recognised the ‘naked’ girl and some stared at the shortness of the dress!
Rachel met them at the checkout, scanned the dress Wendy was wearing and bagged up the remainder of the clothes. Miss West paid for the goods and slipped a card to Rachel with her home address on.
Miss West and Wendy left the store and Wendy continued to feel tense as peoples eyes fell on her ridiculously short dress.
It was almost time for the ladies to depart. They did a little more window shopping and chatted freely.
At 10pm Miss West turned to Wendy.
“That’s it. Times up. Are you ok to make your own way home?”
“Yes Miss West.”
“Wendy next week I am working away from home so I will not need your services.”
Wendy felt almost disappointed. Not only did she need the money but she almost liked being Miss West’s play thing.
Miss West continued. “Instead I wonder if you could come to my house next weekend?”
Wendy didn’t hesitate. “Yes Miss West, anything for you!” Wendy’s weekends were precious. She worked to earn money to spend at the weekend. Her main reason to go out was to look for a boyfriend. But now, with her body being used as a toy by Miss West and her friends, the need for a boyfriend faded. She was living a sexual fantasy well beyond her belief.
She couldn’t wait for next weekend…..and didn’t Miss West ask Rachel to call round to pick up her shoes….?

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